Shennong Daojun

Chapter 180 Don’t tell me you stole this warship! (10,000 words updated)

Seeing this, Zhao Xing took the initiative to lower the cloud head and level with Chen Lu.

Chen Lu was a seventh-rank official, and he was a regular seventh-rank official, so there was nothing wrong with him bowing to him.

But Chen Lu was in the state of inviting gods at the moment, and he was still inviting the Yin God of Agriculture, so he had to be polite.

"The commander of the Divine Power Army, Zhao Xing."

He introduced his own name and bowed his hands in return: "Master Chen, there is no need to be polite. We are all family members. I happened to pass by and saw a foreign warship, so I followed it."

Chen Lu was still very respectful and lowered his cloud head by half a meter: "Master Zhao's magic is really amazing. I have never seen anyone as powerful as you. What kind of magic is this cloud of mist?"

Chen Lu really liked the profession of Sinong. At this time, he forgot the advice of Tian De Zhenjun. Instead of trying to get credit, he chatted with Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing was also amused in his heart, because he used the Mingmu method to see the Yin God possessing Chen Lu holding his forehead and shaking his head, obviously thinking that this believer was a little bit unintelligent.

I can't teach him! Don't ask me to do it next time, I'm afraid I'll get infected with your stupidity!

"Sir Chen, we can talk about magic later. The enemies on the Nether Flame warship have not been dealt with yet. Brother Chen, please lend me a hand."

In fact, almost all the people have been killed, and the remaining Long Xiao can be dealt with, but Zhao Xing is still willing to give face to Chen Lu.

As long as he participates in the counterattack, at least he can deduct less when deducting military merit.

Forget about getting military merit. After the city was broken, there were so many casualties, so we can only say that we can deduct less, and it is impossible to increase military merit.

Of course, if Chen Lu had defended it before, it would have been meritorious.

"Oh, that's right." Chen Lu cast a spell quickly.

Zhao Xing was a little surprised, because Chen Lu didn't change to a god, and the attack spells he cast were also relatively weak.

He seemed to understand why Chen Lu, a priest, became a Junshuling.

It seems that this guy likes to be Sinong, and usually only worships Sinong.


The strong wind blew, and Chen Lu used the strong wind method to blow into the interior of the warship, harvesting the lives of the alien soldiers.

At this time, Pati's head and body were separated.

He didn't last ten breaths in Long Xiao's hands, and his head was cut off.

Until his death, his eyes were open.

Pati really died with his eyes open. He didn't go deep into the city, and he only chose a grain city to attack, but he encountered a demon-level seventh-grade genius, and two at a time!

"Done, this is..." Long Xiao walked out.

"The subordinate Chen Lu, Zhenhai Junshu Ling, is the chief general of the 109th city." Chen Lu saluted hurriedly. It can be seen that Long Xiao is also a seventh-grade, and his level is higher than Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing is a lower seventh-grade, and Long Xiao is a higher seventh-grade.

"Shenwei Army, brave lieutenant Long Xiao."

"Brother Chen, you are not qualified as the commander. The enemy came to steal your home, and you didn't resist at all."

Long Xiao spoke very straightforwardly.

From the perspective of the commander, Chen Lu was obviously unqualified.

Although the specifications of this city are not very high, it is not to the point where there is no chance of fighting back.

When friendly troops appeared, his reaction was also relatively slow. He did not seize the opportunity to lead people to rush up. Although he did not need his help, it was one thing not to need it. He did not see the decision he should have as the commander.

Chen Lu blushed a little and said, "I am ashamed."

In fact, he was not suitable to be the commander. There was someone else who was the commander of this city before, but the Zhenhai Army fought too fast and too fiercely, and many fierce generals were transferred over.

In the end, he was the only one left, a seventh-grade priest.

Chen Lu's mind was relatively simple. Facing Long Xiao's questioning, he did not defend these.

Wrong is wrong, incompetent is incompetent.

"This matter cannot be blamed on Lord Chen."

"It's all because the foreign races are too cunning."

Zhao Xing comforted.

"No, Lord Long is right. It's indeed my fault." Chen Lu shook his head.

"Lord Chen, don't take it to heart." Zhao Xing smiled. "At least there has been no major disaster. Please come and deal with this warship and the spoils."

Chen Lu waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, Lord Zhao, Lord Long, how dare I touch this warship and the spoils?"

"If it weren't for the help of the two Lords, I'm afraid I would have to be demoted."

Chen Lu said he didn't want anything.

Zhao Xing allowed him to help, which was considered to be the most benevolent.

Be polite, if he still takes it seriously and wants to share the spoils, then he doesn't know what's good for him.

How could Chen Lu have the face to ask for it?

He didn't want it, but Zhao Xing insisted on giving him some benefits.

Chen Lu is a rare honest man. If you give him some favors, it may come in handy in the future.

More brothers mean more lives on the battlefield.

In addition, he was counting on Chen Lu to send someone to drive this Nether Flame warship.

A medium-sized warship cannot be handled by one person.

He wants to monopolize the benefits and make people work for nothing. Even if Chen Lu doesn't think there is anything wrong, others may not say that Master Zhao is so unsophisticated.

After much persuasion, Chen Lu agreed to share 10% of the spoils to comfort the injured brothers.

"Brother Chen, please lend me some men to drive to my garrison city."

"How many people?"

"Fifty people are needed."

Chen Lu nodded: "No problem!"

In fact, he didn't have many mechanical masters left. While the Nether Flame warship destroyed the magic circle, it also caused many mechanical masters to be injured. Under the attack of the blood Kui and heavy water stone throwing, some died and some fled.

Now is the time to quickly repair the city magic circle and strengthen the defense.

But Chen Lu still called people to Zhao Xing for loan.

After a short rest.

Zhao Xing took people on board.

"Brother Chen, see you later."

"Brother Zhao, take care."

After saying goodbye to Chen Lu, the Dark Flame warship took off with a rumble, jumped up, and entered the Gangfeng layer. As for the Swordfish Flying Boat, it stopped in the Dark Flame warship.

"Meow!" The mountain cat saw Zhao Xing on board and cried unhappily, why didn't you take me with you when you fought just now?

"You are still young, why are you fighting." Zhao Xing pushed the mountain cat away, "Go play aside, I have something to do."

"Meow~" Aotian meowed and walked away aggrieved.

Long Xiao walked out of the storage room of the Dark Flame warship and rubbed his hands happily.

"From your appearance, you have gained a lot?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Yes." Long Xiao laughed, "This group of Sand Tribe people robbed a lot of things, and most of the cabin was filled."

"What's funny is that they put those third- and fourth-level weapons and armor, and elixir boxes neatly, and other valuable medicinal materials and treasures were piled up randomly."

"It's really blind."

Zhao Xing also laughed. It's good to be blind, isn't it a bargain for himself?

"Of course, the most valuable thing is this Nether Flame Warship." Long Xiao said, "It's the biggest gain."

The Nether Flame Warship, even if it is sold in the Great Zhou, the price will not drop, because its craftsmanship is up to the standards of the Great Zhou.

It may even be sold at a high price because of its unique tribal style.

"The Sand Tribe is just a small- to medium-sized tribe in the Golden Feather King's Court. They can't even get a few warships together even if they sell everything they have. Now they're going to lose one, and it's probably going to hurt."

Long Xiao touched his chin and said, "However, I don't recommend selling it. Your current Swordfish Flying Boat is a small boat. Although it is also a fifth-grade inferior ship, its value is not at the same level as the Nether Flame Warship. The difference is too great."

Zhao Xing said, "I remember you also took a share in Lao Chen's keel warship?"

"Yes." Long Xiao said, "I usually act with Lao Chen, just riding that ship. Not only that, I also took a share in Liao Rulong's Dragon Head Tower Ship. If there is any profit, I can also earn points by lying down."

"I'll take 30% of yours. I won't care about the usual maintenance costs."

"Okay." Zhao Xing nodded.

He also knew why Lao Chen and Long Xiao gave him so many things at that time.

The Five Elements Staff is a fourth-grade top-grade.

The Moon Shock Armor is a fourth-grade top-grade.

Mo Shou Jade Pendant, fifth-grade inferior.

The almanac, raincoat, cloud-stepping boots, and bamboo hat were all upgraded to the fourth-grade supreme quality, but he had not yet held an official position.

Long Xiao and Chen Shijie were both rich people.

Now they have invested in a dark flame warship. It is conceivable that as long as they are fighting, Long Xiao and Chen Shijie will not be poor.

"I will only take 30% of the things in the warehouse. When the transport envoy of the military world comes, you can give me points after you finish processing them."

The transport envoy is responsible for transporting things from the military world's treasure house to the front line and handling spoils of war.

If Zhao Xing, who is a takeaway individual, is a transport envoy, he is a logistics person.

The transport envoy's building ships are all large-scale building ships, and they will travel between cities every once in a while.

"With this dark flame warship, it will be much more convenient for you to transport things to the front, defend, or kill the enemy yourself in the future." Long Xiao said. "I'm waiting for you to help me get rich."

"Aren't you afraid that I can't afford this ship?" Zhao Xing said, "Besides, is there a powerful mechanical engineer in City No. 92?"

"Yes, Wang Ji is already waiting in City No. 92."

Wang Ji, who is a member of the Shenwei Army, was a Class A genius when he was in Shiyang Cave Heaven, and had conducted breakout training with Zhao Xing.

Later in Yuncheng, Wang Ji was sent there to work with Zhao Xing for two months, and they could be said to be old acquaintances.

After the internship, Wang Ji was promoted to the seventh rank, only one level lower than Zhao Xing.

Originally, Wang Ji was the chief general of City No. 92. As a mechanical engineer, he was in charge of the overall situation, and the chief officers of each department had to listen to him.

Three days ago, an order suddenly arrived in City No. 92, telling Wang Ji that the chief general would be replaced, and he was very unhappy.

"I'm doing well in City No. 92. I've built the city that should be built, and I've sent all the supplies to the front line."

"Why did the higher-ups remove me from the position of the Lord of City No. 92?"

"Who is this second-generation official who wants me to make way for him?!"

"You want me, Wang Ji, to work for someone who uses backdoors? No way!" Wang Ji slammed the table in anger. "Either I leave or he leaves!"

The messenger said indifferently: "Do you want to hear my name before you get angry?"

Wang Ji snorted coldly: "Why, I, Wang Ji, am a tough guy. No matter how big his background is, I'm not afraid. Craftsmen can make a living anywhere! Who are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of?"

The messenger remained silent.

Wang Ji said: "Okay, then you tell me, who has such a big face that I need to give up my position?!"

The messenger said expressionlessly: "Zhao Xing."

"I don't care who he is... um? Who are you talking about?"

Wang Ji's hand slamming the table was suspended in the air.

"Zhao Xing, your old boss, did you hear me clearly?"

"Oh." Wang Ji's hand gently dropped and touched the table, "When will he arrive? Do you have any orders for me? Do you want me to do something in advance?"

Han Bing smiled playfully: "Look at your mean look, what did you say just now? Oh, it's impossible for me, Wang Ji, to work for you."

"I, Wang Ji, am a tough guy... Tsk tsk."

Wang Ji said angrily: "Fuck, you dead face paralysis, why didn't you say it was him earlier? I was angry for nothing. Zhao Xing... can he be the same as others?!"

Wang Ji didn't reach the seventh rank so quickly, but he followed Zhao Xing in Yuncheng, and he got the A rating every time since the fourth ring of tasks. Before that, he didn't do so well in the third ring of tasks.

It was like Zhao Xing lifted him to the rank of seventh rank official.

Wang Gong was dissatisfied with other things, but he was very convinced of Zhao Xing.

Han Bing said, "Did you let me speak? You exploded when I said someone wanted to replace you as the commander."

"Don't you think about it? Even I, the chief of the Ministry of Agriculture, was willing to give up my position. Who else has the ability to do this?"

Wang Ji did not argue with Han Bing: "When will he arrive? Really no other orders?"

Han Bing shook his head: "No, it will probably take him three days to come."

Wang Ji rubbed his hands: "Three days? Good, three days is good. Once he comes, I can save a lot of trouble, hehe."

"Look at your little ability." Han Bing snorted.

As City No. 92 approached, Zhao Xing first stopped the Mingyan warship, and then released the Swordfish Flying Boat to greet them first, so as to avoid their own people treating the Mingyan warship as an enemy.

"Zhao Xing!" Wang Ji ran out excitedly, and Han Bing followed. "Hahaha, you are finally here. We have been waiting for three days!"

"Wang Ji." Zhao Xing also grinned, holding the other's arm and patting it. They are old acquaintances, so the etiquette of bowing is unnecessary.

Then he looked at the people next to him: "Han Bing, how are you doing recently?"

Han Bing nodded: "I'm doing OK, but when Engineer Wang heard that you were coming to steal his position as the commander, he got angry and smashed two or three tables."

Wang Ji was furious when he heard this: "Asshole! How can you slander someone's innocence! Was I attacking Zhao Xing? I thought it was someone else."

Han Bing said coldly: "That's right, after you heard it was Zhao Xing, you put the tables together again. Look at your lack of ability, can't you be as calm as me?"

"Those who have thunder in their chests and calm faces can pay homage... Damn, what's up there?"

Han Bing suddenly raised his head and stared blankly upwards.

Wang Ji also looked over fiercely and saw a huge monster descending from the clouds. It had a black base, red wings, and a tail flame. When it descended, the sky was dyed red.

Zhao Xing was waving his hand and gesturing to the dragon above, indicating that he could land without being attacked by his own people.

Wang Ji and Han Bing were stunned as they watched Zhao Xing command and wave his hands.

"Brother Zhao." Wang Ji stuttered, his eyes burning: "Is this fifth-level Nether Flame warship yours?"

"Zhao Xing, you can't afford this kind of warship." Han Bing also stared at Zhao Xing: "Don't tell me that you snatched this fifth-level Nether Flame warship halfway!"

The second update is here, 4+6, two chapters with a total of 10,000 words. I made up for yesterday's 2,000 words.

I started to owe updates after the Dragon Boat Festival.

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