An Liang directly instructs the Life Winner System in his mind to open the [Mysterious Gift Package]. An Liang really didn't take the reward obtained from a random event to heart.

In An Liang's view, the reward for this kind of random event will most likely be a box of Ultimate Experience 001 or similar rewards. If it lasts, it will just be a high-end consumer cashback card.

An Liang has no special expectations for these rewards, they are just small adjustments in life.


‘Mysterious reward: Congratulations to the host for obtaining [research and development results that are not doing business properly]】’

‘Special note: This award is provided by Wu Chunsheng, chief technical expert of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. '

? ? ?

R&D results that are not doing business?

Or was it provided by Wu Chunsheng?

Wu Chunsheng is the chief technical expert of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He has developed a complete set of technologies for graphene lithium-ion batteries. Starting from making graphene and ending with graphene lithium-ion batteries, Wu Chunsheng developed the entire set of technologies.

Currently, in order to develop the second-generation graphene lithium-ion battery and research graphene aluminum-ion batteries, Wu Chunsheng has resigned as CEO of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and handed over the corresponding work to the heads of various departments. , and then coordinated by Zhao Wanxi.

Under such circumstances, will Wu Chunsheng still engage in any research and development that is not his real job?

Is this really a reward?

An Liang said that he had many question marks.

An Liang immediately sent a message to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: Wanxi, how is the group's recent situation?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Everything is going well for the group, and every project is developing smoothly, including the Titan project, which is also accelerating.’

‘An Liang: What about Lao Wu’s project?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Lao Wu said before that there was progress, but there was no substantial breakthrough. '

No substantial breakthrough?

Does that mean you are really not doing your job properly?

An Liang did not reveal to Zhao Wanxi that Wu Chunsheng might not be doing his job properly. Seeing Li Xiyan walking over, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi explained the situation and ended the exchange.

"Has it been dealt with? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan nodded happily,"It's taken care of. Lao Pan will lead the team back. The follow-up work will also be handled by Lao Pan. We will leave directly.""

"Where are they both?"An Liang asked Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing.

Li Xiyan suddenly responded in a low voice with a slightly red face,"They are working overtime today."

"It would be great!"An Liang directly took Li Xiyan's jade-white little hand and walked towards the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, and then set the Muling Mountain Peak Hotel as the destination.

On the way, An Liang told Qin Tianxiang to book a room.

Although An Liang was in danger Although he has premonition ability, he still takes full security measures.

For example, booking a room is all done by the security personnel of Renyi Security Company. After the room is booked, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company will conduct a comprehensive inspection. So as to ensure that there are no problems.

In the executive suite of Mulingshan Summit Hotel, An Liang chose the shooter position and entered the league game with Xiao Meng's new assistant Li Xiyan.

This game lasted for more than half an hour, and in the end the shooter position was Winning a complete victory over Carrier, the cute little assistant withstood a lot of output from the shooter teammates. At nearly 7:30 in the evening, Li Xiyan nestled in An Liang's arms, and she yawned a little lazily.

An Liang asked casually ,"Baby, are you going home tonight?" Li

Xiyan responded quickly,"If I want to go back, my mother will go back at night. If I don't go back, she will definitely ask."

An Liang did not force Li Xiyan to stay,"Then what shall we eat at night?" Auntie and classmate Yao, have they eaten? Li

Xiyan smiled evilly,"Qiqi and Yuqing were eating vegetable and chicken breast salad with my mother in the evening. They were secretly telling me just now that they wanted to order takeout, but they felt embarrassed.""

An Liang also knows how hard Liu Ling, the beautiful witch, works to maintain her figure. Her dinner is basically vegetable salad with chicken breast, boiled shrimps, or boiled eggs and other light meals.

Such a dinner is not suitable for those who are already in shape. For Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing, who fell in love with the spicy flavor of Shengqing, it was a complete ordeal.

"that..."Li Xiyan added hesitantly,"Qiqi and Yuqing are asking me if they can come out with us for some supper?"

An Liang complained,"These two light bulbs are really bright, they don't realize it at all. Right?"

Li Xiyan said coquettishly,"Hey, are they really not full?"

"Okay, okay, what shall we have for dinner?" An Liang asked Li Xiyan.

Li Xiyan thought for a moment before responding,"I saw in everyone's reviews that the Frog in the Well restaurant has launched a new charcoal-grilled bullfrog dish. It looks delicious. Let's go over and try it?"

"Okay, I'll make a call to Frog in the Well and stop by for a meal."An Liang replied with a smile.

Frog in the Well is the only restaurant in the Bai Yujing Club in the sky opened by Wu Zhengfeng, who is not an official member of the Imperial Capital Circle. Is it okay for An Liang to go there and have a king's meal?

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