It was just after eight o'clock in the evening, in the summer private room of the Frog in the Well restaurant.

An Liang and Li Xiyan arrived first.

The Frog Restaurant in the Well is located in Muling Mountain. It only takes two or three minutes to fly from the Muling Mountain Pinnacle Hotel on a deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle.

In the box, Li Xiyan sat next to An Liang. She was watching the work group of Shengqing TV News Channel.

Pan Jialong, the team leader of the photography team, reported the work progress to Li Xiyan.

The local news on the Shengqing TV News Channel is broadcast at 6:30 every evening. The news interviewed by Li Xiyan today has passed the broadcast time, so it should be broadcast tomorrow.

However, Shengqing TV also has an online account. This piece of news slandering takeaway riders will be broadcast through the online account in advance, but the number of views is very small.

After all, Shengqing TV’s online account has very few followers, and since it is local news in Shengqing, most outsiders won’t pay attention at all.

A few minutes later, Li Xiyan put away her phone. She said happily,"Lao Pan has finished his work. The news will be broadcast tomorrow. By the way, you said before that you will get a bonus for being brave. Do you really get this bonus?"

An Liang He responded affirmatively,"Yes! We at AXA are planning to set up this bonus. This time we plan to give the delivery boy a 100,000 yuan bonus for bravery and bear the related medical expenses of the delivery boy."

Li Xiyan's eyes lit up,"This can also be used as a news report. Can I include your AXA Construction report?"

"Of course, this is a way for AXA Construction to reflect its social responsibility."An Liang replied with a smile.

Shengqing is the foundation of Lao An's family, and An Liang naturally hopes that Ansheng Construction will win a good reputation in Shengqing.

In addition, An Liang's investment in Shengqing is also increasing, such as the life of Shiliwan The scientific research center, according to An Liang's ambition, will become the forefront of the global life sciences field in the future.

In addition to the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center, An Liang is considering establishing a brand new scientific research project in Shengqing.

An Liang is not a miser, he is The master of money, he prefers to turn money into resources instead of storing it.

At present, both Anxin Bank and Anxin Investment Company are on the right track, and they can bring huge benefits to Anliang every year. An

Liang is now not only planning to turn funds into resources, but also planning to invest funds in scientific research fields, such as the field of life sciences currently in progress.

There are also research in other cutting-edge physics fields, and the main direction is chosen Quantum science, nuclear physicists, superconductivity and magnetic levitation, as well as the field of communications.

These are the areas that Anliang is ready to bet on.

According to Anliang's plan, the next stage will mainly develop carbon-based chips, ternary computers, and then storage. The second and even third generation graphene lithium-ion batteries in the energy field.

In the next two stages, quantum computers extended from quantum science have become the main research and development direction.

The second is nuclear physics.

At present, Anliang already has the fourth generation nuclear power plant in his hands. Technology, although the presence of Dream Future Energy Group is very low, in fact Dream Future Energy Group has mastered the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology.

However, the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology is still only in the field of fission, but the utilization rate of nuclear fuel is higher. It’s just safer and more stable, and it has not entered the field of nuclear fusion.

An Liang has never given up the idea of ​​further development in the field of nuclear physics, such as breaking the shackles of forever fifty years and letting nuclear fusion go from legend. into reality.

As for the fields of superconductivity and magnetic levitation, they are also areas that Anliang wants to bet on, because they are the core of the next two stages.

Taking superconducting materials as an example, Dream Future Energy Group currently controls the fourth If the next-generation nuclear power plant technology and superconducting technology are available, it will be possible to build an extremely large unified power grid system.

If the cross-era technology of magnetic levitation can be brought from science fiction to the real world, the level of human development will be greatly reduced. Significant improvement.

The last communication field is also a top priority in the future. Taking the Guardian series robots as an example, if there is a fundamental breakthrough in communication technology, then the Guardian series robots can be connected to the cloud network at any time, which will further improve the protection The application value of the robot series.

However, these plans are long-term plans, and they are very expensive. For the time being, they can only stay in Anliang's mind and cannot be implemented immediately.

One of Anliang's plans was implemented in Shengqing project, but it is still under investigation, because the implementation of each of the above projects involves huge interests, and even An Liang needs to treat it with caution. An Liang retracted his divergent thinking, he pinched Li Xiyan's little face, The reminder said,"Please remember to remind the audience when reporting that although there are bonuses for acting bravely, we remind everyone to protect their own safety when acting bravely."

You have to act according to your ability!

If you encounter a gun-wielding gangster, the probability of meeting such a person in Xia Country is relatively low. After all, Xia Country is not a bald eagle.

If you meet a knife-wielding gangster, you still have to give priority to protecting your own safety. , to avoid being taken away with a knife when you act bravely.

AXA Construction will indeed provide bonuses for acting bravely, but people have been taken away, so what’s the use of having bonuses?

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