However, Su Yun was not in a hurry.

Instead, he stayed at the headquarters of the Puyu Group and checked the company's accounts with Qin Jinhua and Qin Li.

"Hmph, this Liang Jing is really bold.

"Dare to do this kind of thing!" In

addition to the few pieces of criminal evidence on Weibo.

What was found out from the company's accounts was even more shocking!!

so serious that if you said it, the whole book would be in danger of being sealed...

Su Yun dismissed the relevant handling personnel

and all of Liang Jing's cronies

in accordance with the law!

Except for those counts.

Puyu Group also owes a lot of companies about tens of millions of foreign debts.

This matter is naturally handled by the heavy gold group.

Qin Li and Qin Jinhua stayed in Puyu.

And Su Yun left the company with Zhu Shizhong and returned to the hospital.


The episode doesn't end there.

After learning that Liang Jing was completely besieged and killed.

Although Guan Liangshi left Puyu, he could not abandon the case halfway.

He still had to defend Liang De.

And Liang De's guy is locked up in the hospital, scolding people every day, and he doesn't know that his father's group has been sold.

At this moment,

Guan Liangshi was standing in the hospital room.

Told Liang De about it.


Liang De's eyes widened.

He couldn't say a word.

The previous madness and arrogance have all disappeared without a trace...

"You're saying that Dad sold the company... Sold for a lot of money?"


"We lost completely.

Liang De's pupils were constricting.

He had just undergone retinal surgery and his nose was wrapped in gauze.

Sitting on the hospital bed,




Losing to Su Yun!!

he will still be sentenced

! In this battle, there is no chance to turn over!


Howling, crying and fussing in the ward, for a while, because of his poor physical condition, he fainted.

Doctors rushed in to the rescue.

Guan Liangshi sighed and turned to leave the ward.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to knock down Chen Yunshang in one fell swoop.


, he was not even qualified to show his face, and he

was directly condemned as a failure

! Guan Liangshi was unwilling!!

but he couldn't deny that Chen Yunsheng's strategy was a move ahead of him at every step

! Guan Liangshi couldn't parry it at all!

This... Is that Chen Yunsheng's real strength?


, looking at the whole incident,

the person who took the initiative to plan should be the president of the Chongjin Group, Su Yun

! Chen Yunshang estimated that he was only providing suggestions and specific affairs.

Terrible...... Awesome....

Just before he left the hospital.

A Phantom drove up to the entrance of the hospital.

I saw Chen Yunshang in a heroic posture

, holding a stack of documents, and following behind Su Yun with his hands down.

And that Su Yun, who is young, already has the temperament of a shocking superior...


Guan Liangshi wanted to say hello.


Chen Yunshang didn't notice him at all.

Didn't even look at him.

Guan Liangshi opened his mouth, and finally calmed down, then smiled bitterly and turned his head to leave.

Not qualified,

not qualified!!

go back to cultivation for another 500 years!!

Before walking into the hospital room.

Su Yun reminded:

"Don't forget the court the day after tomorrow."

"I'll leave this matter to you.

"I'm not showing up.

Chen Yunshang nodded: "Mr. Su is relieved." "

Since it was decided to give a light sentence, it was also a 10-year prison sentence.

However, Su Yun was not the perpetrator in the first place,

so it didn't matter if he went to court or not.

And because Du Xue was still in a coma, she naturally couldn't go to court.

"Auntie, come with me to court the day after tomorrow.

"That Liang De's sentence has been decided, and he can't escape from 10 years in prison."

In the ward

, Du Miaomiao was overjoyed and jumped up happily: "10 years! Hahaha, great! The bad guys will be punished in the end!" Du

Yuelan also nodded excitedly: "Okay, let's go together the

day after tomorrow!" Su Yun smiled: "Aunt don't worry, it's no big deal, I'll take care of Xiaoxue the day after tomorrow."

Du Yuelan: "Well, Xiao Su, you've worked hard for the past few days, running in and out."

Su Yun shook his head: "As long as I can give Xiaoxue anger, I'm a little tired, it's nothing."

He touched Du Xue's forehead and hair: "Now, just wait for when she can wake up."

Du Miaomiao smiled: "Brother-in-law, my sister blinked her eyelids last night

!" "Really?"

"Well, I saw it with my own eyes

!" "The doctor said it was a nerve beat, but I didn't believe it!"

Su Yun laughed: "So it seems that I'm about to wake up."

Du Yuelan said worriedly: "Xiao Su, what should I do with Xiaoxue Company?"

Su Yun: "Don't worry, I have already asked her to ask for leave."

Du Yuelan nodded: "That's good, that's good." Subsequently


Du Yuelan took Du Miaomiao and Liu Xiaoyun home, packed up their things and prepared them for the court the day after tomorrow.

The courthouse is quite far from the city, and it takes more than an hour to drive.

Du Xue stayed in the hospital for a while.

Su Yun used the 100 million pride value he had just obtained to draw the prize again.

"The lottery was successful and won 20% of the shares of Blackwater International. "


? Blackwater International? What kind of company is

this? It shouldn't be Zhangcheng's, right

? Moreover, why is it only 20%

? The system is not performing well this time?

Don't blame Su Yun

, he was just an ordinary social animal before, and he had never heard of the name of Blackwater International


Blackwater Worldwide.

Now known as Academi, formerly known as Blackwater USA.

It is a well-known PMC in the United States and is a private military and security consulting company.

Born in the U.S. military-industrial complex, the symbol is a black bear claw.

It is one of the top three private security companies that work with US officials.

It was formed in 1997 by Navy SEAL veterans Erik Prince and Al Clark.

It began operations in 1998 and

is headquartered in North Carolina.

Since 2001, more than $1 billion in government contracts have been awarded.

Su Yun shook his head and

immediately checked on the Internet.


his eyes froze on the screen of his phone....


Is this what is extracted with a heroic value

? The gold content is so high? Su

Yun was a little incredulous.

When it came to foreign countries, Su Yun was a little apprehensive, but he quickly calmed down.

He only knew a little bit of English, and he

gave everything else back to the school.

I flipped through my phone and called Qin Jinhua.

"Mr. Su. "

Do you know English?"

"Ahhhhh Understand a little.

Su Yun had a black line: "Can you communicate with foreigners?"

Qin Jinhua: "Yes." "

Su Yun once again has a black line.

"In other words, you're very skilled?"

Qin Jinhua: "No... No, simple communication is fine.

Su Yun: "Just a simple exchange?"

"Hmm. "

In college, my English was a shortcoming.

"But Bingbing speaks English well.

Su Yun was overjoyed: "Let Bingbing come over to see me in the afternoon!" "


Hanging up the phone,

Su Yun felt that he had suffered a loss of no culture.

Looks like I'm going to have to take the time to learn English.


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