6 p.m.

Du Yuelan took Du Miaomiao back to the hospital again,

and changed Du Xue's clothes and brought a lot of daily necessities.

"Xiao Su has worked hard, go back and rest.

Su Yun did not refuse, and kissed Du Xue's forehead as usual.

"Auntie, I'll go first. "


Su Yun took Zhu Shizhong out of the hospital: "Let's go to the south of the city."


At the same time

, Su Yun also sent Zhu Bingbing the address of a café in the south of the city, and asked her to wait for her first.

The name of the new company is 'Xinyun Club'.

The chairman and legal person is Zhu Shizhong himself.

The low building in front of me has a total of three floors, plus a two-story basement.

The south of the city is an old district, and most of the buildings are very old.

But house prices are not cheap.

Buying this old building in the neon district in the center of the south of the city cost about 60 million yuan.

The value of arrogance that had just been exhausted

had recovered to 80 million points!

He himself still had 19 million left, plus more than 60 million yuan of arrogance value for buying a house and running a company.

If there are another 20 million, the lottery will be available again!

Su Yun was very excited.

The gold content of the things drawn out with the heroic value is so high.

Or is it that because it is the first lottery, it is so high?

Soon he will be able to experiment again.

"Are all the people here?"

"It's all here, Mr. Su."

Su Yun walked in with Zhu Shizhong.

In the hall on the first floor, they sat or stood, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, and playing cards.

As far as the eye can see,

16 people.

All of them are more than 1.8 meters tall, with solid muscles, and they are all tough guy styles.

"Lao Zhu, you're finally here

!" "I'm waiting for you all afternoon, where

are you?" "Hurry up and talk about things! What kind of work are you going to introduce us?"

Zhu Shizhong coughed: "Everyone, let me introduce, this is our President Su!" Su

Yun stood in front of Zhu Shizhong.


everyone looked at him...

"It's... Is it your boss?"

"You're too young, isn't it?" "How old is this kid

?" "You're the boss?" "Lao Zhu, are you kidding?"

Su Yun is too young,

giving people a feeling that he has no hair on his mouth and can't

do things well.

This is also normal.

Zhu Shizhong's old face turned red: "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I can vouch for it, they are all good people!" Su

Yun waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Since you are all Shizhong's old comrades-in-arms.

"I'll say it here.

"Now I am in dire need of a man, and if you are willing to do things for me, I will never treat him badly.

"This club has just opened.

"Shizhong is the chairman.

"You will be paid a salary of 10,000 yuan every month, and there will be bonuses for weekends and holidays, and bonuses will be paid separately at the end of the year. "

Su Yun is straight to the point.

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhu Shizhong coughed again:

"I have already told you. "

Mr. Su can take us to make a fortune!"

"I also know that after everyone is discharged from the army, they are all mixed up.

"Follow Mr. Su, only then can you have meat to eat!" Finally

, someone in the crowd asked:

"Lao Zhu, what do you want us to do?"


This is a violation of law and discipline... I won't do it!" Zhu

Shizhong opened his mouth.

I don't know what to say.

But it was Su Yun who opened his mouth and smiled:

"I don't need someone with such a sense of justice here, because you are more suitable to be a policeman."

"This clubhouse is a secret casino I opened in the south of the city.

"If you want to do it, stay here, and if you don't want to do it, I'm not reluctant."

"Everyone goes their own way.

"I'm also looking at Shizhong's face, so I'll put my words here. "

I'll give you 10 minutes, think about it..."Su

Yun smiled slightly, turned around and walked out of the hall, returned to the car and waited quietly...

In the hall,

everyone looked confused.

"Old Zhu, what does this mean

?" "Do you want to ask us to kill people and set fires?"

"I came here for the sake of our old friendship!" Zhu

Shizhong was expressionless:

"Brothers, we have carried out missions together before, climbed mountains and crossed rivers together, waded through piles of dead people, and blocked each other's bullets. "

I've seen a lot.

"For the sake of a little justice in your heart, are you willing to let your family eat bran with you?"

"I don't want to do it anyway." "

Mr. Su also said that this is just a casino, and it is not for you to kill people and set fires. Mr

. Su was waiting at the door.

"I'm also waiting for you to think about it!"

After speaking,

Zhu Shizhong walked to a chair and sat down, never speaking again.

His fingers tapped on the tabletop.

There were 16 people present, and it was suddenly a little difficult to figure out which to leave or to stay.

"Old Zhu, you promise us, this Boss Su is really a good person

?" Zhu Shizhong smiled:

"Right and wrong, can you tell the difference?" "

Fool, after so many years of being a soldier, you still ask such a naïve question." The

man was speechless.

Another person said: "10,000 yuan a month, with weekends, holidays, and year-end bonuses?

"My sister will be able to apply for Zhangcheng University next year.

"Tuition, living expenses, rent, water and electricity, all of which I pay for by myself.

"These things are all given by Mr. Su, and he treats me very well. "

There was silence...

Suddenly, someone raised their hand: "I'm willing to stay!" "I'm willing too!" "

I'm willing!"

For a while, more than a dozen people quickly raised their hands.

There were still two or three hesitant remaining.

Zhu Shizhong looked at his phone:

"There are still 3 minutes, I advise you to think clearly!" "

Go home and swallow porridge, or follow Mr. Su to eat meat?"

There is a sense of lesson in it.

At this moment,

the few hesitant people also gritted their teeth and nodded one by one.

"I should go

!" "I promise

!" "Old Zhu, take us to eat meat!" Zhu

Shizhong smiled slightly, turned around and went out, and walked to the phantom car.

"Mr. Su, they have thought it through.

"Nobody left.

Su Yun smiled:

"Then the rest will be left to you."

"Wu San is watching carefully, how to run this club well, I don't even ask.

"If you need money, you can ask for it."

Zhu Shizhong was overjoyed: "Mr. Su rest assured!" "

This is

a promotion! A proper promotion

! Zhu Shizhong has been waiting for a long time!

Let him be in charge of a club alone, Zhu Shizhong can't wait to try his hand."

Su Yun reminded again:

"That Wu San, you don't need me to remind you.

"In the future, you will have more contact with this kind of three religions and nine streams, and give you half a year to spread the net for me in the south of the city

!" "Yes!" Zhu Shizhong was overjoyed.

Su Yun nodded with satisfaction:

"From today on, you are the chairman of the Xinyun Club, and you will find me to withdraw your salary separately every month." He


After Zhu Shizhong became chairman.

Give him a salary of 100,000 yuan every month

! If he performs well, it will rise again!

Zhu Shizhong naturally threw himself into the ground and worked hard for Su Yun.

No one is inherently servile and will be loyal to you.

Only by knowing how to manage and reuse talents can we gain the respect of talents.

Su Yun is still very aware of this.

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