Shennong Daojun

Chapter 179: Transformation of the Teng Snake and the roar of the imperial dragon, shocking Pati and

In the 1,200-meter-high gale layer, the Dark Flame warship flew towards the 109th city, fifty miles away.

In the cabin of the warship, three members of the ‘Shapa’ tribe gathered. The three Shapa tribe members were wrapped in black battle robes and even wore special masks on their faces. They sat on three chairs and stared at a map.

“We are almost there. As long as we can destroy another city, the combat merits of the three of us brothers will be greatly improved. After we go back this time, we can buy a set of fifth-level silver feather armor.” One of the Sha tribe members grinned.

“Brother Pati, with your strength, if you put on the silver feather armor, you can exert the seventh-level perfect combat power. At that time, we will earn combat merits faster.”

As they said, the two Sha tribe members looked at their eldest brother.

"Silver Feather Armor is just a transition." Pati was a burly man, sitting on a chair that was completely covered by his body. "Golden Feather Armor is the treasure of the Royal Court!"

"If I can wear the Golden Feather Armor, I can definitely kill a sixth-grade. Even if I can't beat a stronger sixth-grade, I can run away."

Hearing the 'Golden Feather' Armor, the three of them showed desire in their eyes.

The Golden Feather Armor is the cutting-edge technology of the Golden Feather Royal Court. People in the Royal Court said that the technology of this set of armor has surpassed the level of the Great Zhou.

However, the Golden Feather Armor is specially provided by the royal family. It is difficult for the major tribes to buy it at ordinary times. They can only wear 'Flying Feather' and 'Silver Feather' Armor.

That is, this time the Shenshan issued a war order and ordered the four major royal courts to go out. In order to improve the strength of each tribe, the purchase qualification of the Golden Feather Armor was opened.

The three Pati brothers have almost accumulated enough military merits to exchange for a Silver Feather Armor, but the Golden Feather Armor is still far away.

"The merits required for the Golden Feather Armor are a hundred times that of the Silver Feather Armor, and the exchange quota is limited every month." A Sand Clan member sighed, "I'm afraid we have to accumulate until next year before we have a chance."

"Zesheng, my good brother, don't sigh." Pati laughed, "We will capture this city and plunder, maybe we can accumulate enough in one go."

"The things of the Great Zhou are very valuable here, maybe there are some left!"

"When the time comes, each of us three brothers will have a Golden Feather Armor! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha, what the eldest brother said is right, the city of the Great Zhou is a treasure house!"

Hearing Pati say this, the three brothers laughed together.

The general direction of the Southern Wilderness now is to fight and retreat, but the three brothers took the risk to return. What is the purpose? Just to rob!

The Great Zhou is the Celestial Empire, even the most ordinary third-level armor can be sold at a high price in the various tribes of the Southern Barbarians.

They have robbed two grain cities, and now the interior of the Mingyan warship is already filled with more than half. Just looking at those magic weapons, they can almost be exchanged for a set of silver feather armor.

The rest of the treasures that they don't know may be more valuable. However, to be on the safe side, they decided to destroy the supply city of the Zhenhai Army.

"Only thirty miles left, you go and ask the tribesmen to prepare the heavy water catapults." Pati ordered, "Remember, once the city is breached, use the 'blood Kui' to destroy their temples first."

"This way, we can have more time to plunder."

"The last city was because the temple was destroyed slowly, which led to the reinforcements coming quickly and the plundering time was too short."

"We can't make such a mistake again."


The two Sand Clan members immediately went to the lower cabin. There were still many Sand Clan members in the lower cabin of the Nether Flame warship operating the mechanism array.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka~"

When Pati's order was issued, the Nether Flame warship was ready to go and accelerated its forward speed.

What Pati didn't know was that at this moment, a small swordfish flying boat had appeared in the sky behind them.

On the Swordfish Flying Boat, Zhao Xing looked at the Dark Flame Warship: "The warship has slowed down, it is preparing to attack the city. It seems that no one has noticed the enemy approaching this city of the Zhenhai Army."

After chasing for a while, Zhao Xing's Swordfish Flying Boat finally saw the entity of the Dark Flame Warship.

It hovered over the 109th city of the Zhenhai Army, still maintaining its invisible state.

Long Xiao: "I don't know who is the garrison commander of this city of the Zhenhai Army, and we have no way to notify anyone, let's see the situation first."

Zhao Xing nodded.

Although he and Long Xiao were confident that it would be easy to fight the same level, if the opponent shrank inside the Dark Flame Warship, it would be difficult for them to break through the defense in a short time.

The Dark Flame Warship is a medium-sized warship, which is the fifth level.

However, it is not the same level as a single fifth-level magic weapon.

It is composed of thousands of fifth-level materials. Once such treasures are sold, they will automatically be raised by one level.

The fifth level must be sold at the sixth-level price of a single weapon.

There are no weapons to break through the defense on the Swordfish Flying Boat, so we can only wait for the enemy to leave the warship.

Or we can start when the defense barrier is opened to attack.

Why did Long Xiao say that he encountered a fat sheep? Because if he got this warship, he could sell it as a sixth-level warship, and the head of someone who can drive such a warship must be very valuable.

"Do you know how to turn invisible?" Long Xiao asked. "Can you set one for me later?"

"You think too highly of me. I can make an invisible straw man, but it doesn't mean I can turn invisible. That is a high-level spell."

Long Xiao shrugged: "Then we can only force our way in. Try to get the warship closer later."

The Zhenhai Army can't be counted on.

The weapon compartment on the side of the ship has been extended, but there is still no response from below.

"Okay." Zhao Xing nodded.

The main general guarding the 109th city of the Zhenhai Army is called 'Chen Lu'.

He was a priest from the seventh rank, but his official position was ‘Junshuling’.


Because the gods that Chen Lu worshipped were all ‘Si Nong Shen’.

Chen Lu loved farming since he was a child and didn’t like fighting and killing.

But he didn’t have any talent in this area. He failed to get a full-time job after taking the exam for seven years, so he could only ‘serve the country in a roundabout way’ and take the path of sacrifice.

He was very talented in the way of sacrifice, and soon stood out from the crowd and became a Si Nong priest.

In this way, he could be regarded as a Si Nong official by asking the gods to possess him.

But in normal times, he was just a priest.

His sense of the weather was not that strong.

So Chen Lu had not discovered the arrival of the enemy until now.

He was drying Gan Lingcao in the city, which was a fourth-level medicinal material used to treat external injuries and was often used by military doctors.

"Sieve, sieve, sieve~"

Chen Lu was sifting the seeds of Ganling grass with a sieve, and then he quickly tied up the processed Ganling grass with a rope and put it on the chicken bus next to him.

"I finished several thousand kilograms in the afternoon. Today's military affairs have been completed twice, and I got a thousand military merits." Chen Lu smiled with relief.

Some materials often appear on the daily military affairs list.

Because there is never too much, just like this Ganling grass.

Chen Lu has been brushing for half a month, and most of his tens of thousands of military merits are obtained from this kind of medicinal material.

"Brothers, work harder."

"It will be dark soon."

Chen Lu shouted and drove the cart to the medicinal material warehouse.

It was dark after two steps.

A shadow shrouded the entire city.

"Master Chen, why is it dark?"

"What's going on? Master Chen, did you do it?"

Chen Lu saw the shadow on the ground and his scalp numbed immediately.

He immediately put down the chicken bus in his hand and roared: "Enemy attack!!!"

"Guard camp, meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!"

Chen Lu ran towards the temple fiercely.

Because the sky turned black on a large scale, it was like ink, corroding the magic circle of the city.

In just three breaths, it turned from black to dark red.

In such a large-scale attack, the enemy's strength is definitely not simple. If Chen Lu wants to exert his greatest strength, he must quickly enter the temple to pray for the gods, and then notify the surrounding reinforcements.

As a priest, Chen Lu is qualified.

But as a commander, his quality is just average.

He hasn't even entered the temple yet.

A red crack appeared in the black sky above.

"Hua La~"

A large amount of red viscous substance was splashed on the roof of the temple in the 109th city.

Then a bloody rain fell around.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi~"

The roof began to smoke, and a large amount of red liquid soaked into the interior of the temple and poured on the statue.

The ground also began to smoke.

All the statues began to crack, and in an instant, the golden light was swallowed by the red light.

Arms, faces, heads... were mostly melted by the blood-red liquid.



There were several eighth-grade priests in the temple, but after being splashed by the red liquid, their skin began to fester.

Chen Lu watched several priests screaming and walked out.

He was immediately shocked:

"It's the blood Kui, don't invite the gods! Don't invite the gods!"

But he reminded too late.

After being eroded, several priests subconsciously wanted to invite the gods to possess their bodies, but not only did they fail to invite them, but their entire bodies turned into a pool of blood.

There were also seven ninth-grade priests who walked out of the temple with a grim smile, with four arms stretched out from their backs, and their body muscles were also enlarged.

Ignoring Chen Lu, the seventh-grade, they killed the others.

"The power of the evil god."

Chen Lu felt cold in his heart.

When the blood Kui drips on the temple, if the priests of Da Zhou go to invite the gods, they will immediately invite the evil gods worshipped by the Southern Wilds!

The evil gods of the Southern Wilds will erode people's minds and turn them into their own puppets.

"Ah! Help!"

"Don't run, shoot them with the broken spirit crossbow!"

"Oh my God, how can you run with your head cut off?!"


The temple was destroyed first, and the 'evil god puppets' produced had a huge impact on people.

Because these puppets are fearless, and even if they lose their heads or are pierced through the chest, they are completely fine and can still move.

And the people killed by these puppets quickly stood up again.

The inside of the city soon became chaotic.

First, Chen Lu, the main general, did not quickly organize a counterattack, nor did he conduct effective command, and the leaders of each department did not cooperate well.

Second, the enemy broke through the important institution of the temple in an instant, and gave birth to monsters such as flesh and blood puppets.

Third, the Zhenhai Army had been fighting so smoothly for the past half month, and basically had not encountered any decent resistance. Chen Lu had no enemies coming to his side.

Therefore, the Zhenhai Army here, although it had the strength to fight, soon fell into a rout.

At this time, Chen Lu finally came to the small statue in the marching hall.

"Please save me, Tian De Zhenjun!"

Chen Lu knelt on one knee with a plop, and quickly inserted incense and burned paper.


The flame burned.

The statue quickly opened its eyes, and a golden shadow appeared, engulfing the incense, and then flew to Chen Lu.

"Da Da Da~"

Chen Lu's demeanor changed, and the whole person stood up seriously, and walked out of the marching hall quickly.


He waved his hand and the voice transmission order came to his hand.

"Where is the first commander of the military department?!"

No one responded.

"Second and third commanders of the military department, go and encircle and suppress the evil god puppets in the east of the city. You can apply your masculine blood on your weapons to kill them!"

Still no one responded.

"General of the engineering department, quickly repair the defense of the Mo Shou Realm! Will..."


This time someone responded, but it was a strange cry.

"Boom boom boom!"



A large number of boulders fell from the sky, but when they hit the ground, they did not splash dust, but instead many water droplets appeared.

Chen Lu sighed.

"Blood Kui Dirt God, Heavy Water Throwing Stones."

"Boy, run away, this city can no longer be defended. The one attacking you is at least an elite seventh-grade team, and they have a fifth-grade warship."

"You are offering sacrifices to the God of Agriculture. Even if you can't defend it, you won't be beheaded."


A trace of struggle appeared on Chen Lu's face.

"I am willing to sacrifice my blood, please save this city!"

After saying that, Chen Lu's fingertips quickly cut his chest, and a drop of blood appeared on his fingertips.


Another voice sounded, and the left hand pressed Chen Lu's right hand.

"What's wrong with my soul being broken here? Why do you need to sacrifice your blood again?"

"It can't be done. If you die, the Great Zhou will lose a seventh-rank person in vain!"

"You quickly carry my statue, go burn the inner treasury, and then escape from the underground with the Xuantu method."

The serious voice forcefully moved his right hand away.

A trace of pain appeared on Chen Lu's face, but he finally agreed with the True Lord's opinion.

Then he controlled the strong wind and quickly came to the inner treasury of the city.

A wisp of flame appeared on his fingertips, and he was about to set fire.

"Hmm? Wait!"

At this time, the True Lord's voice sounded again, and Chen Lu held his right hand with his left hand again.

"Look up at the sky."

Chen Lu looked at it in confusion.

The red in the sky gradually faded away.


Chen Lu raised his hand and pointed, and immediately used the cloud method to support the sky above the city.

"Hua La~"

The heavy rain fell on the blood-colored puppets in the city.

"Chi Chi Chi~"

The raindrops mixed with the power of the ghosts and spirits immediately soaked the blood-colored puppets and made them smoke, greatly reducing their mobility.


"And the enemy has not come down yet."

"Did they encounter reinforcements?"

Chen Lu immediately soared into the clouds.

When he came to the sky outside the city.

He immediately saw a red and black Nether Flame warship in the sky in the layer of strong winds.

But at this time, the weapons and mechanisms of the Nether Flame warship all turned their angles and fired towards the higher sky.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

One by one, the Yuan Qi arrows, lock nets, and various sharp weapons wrapped in the Yuan Qi of heaven and earth, or with strong winds, or with flames, attacked in a certain direction.

"What are they fighting?"

Chen Lu looked confused.

The Dark Flame warship was firing while closing its barrier.

It seemed to be afraid of an unknown enemy.

However, just when the barrier was about to close.


A flying dragon rushed over quickly. If you look closely, you can see that there is a golden sword in the center of the dragon-shaped shadow.


The golden sword accurately nailed a statue on the warship just as the Dark Flame barrier was about to close.

The barrier with black flames stopped closing.


Zhao Xing, who was standing in the sky, looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh that sword cultivators are cool. Long Xiao's move "Dragon Song" is even more cool.


Time goes back half a quarter of an hour ago.

When the heavy water stone throwing on the Dark Flame warship was launched, the blood Kui fell and the barrier was broken.

At this time, Pati also ordered his two brothers "Zesheng" and "Pachao" to take their people to prepare to rob.

But at this moment.

Zesheng and Pachao found that a mist appeared in the strong wind.

And it floated over quickly, and the distance quickly shortened from a thousand meters to five hundred meters.

"How could there be fog in the gale layer?" Zesheng and Pachao did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and just looked at it in confusion.

The Five Elements Mist Hiding Method performed by Zhao Xing was too confusing. When it was a thousand meters away, it was mixed in the gale layer, as if it was in the same form as the gale.

It was already difficult to hide within a thousand meters, but Zhao Xing controlled the form of the fog shadow, and it kept shrinking when it got closer.

It looked as if the fog was moving away from the two of them.

When they were within five hundred meters, Pachao and Zesheng, the two seventh-grade masters, finally realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late--


A golden sword quickly approached Pachao like a swimming fish and appeared in front of him.


Pachao tried desperately to resist, but his hands were not as fast as his brain, because the golden sword was too fast!

The seventh-rank swordsman was far beyond his ability to resist, not to mention that Long Xiao's move, 'Dragon Song', was the fastest move.

By the time he reacted, the tip of the sword was already pointing at his nose.


Pa Chao, who had just opened his mask to breathe fresh air and was ready to fight, was pierced by the golden sword! He fell to the ground.

Another member of the Sand Clan, 'Zesheng', was nervous when he saw this scene. He frantically urged the vitality in his body and covered the mask.

But at this moment, he found that his vision suddenly became blurred and flattened into a line.

"Puff! Puff!"

His heart beat rapidly weakened and his blood became cold.

Zesheng looked at his palm and wondered when scales had grown.

His feet also closed subconsciously, he stuck out his tongue, and actually spit out the 'Snake Letter'!

"Help me!"

This strange scene made him subconsciously want to ask for help from his elder brother 'Patty'.

But when the voice came out, it was a 'hissing' sound.

The feet are also glued together, and the skin, muscles, and bones are undergoing drastic changes!


Zesheng felt his eyes were heavy, his eyelids had grown scales, and the energy in his body was rapidly disappearing.


Crazy degradation, accompanied by alienation across species!

The energy of the five elements in his body, in a strange combination, backfired on every inch of his flesh and skin.

After struggling in mid-air for three seconds, the half-human, half-snake Zesheng fell from the air with his flesh and blood exploding and his internal organs shattered.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Long Xiao's golden sword was faster than Zhao Xing and penetrated all the hundreds of soldiers around him.

Suddenly a burst of 'dead bodies' began to rain down from the sky.


Patty, who was waiting to harvest the spoils, was stunned.

Fast, too fast!

One second, I was still happy that the city of Zhenhai was successfully conquered. The next second, the two brothers died.

Especially his brother 'Zesheng', the way he died was extremely strange, like the methods of those earthly witches.

He didn't even have time to react!

When Long Xiao came to his senses, he killed half of the soldiers who had just jumped out.

"Attack! Kill them!!"

Patty was angry and scared. He felt a strong sense of insecurity, even though he was wearing Feiyu armor and inside a fifth-level warship.

But he still felt chilly.

"No! Close the barrier and run!!"

Three seconds after issuing the order, Patty's rationality prevailed and he immediately decided to close the Hell Flame Barrier and run away.

He is about the same strength as his two brothers. Even if he is a little higher, his strength is limited.

If he could kill his two brothers instantly, couldn't he also kill him?

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

However at this time.

A golden sword came through the air and nailed the barrier formation accurately, causing the closed barrier to freeze and leaving a big gap.

"Want to run?!"

"Have I asked you, Uncle Long?"

Long Xiao jumped from the cloud and immediately jumped into the deck inside the Mingyan warship.

Zhao Xing watched Long Xiao rush in from the clouds.

He is a farmer, so there is no need for him to do the rest. Rushing into the warship and killing everyone, Long Xiao was able to do it efficiently.

"I killed a seventh-grade Sand Clan person and used the Soaring Snake Transformation, which cost me 30% of my energy. This move is quite a burden for me."

"But Long Xiao, a swordsman, killed another Sha clan, and his vitality didn't drop much at all."

Compared with Long Xiao, a sword cultivator, I am still a bit unsatisfied as a seventh-grade swordsman.

His ultimate move is probably equivalent to Long Xiao's several 'continuous normal attacks'.

"If I use the Soaring Snake Transformation on Long Xiao, it probably won't work. His internal organs are protected by sword energy, so it's hard to shake this transformation. At most, it can only make Long Xiao grow scales, but it won't make his body grow. His body undergoes drastic changes, not to mention his body explodes and dies.”

In terms of lethality, sword cultivation is the strongest. Of course, Zhao Xing also knows that Jun Si Nong has the role of Jun Si Nong. Long Xiao cannot approach quietly, and he is not as comprehensive as himself.

"If Long Xiao is used as the imaginary enemy, I am 30% sure to kill him in an encounter. If it is an ambush, the possibility rises to 60%."

"And as long as I'm on the ground, the chance of him killing me is zero." Zhao Xing secretly thought.

When the divine guardian escaped to the ground, Long Xiao had to stare blankly, but the sword cultivator couldn't escape.

And even underground, Zhao Xing can still attack with magic.

Chen Lu below was completely dumbfounded.

He watched helplessly as two seventh-grade aliens fell from his eyes.

One of them got a headshot, which was normal.

But the way the other died was very unusual.

The characteristics of a snake actually appear?

"Zhenjun, what kind of magic is this?" Chen Lu asked in his heart.

"Waiting for Transformation, the advanced magic of Soaring Snake Transformation!" Zhenjun's voice sounded, "The man standing in the clouds is a military commander."

"Zhenjun, can I use the waiting method?" Chen Lu asked.

"You can't use it." Lord Tian Dezhen said, "This involves the yin and yang mechanism of the five elements. Your understanding of the Tao is too weak. You have asked me to take over it, and you have to obtain the sixth level before you can use it."

"Boy, your life should not be cut off. These two are both generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, one is a swordsman and the other is an army farmer."

"Hurry up and attack others and see if you can get some help in counterattack. If so, you can make up for your losses."

"Remember, be polite."

Chen Lu nodded, and then cautiously climbed up into the clouds. He stopped at a height of ten meters away from Zhao Xingyun's head.

"Chen Lu, the commander of both the town and the navy, thank you for the rescue. Do you know your name?" Chen Lu's attitude was very respectful, and he was speaking as if he were a subordinate.

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