Regarding the changes An Liang said, Theodore just replied calmly,"The Bald Eagle has been in our country for more than ten years. They not only win over the top brass of our court, but also penetrate into all aspects of the grassroots."

"For example, our patrol system is almost completely open to bald eagles. In some cities far away from the capital, the corresponding patrol systems will even directly take orders from bald eagles."Theodore added.

What Theodore means is that Bald Eagle has a very strong control over Guria and has withstood the test of time. Even if Anliang's strength is strong enough, Guria is currently biased towards Bald Eagle. It is still very difficult for Ying's forces to switch sides.

"Mr. Theodore did not understand what I meant. An Liang replied calmly. He understood what Theodore meant, but Theodore didn't seem to understand what he meant. Anliang didn't try to be mysterious. He explained directly,"The situation described by Mr. Theodore, in the final analysis, is actually the reason." Even though Guiyar is too poor and cannot even guarantee the basic living needs of the patrol system staff, the problems that occur in the patrol system are actually understandable."

Theodore remained silent and did not refute, because what Anliang said makes sense.

If the financial budget of the Guiyang court is sufficient and the staff of the patrol system are well treated, although the corruption of the bald eagle cannot be completely eliminated, at least the corrupted personnel will be Significantly reduced?

"The opportunity to change this situation is now in front of Mr. Theodore, and I believe that with Mr. Theodore's correction, these situations will be alleviated."An Liang was hating Theodore again.

Theodore was not dizzy by An Liang's simple praise. He said rationally,"I'm still not optimistic about your confrontation with the bald eagle."

"But you are right, this is indeed an opportunity. Without this opportunity, we are destined to be controlled by the bald eagle. With this opportunity, we can at least resist."Theodore seemed to be trying to conquer himself.

An Liang affirmatively agreed,"You really need a chance. As for whether we can fight the bald eagle, that's our business. In addition, Mr. Theodore really underestimated us. We are not as weak as Mr. Theodore imagined."

"Hope you are really strong! Theodore responded,"What do you need me for?""

"Nothing is needed."An Liang responded

"Don’t you want me to support the Simang Iron Mine?"Theodore tempted

"Regarding the transfer of property rights of Ximang Iron Mine, Mr. Theodore's lack of objection is his greatest support. An Liang responded,"We have indeed reached an agreement with Mr. Det. Mr. Det will resolve the matter of the Simang Iron Mine.""

"Mr. Theodore is different from Mr. Deit, and our expectations for Mr. Theodore are different from Mr. Deit. After all, Mr. Deit is ready to go into exile anytime and anywhere. We cannot ask too much for Mr. Deit.."An Liang said jokingly.

Theodore secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His test just now was actually to see what An Liang would choose.

If An Liang wanted him to help Det promote the transfer of the property rights of Simang Iron Mine, then Theodore If you want to do more, you must consider whether to cooperate with Anliang.

As a patriot, Theodore does not want to participate in the transfer of property rights of Ximang Iron Mine, because Theodore knows very well that once he participates, it means that he is no longer a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Li Faction.

When Theodore is not a neutral faction, the structure of the Guilian court will change again, which may even cause a series of chain reactions and directly collapse the Guilian court.

In order to avoid such a situation, Theo Duo Ziran does not want to participate in the property rights transfer of the Simang Iron Mine.

Now Anliang has given a clear answer, saying that he will not let Theodore participate in the transfer of the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine. This represents Anliang’s attitude towards the situation of the Guilian court. Very understanding, which also means that An Liang is very aware of matters in the court field.

Since the partner is very familiar with matters in the court field and has relevant wisdom, Theodore naturally no longer rejects cooperation with An Liang

"Thank you for your understanding."Theodore responded politely.

An Liang heard Theodore's change in attitude, and he smiled and replied,"That's right! After all, we are partners. I don’t want Mr. Theodore to cause trouble for me, and Mr. Theodore certainly doesn’t want me to cause trouble."

Theodore laughed. He likes to cooperate with smart people.

If he cooperates with idiots, who knows if he will be dragged down by idiot teammates?

"Mysterious sir, I have one more small request."Theodore spoke.

"Please say."An Liang motioned to Theodore to explain first.

If it is really just a small request, An Liang would definitely not mind agreeing to it.

After all, the two parties are about to reach a strategic cooperative relationship, and An Liang really needs a nail driven into Guria, so that he can Internal attempts were made to control the situation in Guria.

An Liang liked to be prepared with both hands. Even if he found another way to fight against the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau, An Liang did not give up the method of using magic to defeat magic.

However, if Theodore's request is very It's too much, and Anliang doesn't have any countermeasures!

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