"Honey, give me a specific address. I also want to go over and see what this weird thing is."An Liang said he wanted to go over and see the excitement, but actually he wanted to go over and accompany Li Xiyan.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Hang up now and I'll send you the location. Li Xiyan responded.

After Li Xiyan hung up the phone, she sent the location information to An Liang.

An Liang directly imported the location information into the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and let the flying motorcycle's intelligent flight control system drive automatically.

On the road At that time, An Liang checked the message sent by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. Renyi Security Company had arranged a confidential route, and would transport a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus to Guria through the confidential route and handed it over to the chief minister Dete.

An Liang responded to the message casually.

‘No. 0: You closely monitor target No. 1. After the Thousand-Year Astragalus is delivered, if the other party wants to hack our Thousand-Year Astragalus, then kill the other party directly!’

‘No. 4: Received. '

Although Anliang and Chief Minister Deit have reached a cooperation agreement, the cooperation agreement between the two parties does not have any legal protection and is only a verbal agreement.

Even if the verbal agreement between the two parties is very nice, it cannot change the nature of the lack of guarantees.

So in order to prevent Chief Minister Det from doing something irrational, Anliang naturally took precautions.

Anliang has always adhered to the following principles: You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

Anliang hopes to cooperate smoothly with the chief minister Deite, and he is also willing to pay 20 tablets of thousand-year-old astragalus.

Although the thousand-year-old astragalus is very precious in the outside world, for Anliang, the thousand-year-old astragalus is already a product of elimination, because Anliang owns the golden Tai Sui with better effects.

It's just that the existence of Golden Tai Sui is kept secret, and only very few people know about it.

So when Chief Minister Daite expressed that he wanted thousand-year-old astragalus, Anliang didn't care about paying him the precious thousand-year-old astragalus.

However, if Chief Minister Det wanted to cause trouble, Anliang wouldn't mind teaching him how to behave.

At present, Renyi Security Company has developed local forces in most countries and regions around the world, including the Kingdom of Gaul. There are also branches of Renyi Security Company and developed local forces.

If the chief minister really hacked An Liang's thousand-year-old astragalus, An Liang would be able to capture him even if he ran to the Kingdom of Gaul!

It’s nearly six o’clock in the afternoon, Huanxi.

While in mid-air, An Liang had already seen the news interview scene on the ground, because there was a large group of people surrounding it, and these people must be watching the excitement.

The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed in a temporary parking space near the news scene. The young people passing by took a few more glances at the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle.

With the popularity of flying motorcycles on the Internet, it has now replaced supercars as the eye-catcher. When a flying motorcycle is parked on the roadside, its attention far exceeds that of supercars.

An Liang got off the cockpit of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and walked towards the news interview site. Since there were too many people at the news interview site, An Liang did not squeeze in.

On the periphery of the news interview site, An Liang casually asked a young man next to him,"Brothers, what happened here?"

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, the young man talked non-stop. After all, what about the guys watching the excitement? Wouldn’t you like to share the excitement?

After the young man's explanation, An Liang understood what happened. The general situation was similar to what Li Xiyan said, but there were some additional details.

For example, there is no public safety monitoring system where the incident occurred, and there is no road traffic safety monitoring system nearby. Therefore, in this case, no one can prove the truth or falsehood of the other party's statement.

The delivery boy insisted that he was doing a good deed. He said that when he was delivering food, he saw a child on the fourth floor balcony climbing over the railing and was about to fall, so he rushed over to catch the child who fell.

However, the child's parents insisted that the problem was with the delivery boy, saying that it was impossible for his child to climb over the balcony railing. The delivery boy must have done something to attract the child, which caused the child to climb over the railing and fall downstairs.

Since the child was frightened, he did not say why he fell.

So things reached a deadlock

"Guys, which one do you think is the problem?"The young man watching the excitement asked An Liang.

An Liang replied casually,"I trust the delivery boy more."

"Why?"The young people watching the excitement were curious.

"Unless the child who fell had an intellectual disability, how could he possibly climb over the balcony fence because of the delivery boy?"An Liang said analytically.

"Head to head! I think so too, that woman is simply unreasonable."The young people watching the fun complained.

The young people watching the fun continued to add,"I also heard a gossip"

"What gossip?"An Liang expressed that he also wanted to hear gossip.

Even An Liang could not escape the gossip nature of human beings.

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