Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 57: One-Sided, The East Overwhelms The West! ! !

"James, look at them!"

"Hey, the mobile phones in the hands of those Orientals are so beautiful."

"That phone seems to be bigger than the iPhone 2G, Billy, let's go over there and see."

Compared with the simple mobile phone box at the Apple sales point, the exquisite handbags provided by the Huanyu flagship store, coupled with the HuanYuOne2g's own appearance advantages, suddenly attracted many white and black people who were going to the Apple sales point.

In the eyes of people in the western world, capitalism emphasizes free markets, and they don't care whether Huanyu Technology is a domestic company, what they care about is whether HuanYuOne2g is better than iPhone2g in terms of performance and appearance.

"Master, there are a lot of American people here.

The sharp-eyed flagship clerk suddenly noticed the torrent of white and black pouring in.

"Great opportunity, please pay attention to introduce HuanYuOne2g to them."

The Huanyu flagship store manager's eyes lit up, and he ordered immediately.

Huanyu Group took the lead in realizing the direct-operated flagship store model in America. Unlike traditional agents, these flagship stores are all assets of the overseas branch of Huanyu Group, and the employees are directly under the overseas branch of Huanyu Group.

The flagship store adopts the principle of equal distribution of interests. In addition to the guaranteed minimum salary, the store manager and store staff also have a profit system.

According to the sales turnover of the flagship store where it is located, 2% is used as a reward for the store manager alone, and employees can get 0.5%.

Moreover, flagship stores are divided into first-tier stores, second-tier stores, and third-tier stores.

The area of ​​the third-level store is 50 to 80 square meters, and the maximum number of employees cannot exceed 12.

The area of ​​the second-level store is 120 to 160 square meters, and the maximum number of employees cannot exceed 25.

The area of ​​the third-level store is 200 to 300 square meters, and the maximum number of employees cannot exceed 60.

In other words, the more they sell, the more bonuses they get, and the arrival of white and black people will undoubtedly increase their performance.

"Oh karma!"

"It's so beautiful, is this oriental art?"

Upon entering the flagship store, almost all white and black people were stunned.

The four sides are made of transparent tempered glass, and all the bright lights clearly present eight different HuanYuOhe24 models in front of everyone.

4-inch large screen, drop-shaped home button, unique ceramic back shell, and elegant and luxurious black bird pattern on the frame. Compared with it, iPhone2g is simply industrial garbage.

"ladies gangster men!"

"HuanYuOne2g, a semi-intelligent machine independently developed by Xiaguo Huanyu Technology."

"The specific parameter configuration and operation diagram have been pasted on the wall next to it, please read it carefully."

The flagship store manager's fluent American English immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Sure enough, both whites and blacks cast their gazes on the sketches depicted on the artistic pillars around the side of the flagship store.

From parameter configuration to function explanation, it is so clear that it couldn’t be more clear. This made many people realize the difference between HuanYuOne2g and iPhone2g at once, especially the Chinese who installed SIM cards on site and happily used the new mobile phone, which made them even more itchy. .

"Jeff, look at the price. It's $498, which is even cheaper than the iPhone 2g. I want to buy one."

A blond and blue-eyed hot girl acted like a baby in front of her boyfriend, said.

"Anna, I also like this oriental phone, so let's buy it."

Without further ado, Jeff took out his credit card and bought two HuanYuOne2g directly.

America is different from Xiaguo. The public security here is relatively poor, and using cash is far less secure than swiping a card. Therefore, every flagship store is equipped with POSS machines, and it is opened in Chinatown, or even in the city center. Special security personnel were hired to guard.

As whites and blacks were attracted by HuanYuOne2g to buy them, they walked out of the flagship store with new mobile phones showing off, and those whites and blacks who had just arrived all entered this oriental store by coincidence.

Caucasians and blacks poured into the Huanyu flagship store one after another, leaving the nearby Apple store empty.

This scene not only happened in San Francisco, but also in New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Apple outlets on the entire West Coast were hit.

"Steve, I think we should pay attention to our opponents in the East again!"

Apple headquarters, Vice President Cook entered Jobs' office with a serious face.


"Has Huanyu Technology made any moves?"

Qiaobusi put down the document in his hand and asked with a puzzled expression.

The time difference between Xia Guo and America makes it impossible for the two sides to share news in time. Therefore, even if Xia Guo's HuanYuOne2g is selling very hot, it can almost be said to be a phenomenal product, but Apple does not know.

"Steve, Huanyu Technology has opened a large number of flagship stores in Chinatown."


Jobs shrugged, didn't he already know about this?

Unlike Xia Guo, Amerika needs a network access license to sell communication equipment.

Therefore, Huanyu Technology's landing in America went very smoothly. It is no secret that Huanyu Group's overseas branches have been choosing locations for decoration long before the press conference.

"I think we underestimated Huanyu Technology."

Facing Qiao Busi's gaze, Cook said helplessly: "Just this morning, bad news came from all the sales outlets on the West Coast, San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and Seattle. The sales were only opened for an hour, and many People went directly to the flagship store of Huanyu Technology."

"The flagship store of Huanyu Technology has prepared a tool table for users, and they can install SIM cards at any time and use new mobile phones.

"Not only that, but their store is more spacious than our point of sale, and there are operating diagrams."

"As of 12 o'clock, we have sold less than 100,000 units on the west coast."


Hearing this, Qiaobusi couldn't sit still any longer, and showed surprise.

The West Coast usually refers to California, Oregon, and Washington State. The existence of Silicon Valley makes the West Coast the hottest place for the pursuit of technology products in the whole of America and even in the world. It is also the place where Apple has always believed that the iPhone2g is the most important consumer power gathering place.

For this reason, Apple has 5,000 sales points here, and it sold less than 100,000 units in one morning, which means that an average sales point sold less than 20 iPhone 2g units. Propaganda, the result [Who can accept?

"What about other places?"

Qiaobusi hurriedly asked.


"According to statistics from other states, about 300,000 units were sold in the morning, 30,000 units were sold in Australia, and 70,000 units were sold in Europe."

"It is estimated that the iPhone 2g sales area should be around 800,000 units throughout the day."


Hearing this, Jobus breathed a sigh of relief.

Although today is only the first day of sales, it is the day with the largest sales volume, and the next month may not have today's sales volume.

Apple's headquarters has a total of 1.5 million units. If this is the case, then these products should all be sold, it's just a matter of time.

In this way, Apple will be able to repay nearly 750 million US dollars.


"As things stand now, we're going to be selling less and less on the West Coast."

"Huanyu Technology has one million units of HuanYuOne2g in stock, enough to supply the entire west coast."

"We have no other choice but to give up the west coast and send the 200,000 iPhone 2g originally supplied to the west coast to Australia and Europe.

"I recommend opening points of sale in Canada, Mexico, and Latin America."

Cook is worthy of being the vice president of Apple and Jobs' most trusted successor.

Facing the pressing situation of Huanyu Technology, we have made the most sensible choice and response plan.

By developing the entire market in North America and Latin America, it will make up for the loss in America.


"This matter is left to you."

"Also, let the factory prepare another 500,000 iPhone2g." 1

With a pair of old eyes shining, Jobus ordered without thinking.

North America and Canada have a population of 37 million, Mexico has a population of nearly 130 million, and Latin America has a population of 400 million.

Even if only some sales points are opened, it is enough to swallow 500,000 iPhone2g.

What Qiaobusi didn't know was that the demand in the world market for this kind of semi-smart machine with a full touch screen far exceeded his imagination.

It is precisely because of Apple's conservative strategy that it has lost a large amount of market and lagged behind the expansion of Huanyu Technology.


Cook nodded seriously, and hurried down to prepare.

On the same day, the inventory of sales outlets throughout the west coast of America was sent to Europe and Australia, and even some domestic inventory began to be transferred to Latin America, and a large number of sales staff went to Canada, Mexico, and Latin American countries.

However, this does not affect the popularity of Huanyu Technology in America, and a HuanYuChe2g trend quickly surged on the west coast.

In addition to more than 4 million Chinese and ethnic Chinese, there are also 200,000 foreign students from China who have become the main consumers. They are distributed in major colleges and universities across the United States. The perfect control experience and the ultimate ceramic texture make these young people who are chasing their youth suddenly become loyal users of Huanyu Technology.

One million units of HuanYuOne 2g were sold out in less than 10 hours at 150 Huanyu flagship stores on the west coast.

The media all over the United States reported this incident like crazy.

"East's Magic Phone Sweeps America!!!" The New York Times.

"5,000-year-old civilization once again reflects their strength!" "Washington Post."

"Apple's so-called leading the trend has actually been defeated by Xia Guo's enterprises. Is this the failure of America, or the rise of Xia Guo?" "All America Today".

Even Time magazine took the HuanYuOne2g, a shiny gold model, as the cover of this issue, and made a special report comparing it with iPhone2g.

The major TV stations once repeated the grand scene of the Xiaguo news broadcast. The Huanyu flagship store in the picture is beautiful and generous. The transparent tempered glass and the booth are full of modern simplicity, which has attracted the love and attention of many people.

It's a pity that HuanYuOne2g has been sold out, which makes many people very frustrated.

Some TV stations even compared the crowds at the Huanyu flagship store with the empty crowds at Apple’s sales points, which shocked the international mobile phone giant’s jaws.

Mobile phone manufacturers such as Motorola, Ericsson, and Nokia began to be vigilant against the sudden emergence of Xia Guo, a mobile phone manufacturer, and accelerated the launch of their smart phones.

Yanjing time, on the 30th, at 9:00 a.m., America on the other side of the ocean happens to be on the 29th.

6:00 am.

Office on the top floor of Huanyu Building.

""||Tang Shao. "

"There is urgent news from the overseas branch!"

Shen Nanpeng rushed in in a hurry, followed by Kong Yi and Xu Ran.

"what's the situation?"

Tang Tian looked at the three of them with some surprise.

The three of them didn't seem to be in a panic, their eyes were filled with joy, and they were also a little anxious.

"Master Tang."

"Overseas branch office recorded USD 498 million today.

The voice of Xu Ran, the chief financial officer of Huanyu Group, sounded in the office.

Slightly startled, Tang Tian said: "One million units are all sold out? So fast?"

"So, you want to discuss with me whether to add more goods in America?"

"Tang Shaoying is brilliant!"

The three of Shen Nanpeng replied in unison, everyone's eyes were fixed on Tang Tian, ​​and the eyes were already obvious.

The one million units of HuanYuOne2g sold by Amerika, after deducting the cost, the net profit is close to 2.5 billion RMB, which is huge profit.

"Our current domestic supply is still not stable, and Huanyu Technology is working overtime to catch up.

"How can there be excess production capacity to support America?"

"Furthermore, have you identified our partners, can they supply parts in time?"

Tian did not agree with the idea of ​​the three of them.

Huanyu Technology Co., Ltd. has distributed as many as 9 million units throughout East Asia, and its production capacity is already running ahead of schedule.

Even if they can, B (Nuozhao's) YD, Lycra, Ipanel, Modu Microelectronics, can they?

"Master Tang."

At this time, Shen Nanpeng and the three looked at each other, and Kong Yi explained: "Our production capacity is indeed not enough to support America."

"But we don't necessarily need to assemble it domestically before sending it to America."

"America has enough mobile phone makers, and there are countless ones that are on the verge of bankruptcy."

"It only needs to be purchased with funds, and it is completely possible to own multiple plants and equipment.

"Under the guidance of engineers, skilled workers can quickly start to assemble."

"As for the parts, all the existing cooperative enterprises except Modu Microelectronics have inquired about them, and there is no problem at all."

"The 90nm 32-bit processor produced by Modu Microelectronics does not have a substitute CARM11 chip. 11

"Ceramics only need recipes, and those mechanical equipment are not complicated."

"The most important thing is that there are nearly 500 million US dollars lying in the account of the overseas branch."


The expressions of Shen Nanpeng and Xu Ran have already betrayed their hearts.

Obviously, the two also expressed support for the matter proposed by Kong Yi, otherwise, they would not have appeared in the chairman's office together.


Waving his hands, Tang Tian said meaningfully: "Actually, you don't simply want to make profits in America.

"You guys want to take advantage of this opportunity to enter the North American market in one fell swoop, and even establish a branch company comparable to the headquarters of Xiaguo."

"In this way, America's factory can fully undertake the task of supplying products to North America, Latin America, Australia, and Europe at close range.

"Good fellows, you are planning to put it in Apple's heart."

"Why? Want Apple to be the pioneer, so as to break through the blockade of international mobile phone giants?"

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Tian understood all their goals.

Each of these individuals is very ambitious, and a little sunshine will shine brightly. .

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