Shennong Daojun

Chapter 202: Aftermath, re-entering the Great Dream Academy! (6K)

Before taking action, Zhao Xing thought about various possibilities:

1. Convicted of a serious crime, all military achievements shall be confiscated, deprived of official position, and imprisoned.

This possibility is slim, because even if everything is recorded, even if Zhao Xing intentionally kills someone, Qian Shougang made the mistake in the first place. In the final analysis, it is the powerful general who bullies others.

Now is not the time for the collapse of the Luck Dynasty, and the probability of such a penalty is extremely low.

Second, he was sentenced to a misdemeanor and his official position was not retained, but he was fined for military merit as a punishment.

The range of forfeiture of military merit is about 30,000-100,000.

This is what Zhao Xing expected to happen.

Because in the past life, many players used princes to increase their ‘prestige’.

He deliberately killed the generals who made mistakes under the prince's command to increase his reputation.

Such behavior usually results in gaining 'prestige' but losing 'war merit', 'official position', and 'title'.

But as long as it is done properly, you will not lose your official position and title, but you will lose some military achievements, thereby gaining 'prestige value'.

Gaining reputation with princes is also a favorite task among players. Because weakening the power of princes was originally in line with Emperor Jing's strategy during the Reform Period.

Everyone wants to imitate Boss Cao and assassinate Dong Zhuo and become famous all over the world. The big guilds especially like to do this kind of thing.

Because in the plain-barbarian war, it is easy to obtain military merit, but it is difficult to increase the reputation value.

It has many functions, including but not limited to 'political reputation', recruiting famous generals, upgrading the rank, etc.

King Liang is the player's favorite target.

Because King Liang is powerful, the 'prestige' given by him will be higher.

However, the cost will also be higher.

Zhao Xing estimated that with 100,000 military merits, it would be enough punishment.

He and Long Xiao have two million battle merit combined. It's not a big deal for them to be fined 100,000 battle merit each.

As he had previously considered, they would join forces with other armies to fight in the Qinggang War Zone. If a random event such as 'bullying by a strong army' were triggered today, they would not launch a strong counterattack.

Then Li Shougang and Wang Shougang will come to devour their victory.

Hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

Once there was friction between friendly forces, I think the rest of the army would be able to restrain themselves a little.

However, neither being convicted nor punished for military exploits was a result that Zhao Xing did not expect.

"There is no reason. Although I insist that it was an unknowing counterattack, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is somewhat personal."

"No matter what, you have to take some merit as punishment."

Zhao Xing thought hard.

Not punishing him for his military exploits made Mr. Zhao a little distressed.

Because some things are beyond one's knowledge, or some experiences in previous lives have lost their reference.

"Someone intervened, but I haven't even touched Tian Yan's three letters. Who can be so arrogant and overpower King Liang's power?"

"Yang An? Is he so foolish?"

"Fan Zhaoli? That shouldn't be the case. He is just a fifth-grade person, and his relationship with me is very ordinary."

"Liu Tianning? He is optimistic about me, but Lao Liu is only at the fourth level now, right?"

This was supposed to be a good thing, but Zhao Xing felt a little uneasy.

After evacuating from the vicinity of Xixianling, he immediately wrote to his teacher Tian Yan to inquire.

It didn't take long for Tian Yan to reply to Zhao Xing.

There is only one sentence in the letter: The final result will be decided jointly by King Lingde, King Luohu, and King Tianyan.

"Huh~" The letter burned, illuminating Zhao Xing's face.

After getting the answer, Zhao Xing finally felt a stone fall from his heart.

Although Tian Yan only has one sentence, he reveals a lot of information.

"I only know the preliminary investigation results, but the teacher said the 'final result', which means that there should be variables in the process. According to the rules, the judgment will be given by the Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion first, and then reported to the Supervision Department of the Military World. "

"The Pingman War is supervised by thirty-three kings. In the most serious case, the thirty-three kings who supervise the five caves need to jointly discuss the matter."

"But now this kind of thing does not reach the level of 'letting thirty-three kings discuss matters'."

"I belong to the Shiyang Cave Heaven, the Military Realm Shiyang Cave Heaven, and I am under the supervision of King Luohu, King Tianyan, and King Lingde. It is surprising to reach this level." Zhao Xing secretly said.

But with more information, Zhao Xing felt confident.

He had no impression of King Lingde, but the names of King Luohu and King Tianyan were familiar to him.

Especially King Luohu. When King Liang suddenly rebelled, it was this king who reacted first and prevented some of King Liang's legions from leaving Luliang Prefecture north.

This man was also the fiercest man who beat King Liang the hardest. In the end, he and King Tianyan raided King Liang's lair.

"It's no better than it was two hundred years ago." Zhao Xing thought, "At the beginning of the Dingxin period, Emperor Jing wanted to reform, so he relied heavily on his brother Liang Wang and gave him great power; during the Jingxin period, Emperor Jing had a lot of people at his disposal. It doesn’t matter whether he uses this little brother or not, he even sends people to keep an eye on his little brother.”

"It turns out these three are the ones supervising Shiyang Cave Heaven. No wonder..."

After understanding the key, Zhao Xing suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Military World, Hundred Soldiers Tower, the top level.

King Lingde, King Luohu, and King Tianyan gathered together.

"Luo Hu, I didn't expect you to be willing to sign?" King Tianyan looked at King Luo Hu, "I thought you wouldn't care about this matter."

The Qian Shougang incident was originally reviewed in the second round, but was intervened by the Liang Wang faction. The verdict against Zhao Xing and Long Xiao was to fine them 200,000 yuan in merit and be demoted two levels.

But King Tianyan blocked the sentence and changed the sentence to not guilty, no demotion, and a symbolic fine of 30,000 yuan for military merit.

As a result, after King Rahu found out, he changed the sentence again and left his own judgment in the archive: "Since he is not guilty, why should he be punished?"

He also asked King Lingde and King Tianyan to sign the final result directly.

King Lingde joked: "I also thought King Luo Hu would support punishing military merit. After all, if Zhao Xing punishes merit, Luo Hu has a greater chance of winning."

King Tianyan waved his hand and said, "You are just looking down on Luo Hu. How could he care about such a thing?"

King Luohu said: "The public is public and the private is private. A strong army bullies a weak brigade. This trend cannot be encouraged in the army."

"Qian Shougang recruited the fifth-level Fire Lotus without orders, and was killed by the Shenwei Army. He can be used as a model to serve as a warning to those arrogant generals."

Originally, under normal circumstances, Zhao Xing and Long Xiao should have been punished with merit points, and King Tianyan's approach was relatively normal. However, the second round of penalties was a bit too protective of King Liang's Black Dragon Army, and the Supervision Department personnel decided what to do.

When King Luohu found out, he decided not to commit any crime without punishment.

King Tianyan and King Lingde were also persuaded by Luo Hu, so the final result became what it is now.

The murder of Qian Shougang spread quickly in various war zones.

Taking the Shiyang Cave Heaven as a warning, the powerful generals of the other four caves were all shocked. There were too many battles downwind, which gave rise to a lot of arrogance. Originally, many weak armies were squeezed by the strong armies, but as soon as this incident came out, they all restrained themselves.

Following this incident, Zhao Xing and Long Xiao also became famous together.

Especially Zhao Xing.

Originally, he was not known to anyone. Even if he planted the Earth Fire Lotus, he was only famous among a few armies in a certain area.

Those who can cultivate the Earth Fire Lotus to the fifth level, there are only one or two hundred people of the sixth and seventh levels in the five caves, which is not enough to become famous in the entire war zone.

But in this incident, Zhao Xing was much more famous than Long Xiao.

First, Zhao Xing has more military exploits than Long Xiao, which has exceeded one million. It is rare for a seventh-grade military commander to have more than one million military exploits, and he is a new generation.

Second, Zhao Xingnai directly killed Qian Shougang's men, who were lower than the seventh rank but were able to kill those who were above the sixth rank. This also frightened many people.

After the incident spread, Shenwei Army and Zhao Xing became famous together.

"Zhao Xingniu, he actually killed a sixth-grade man?" Zhuang Ziqing in the Hujiao Army looked at this information and couldn't help but widen his eyes. "It was the private army of King Liang that he killed. In the end, he was not guilty and even had military exploits. No penalty?"

"Is he able to reach the sixth level?" Li Feng and Feng Qiu looked at the information blankly. What they were focused on was the matter of 'Zhao Xingneng killed Qian Shougang'.

Both Fengqiu and Li Feng suffered under Zhao Xing, and they have always regarded Zhao Xing as the target of pursuit.

But it had only been a long time since we had seen this man, and he already had millions of military exploits, and could even kill the generals who had reached the Tiangang Realm.

In the same camp as the Tiger Dragon Army.

Wei Hong was in front of a sand table map, looking at the information.

"Father should have worked harder and snatched him away from the Tiger Army." Wei Hong sighed with emotion.

Wei Yuan knew about it when he went to Diliyuan to rob people, and he almost succeeded. "He is much easier to use than Shi Yong."

Shi Yong is now working under Wei Yuan, but judging from the performance in all aspects, Shi Yong and Zhao Xing are far apart.

Yes, now Shi Yong has no advantage in terms of combat power. After all, Shi Yong can't kill a sixth-grade general of the Black Dragon Army. You must know that Qian Shougang is also a warrior who is one in a million.

"Hahahaha, it's cool, it's cool!" In the Xuanjia Army, Cao Shuang couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the letter.

"What is it that makes you smile so happily?" Jiang Tianming came over and asked. "Let me see."

Jiang Tianming and Cao Shuang were both members of the Xuanjia Army, but they did not go to Huolong Pass with Xia Jing. Instead, they worked among the main army in the north.

But both of them were once top-level geniuses in the Geographical Institute, and they had a close relationship with Zhao Xing.

"Hiss, he killed Qian Shougang?" Jiang Tianming read the letter, "He and Long Xiao only had 500 people, but Qian Shougang was a sixth-grade man with a thousand Black Dragon Guards, and he was killed just like that? "

"I wish I could follow Xia Jing to Huolong Pass." Cao Shuang patted his thigh.

This letter made his blood boil, and he wished he could go find a sixth-grade man to cut him off.

"Why are you excited?" Jiang Tianming said, "The Xuanjia Army is a strong army. If you appear on this kind of information, you will be the villain."


Lieyang Army, camp.

"Is it him?" Helian Lie recalled the scene when he first met Zhao Xing in his mind.

"I first met you two years ago at Lihuo Taoist Temple, and now I'm almost catching up with you."

Helian Lie was silent.

He ranked 20th in the seventh-level battle merit list, but now, Zhao Xing is already 69th.

Helianlie also chose a new soldier named Zhuo Yue at that time, but now, Zhuo Yue is only at the eighth level.

It is completely incomparable to Zhao Xing.

Fire Demon Clan territory, north.

The Zhaoyuan Army is ‘Qiyuan Army’, the Yuanhua Army is ‘Yi Yue’, the Huanyou Army is ‘Nangong Ye’, and the Zhaoyuan Army is ‘Pang Zheng’.

The four generals were discussing matters in the marching hall.

"Zhao Xing of the Shenwei Army killed Qian Shougang in Xixian Ling, which attracted tens of thousands of people from Liao Rulong's tribe to confront the Black Dragon Army."

"Our coalition forces originally retreated from the 300-mile front line because they wanted to attack the Fire Demon Clan guard at Xixian Pass."

"It's good now. The general of Xixian Pass was scared to death and couldn't retreat."

‘Qi Yuanjun’, who ranked first in the seventh-grade military merit rankings, pointed at the map with a somewhat speechless expression.

Yi Yue, who ranked second on the seventh-grade battle merit list, was also very angry: "What is this money for? Is there something wrong with it? Just go and steal the food and fodder of the Shenwei Army!"

"I have been holding back for a month or so from attacking Xixian Pass, just to let the guard of this pass relax his vigilance. I was originally ready to take action... Damn it, the guy named Qian didn't even choose the right time to seek death!"

Yi Yue slammed the table excitedly.

Angry, too angry.

Just like when Zhao Xing and Liao Rulong's troops went to attack Huolong Pass, an army suddenly came out and forced the guard of Huolong Pass to strengthen the defense...If it was Liao Rulong and Zhao Xing, they would be furious.

"We can only give up attacking Xixian Pass." Pang Zheng looked at Qi Yuanjun, "This guy is like a frightened bird, and he can't attack at all. Even if we take down Xixian Pass, the checkpoints behind it must be heavily defended."

"If we don't pull out this nail, our supply line will be too long." Nangong Ye's voice was a little erratic.

"The cost of fighting now is much higher than before, and my superiors will not agree."

"Captain Li has sent a message asking me to consider changing the direction of entry, otherwise I will not be able to keep up with the pace of the main force of the Phantom Army."

"Can we ask the Shenwei Army to borrow the passage through the Fire Dragon Pass?"

"How is it possible? We just said that the strong army should not bully the weak army. How could the Shenwei Army let us pass?"

"Yes, there are already many troops cooperating with Liao Rulong's Shenwei Army. It is impossible for anyone to join in."

"Oh, damn..."

The four commanders glared at each other, all of them were disgusted.

Zhao Xing thought that Xixian Pass was useful, so City No. 98 was built. They, the elites in the army, naturally had vision. In the army in the north, the four of them united and left the army. They had long been eyeing Xixian Pass, intending to use it as a breakthrough point to enter the pass and enter the territory of the Fire Demon Clan.

The result is now.

It's all the damned Qian Shougang's fault!

Zhao Xing didn't know how many chain reactions he had brought about.

After the standoff was resolved, he returned to City 98 with the army.

When Liao Rulong came back, he was also worried. He spoke in a mighty manner, but in fact, he was also very nervous. If there was a large-scale fight with the Black Dragon Army, his position as a captain would be over.

"Since Zhao Xing came, I have made more military achievements, but I have also been more nervous." Liao Rulong said.

"Fortunately, it was Zhao Xing who did it." Pu Zhong said, "If it was Long Xiao, it would be a bit shaky now."

From going to City 98 to find out the situation, to killing Qian Shougang's team, Zhao Xing's handling was perfect. He didn't give the investigation team any evidence that was unfavorable. He could make trouble and settle things.

If it was Long Xiao who took the lead, it would probably be classified as "deliberate revenge after the fact."

"Anyway, after this incident, our Shenwei Army has become a strong army." Pu Zhong said, "If anyone wants to bully us again, they have to consider whether they can withstand the counterattack."

"Yes." Liao Rulong laughed, "We have also vented our anger."

Return to City No. 98.

Zhao Xing saw Han Bing, Che Shihai, Wang Ji, Yuan Yang and others welcoming him.

When he got off the flying boat, the eyes of the people below seemed to be burning.

The news that Zhao Xing and Long Xiao had chopped Qian Shougang had spread.

They felt extremely honored to have such a superior who cared for his subordinates.

"Boss, you're back!" Che Shihai ran over excitedly.

"What's the big boss? I've said it so many times. It's called the position in formal occasions." Zhao Xing scolded.

"Yes, commander." Che Shihai corrected himself quickly.

"Wang Ji, how is your injury?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Reply to the commander, if you come back later, I'm afraid I won't be able to get better." Wang Ji said a little melancholy.

"What's going on?" Zhao Xing wondered.

"Didn't the commander order it?" Yuan Yang was also a little confused. Did he forget so quickly?

After asking carefully, he found that Yuan Yang followed his orders. Every time Wang Ji woke up, he immediately knocked him out.

With that little injury, Wang Ji was unconscious for seven days.

He had to go to the investigation team to get better.

Wang Ji felt bitter. His injury should have healed on the same day, but his own people suppressed his recovery ability and he played the victim on the stretcher for several days.

Zhao Xing didn't know what to say. Yuan Yang was too obedient. He could have cured Wang Gong after playing the victim.

Several people walked into the hall, and Zhao Xing said to Wang Ji and Han Bing: "You should learn a lesson from this incident."

"Wang Ji, Han Bing, one of you is too impulsive, and the other is too calm."

"Wang Ji, you shouldn't have stopped them and got yourself injured. How can a fifth-level earth fire lotus be more important than your own life?"

"Han Bing, you have too many things to consider. Even if it is the Black Dragon Army, you shouldn't be so humble. If you organize people to fight outside the city and resist, our subsequent pursuit will be more reasonable, coherent, and more justified."

"No need to wait for me to come to remedy it."

Han Bing and Wang Ji nodded quickly to show that they were taught.

"Okay, I'm tired these days, you go down first, let me rest for a while." Zhao Xing knew that these two people didn't need to be taught much, but they were just inexperienced.


After clearing everyone out, Zhao Xing used the divine protection and sank into the ground.

The temple has not been built in City No. 98 yet. Now that the investigation team has left, Zhao Xing plans to venture into the Great Dream Academy once.

The intervention of the three kings finally made Zhao Xing wary. He felt that he could not rely solely on his past life experience and had to make himself stronger.

With stronger strength, he could deal with uncertainties more calmly.

Before, he had been on guard against being monitored, but now Zhao Xing had become familiar with the battlefield and had a deep understanding of the Great Zhou's Yin Shen monitoring system.

He felt that he could try to enter the Great Dream Palace again.

The octagonal underground palace sank two thousand meters.

Then he dug a hole in the ground, pasted many talismans around it, and then sat cross-legged, as if he was practicing with his eyes closed.

In fact, he silently chanted a spell in his heart and quietly entered the Great Dream Palace.

"Hu~" Zhao Xing stepped into the misty portal.

One step across, the scene changed.

In front of him appeared a series of magnificent palaces wrapped in semicircular light shields.

These palaces flashed in front of him, and then most of them disappeared, leaving only three.

One is the 'Heavenly Works Hall', which is where Zhao Xing obtained the sixth-level soul armor last time. There is a mechanical magic beast Xiezhi as the guardian.

The second is the 'Questioning Platform', which is where the Dao Embryo Pill was obtained, and it has now reappeared.

The third is the 'Tianji Pavilion', which is a new palace.

"Let's go to the Tiangong Hall first." Zhao Xing entered the Tiangong Hall.

He had previously passed the three levels of the Tiangong Hall.

The first level is the Xuanji Gate.

The second level is the mechanism box.

The third level is the mechanism maze.

The first two levels are elixir rewards.

The third level is the sixth-level soul armor.

When he saw the mechanical beast Xiezhi again, he still asked the familiar question: "Student Zhao Xing, you have reached the threshold of the fourth level 'Liuhe Yinyang Formation'."

"The minimum reward for the fourth level is a fourth-level lower-grade treasure, and the highest reward is a sixth-level upper-grade treasure."

"Do you want to pass the level?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "Reply to the guardian, I choose to pass the level."

"Please enter that door."

The mechanical beast Xiezhi blew a breath, and the surrounding clouds and mist dispersed, and a portal appeared ten meters in front of Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing stepped into the portal, and then the surrounding scene changed, and he was under a high mountain.

"The Liuhe Yin-Yang formation is a formation formed by the power of the Earthly Evil and the Heavenly Gang. The whole mountain is made up of magic formations."

"To climb the mountain, the minimum requirement is to reach the Earthly Evil realm and start to practice the body with the Earthly Evil. To reach the top completely, you must reach the Heavenly Gang realm and practice the body with the Heavenly Gang energy."

"To pass the level perfectly and get the highest reward, you need to be fearless of the four tests of earth, wind, fire, and thunder."

Not every level can be tricked. Unlike the maze of the third level, the fourth level is a pure strength requirement.

"But I have nine high-level magics. Now I am breaking through the level. The magic spells I know in reality can also be used here."

"My strength cannot be judged by the normal Earthly Evil realm. I wonder if I can reach the top?"

After a little preparation, Zhao Xing began to climb the mountain.

In the first quarter of an hour after he started to climb the mountain, the ground shook, the mountain cracked, and huge rocks rolled down, hitting Zhao Xing in an endless cycle.

Each boulder carries a strong earthly evil force. If Zhao Xing is hit by such a large boulder, the impact force is not something he can resist.

So the magic beast Xiezhi said that Zhao Xing only has the threshold to pass the level.

"The heaven and earth evolve yin and yang, and the earthly tribulation of the Liuhe formation is like a high-level mountain sealing method."

"It's just that this mountain sealing method is aggressive. Anyone who climbs the mountain will be attacked by this mountain."

Zhao Xing entered the test, and the 'body' he now has is a replica of the situation in reality, so the spells he knows are the same as in reality.

"God-walking Guardian!"

Zhao Xing immediately sank into the mountain, and did not directly carry the boulder. God-walking Guardian is now a high-level spell of the fourth turn.

Walking through the mountain, he quickly passed the 'earthly tribulation' and reached a quarter of the height.

At this time, the escape became slow, because Zhao Xing's Yin-Yang Liuhe formation produced the second change. [Liuhe·Wind Evil]

Not only did the cave shake, but there was also a violent wind blowing towards the octagonal underground palace.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak~"

The octagonal underground palace was shaken by the wind. Although the wind did not blow in, Zhao Xing inside could feel an extremely cold chill, a chill from the soul.

"Evil of the Cold Wind!" Zhao Xing immediately used the second high-level method, the Evil of the Cold Wind, to fight the evil of the wind with the evil of the wind, wrapping the octagonal underground palace and continuing to rush up the mountain.

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