The two issues listed by Theodore are both issues considered from Anliang’s perspective.

"If you choose our Konark port, these problems will not exist. We will give you priority in providing berths, storage spaces, hoisting resources, etc., and provide the fastest customs clearance and inspection services."Theodore expressed the advantages of Konark Port in a comparative way.

Theodore continued to add,"We can also subsidize part of your railway construction costs, and the relevant subsidies will be offset by the corresponding costs of Konark Port."

Theodore means that the biggest reason Anliang considers Monvia is that the cost of building railways is lower, so they will subsidize some of the railway construction costs.

"At the same time, we can give you the right to operate the corresponding railway line for a certain period of time to make up for your expenses related to railway construction. However, the corresponding expenses incurred by us when using the railway are still deducted from the export tax of Simang iron ore and the fees of Konark port." Theodore’s additional explanation

"In order to ensure the safety of the railway, we can also allow you to establish some security protection measures along the railway line, and allow you to invest in equipment, including drones, to patrol the railway line."Theodore proposed more preferential conditions.

Faced with Theodore's sincere proposal, Anliang felt that he could not refuse.

If he chooses Konak Port, in addition to the benefits listed by Theodore, there is another most critical one The reason is that it can win the trust of allies and bring them closer.

An Liang smiled and replied,"Mr. Theodore, you have given too much. If we refuse again, it will seem unkind, so we We initially agree to your request and use Konark Port as a sea port. As for the specific details, we will discuss them later."

"After all, if we don’t get the property rights to the Simang Iron Mine, what’s the point of discussing subsequent cooperation now?"Anliang added.

The so-called selection of Konak port, construction of corresponding railways, specific railway lines, and specific cooperation with related funds, etc., all need to be based on the Simang Iron Mine.

Theodore responded affirmatively,"No problem. Mr. Mysterious, I will warm up the introduction of agricultural planting bases next. Do you need my cooperation?

An Liang responded in denial,"We should be cooperating with you." Mr. Theodore, just warm up the agricultural planting base. When you are ready, we can cooperate with you to complete the agricultural planting base."

Distant Guria.

When the two sides ended the exchange, Theodore, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Guileian court, took a long breath.

Theodore whispered to himself:"This is indeed an opportunity!"

After saying that, Theodore's eyes became firm. Since he has chosen this opportunity, he must give it a go.

Theodore is indeed a patriot. He does not want Guria to perish, so he will inevitably choose to go with An Liang cooperates.

Although Theodore does not know the saying of the Xia Kingdom,"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits", Theodore knows that after An Liang and the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau confront each other, Jilia will definitely benefit.

Xia Kingdom, Shengqing.

After Anliang and Theodore finished their exchange, he took a deep breath and complained,"None of these guys are simple. However, this guy Theodore could not bear to mention the equity distribution of Simang Mine."

Before, Dete kicked this issue to Theodore, but now Theodore never mentioned this matter, as if he didn't realize it at all.

But Anliang knew that Theodore must be aware of it, but Theodore At first, Theodore kicked the ball back and asked Dieter to deal with this issue.

If Dieter did not deal with this issue, he might become a traitor in public opinion.

It must be said that the two They are all old foxes!

However, this is a normal situation. One of the two is the chief minister of the Guiyang court, and the other is the minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. How can you expect them to have cerebral palsy?

It is impossible even if you think about it!

Only old foxes like this are now Image is their true face

‘I hope these two old foxes will put the blame on each other and eventually let us have all the shares in the Simang Iron Mine! ' An's mind was filled with malicious thoughts.

Two old foxes who don’t want to offend either of them, then don’t blame him for being greedy.

It's nearly five o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang dialed Li Xiyan's number, and while waiting for the connection, An Liang asked casually,"Honey, what time will you get off work today?""

"It seems like I have to work overtime again today. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang complained directly,"Shengqing TV Station really treats you like a leek?""

"Hi, I applied for overtime myself. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang couldn't complain,"Why are you working overtime again?""

"There is a news to cover. It was originally a good thing for good people, but now the situation is a bit complicated. We are rushing to the scene."Li Xiyan said simply

"What kind of good things do good people do?" An Liang became curious.

Li Xiyan explained in detail,"At around three o'clock this afternoon, a delivery boy in Huanxi rescued a child who fell from the fourth floor. This was originally a good thing. That's a good thing, but now the delivery boy is being asked for compensation by the children's parents, so the problem has become more complicated."

"etc!"An Liang seemed to feel that he had misheard what Li Xiyan said.

"You mean the delivery boy saved a child who fell from the fourth floor, but the child’s parents demanded compensation from the delivery boy, right? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan answered affirmatively,"I also think it's outrageous, but the news I received is this. We are rushing to the scene and will tell you more specific information when we arrive at the scene later.""

"It is indeed outrageous!"An Liang complained.

Is this considered repaying a favor with a grudge?

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