Shennong Daojun

Chapter 203 Fantasy Breakthrough Reward! (5K)

After rising to a certain height, the Octagonal Underground Palace suddenly broke into a ball of flames.

As for the ground, the mountain was burning.

"Chi chi chi chi chi~"

The flames were like spirits, drilling crazily into the underground palace, trying to find gaps.

"Come on fire!"

Zhao Xing continued to cast spells, trying to fight fire with fire. At this time, it was impossible to extinguish the fire with water. Just by looking at the drops of the dripping rain method, you knew that this thing was not used to extinguish fires on a large scale.

"Chichichi~" The underground palace is on the verge of collapse and cannot rise any higher.

Because what he cast was 'Heavenly Fire', it was only a perfect level of intermediate spell and could not withstand this earthly fire.

However, due to the strong protection of the underground palace by the divine line, and the resistance of the evil wind, the underground fire could not burn in.

The two high-level techniques allowed Zhao Xing to gain a foothold in Huosha Pass, but they were not enough for him to continue to rise.

"I don't know the high-level fire method, so I can't pass this level." Zhao Xing persisted for a moment and quickly came to a conclusion.

The wind evil fuels the fire evil, and if it continues, it will eventually become unsustainable.

"give up."

Zhao Xing silently thought about giving up, and the next moment, he returned to the outside of the portal.

"You have passed through the Disha Pass of the Yin-Yang Liuhe Formation, and you can get the fourth-level top-quality treasure reward. You can choose between elixirs and weapons." Haezhi's voice sounded.

"Elixir." Zhao Xing was disappointed.

For him, the reward for the fourth-level top quality was better than nothing.

Dali's academy is all for elites, so it's not easy to get rewards.

Of course, he was not discouraged.

"According to calculations, if I want to pass the Yin-Yang Liuhe Formation, I only need to possess a high-level fire spell."

The volcanic method is actually an earth-based magic, because it is essentially an 'earth-splitting method'. Even though its name is the fire-based earth-splitting method, it is not a pure fire-based magic.

The Fire Pass requires pure high-level fire spells.

"As long as I pass the Fire and Thunder Pass, it won't be a problem for me." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Zhao Xing is confident that he can pass the earth, wind, fire, thunder, and the final thunder evil pass because he has pure high-level thunder skills.

After breaking through the Disha Pass, Zhao Xing got three top-grade fourth-level [Disha Pills], which helped him train his body in the Disha realm.

Without wasting time, he left Tiangong Hall and headed to the Wenxin Platform to break through.

"I passed the tenth level of the Passion Level in the Questioning Heart Platform very early. Now it reappears, which proves that I can continue to pass. I don't know what kind of test it is."

Zhao Xing took a deep breath and climbed up the steps of the Questioning Platform.


The moment Zhao Xing stepped onto the steps, his thoughts were shattered by a thunder.

The whole person flew out, even hurting his life soul because of breaking through the barrier, and exited the Dream Academy directly.

"Why is it so difficult? This version of the Questioning Heart Platform is actually so powerful?"

Zhao Xing was thinking in his mind, feeling vaguely that something was wrong and feeling uneasy.

However, Dameng Academy's version of the Questioning Platform was different from the one he was familiar with, so he only thought that Da Li's version of the Questioning Platform was too powerful.

He used his divine power to protect himself and floated to the ground.

As soon as they arrived on the ground, they received news from Chen Shijie.

"Zhao Xing, Huolong Pass is in an emergency. Wen Shaoyang and Jiang Ming have sent news that Jinyu Royal Court has sent a large army to recapture Huolong Pass! We have to go back quickly!"


Zhao Xing was stunned, but at this time Liao Rulong, Xia Jing and others were hurriedly setting off the boat, so he had no choice but to get on the boat and rush to Huolong Pass.

Sitting on the warship, Zhao Xing looked at the map and information in a daze.

He didn't expect that the Golden Feather Royal Court would be so determined to regain the Fire Dragon Pass. This was so different from what he expected.

Yue Haisheng had just escaped, and his side of the Fire Dragon Pass had only a few hundred thousand people, but the Golden Feather Royal Court actually dispatched an army of 800,000 to fight!

"Zhao Xing, you are now leading a separate battalion. I have assigned you three thousand people, all of whom are drawn from the original Fire Cross Camp, Xiaoyong Camp, Jiujie Camp, Shenji Camp, and Five Elements Camp."

"You are now heading to Guanbao to support Wen Shaoyang's troops."

After Liao Rulong got off the warship, he immediately assigned combat tasks and then drove away in the top-quality warship.

Only Zhao Xing and his three thousand mixed camp were left.

Looking at Liao Rulong's flying warship, Zhao Xing couldn't help but frown. He always felt something was strange.

But things kept happening again and again, constantly urging him to take action, leaving him with no time to think.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Xing took three thousand people on board the Mingyan warship and flew towards Guanbao.

Liao Rulong assigned him Han Bing, Wang Ji, Che Shihai and other acquaintances to assist him, and three thousand people quickly left Huolong Pass to support Wen Shaoyang's department, which was under attack.

When the warship flew five hundred miles away, Zhao Xing saw a demon army.

They were heading towards the Fire Dragon Pass in a mighty manner. Han Bing immediately asked: "Commander, are you going to intercept and kill this ape demon army?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "No fight, our mission is to support Wen Shaoyang. The ape demon army that has bypassed will be left to the army at the rear to deal with it."

The Dark Flame warship flew in the strong wind layer for a day and a night, and finally arrived at the border of Guanbao.

At this time, there are the White Bone Golden Toe Army below and the Flying Bear Barbarian Army in the sky, besieging the Guanbao where Wen Shaoyang is located like ants.

"Why are there so many people?" Zhao Xing looked at the battlefield with fear.

"Commander, should we fight or not?" Wang Ji asked.

Just when Zhao Xing was thinking about what was wrong, suddenly a warrior came from outside the cabin and reported: "Commander, we have been surrounded by the warships of the Flying Bear Army!"

"Wang Ji, order the mechanics immediately to prepare for battle!"

Zhao Xing had no time to think and hurriedly accepted the challenge.

He quickly walked to the deck outside the warship and saw five flying bear warships appearing in the sky.

In addition, there are many flying beasts that look like violent bears but have a pair of wings next to the warship.

On top of the alien beast sat a barbarian soldier wearing a silver-feathered armor.

"The Flying Bear Army of the Golden Feather Royal Court, its combat effectiveness is enough to rank in the top thirty of the Royal Court. Instead of attacking Lu Yuanwei in the west, and Zhaoyuan Army, Danxia Army and other powerful armies in the north, they come over to attack our Shenwei Army?"

Zhao Xing secretly screamed that something was wrong.

He found that everything seemed to be out of his control, just like the three kings suddenly intervened in the trial.

But it was too late to think so much at this time.

The battle has begun!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Five warships launched an attack on the Dark Flame Warship. Ballistas, spells, blood kui, and various methods were used in turn against the Dark Flame Warship.

"Swallow the clouds!"

Zhao Xing used Yunfa to create a favorable environment for the army.

But before he could use it, the battleship's barrier was declared broken.

"Commander, the barrier has been broken!" Wang Ji roared, "There are too many people, we have been ambushed!"


A series of arm-thick crossbow arrows were fired at the deck. Zhao Xing had no choice but to interrupt the flow and order the warship to escape.


The barrier of the Dark Flame Warship was broken, and he turned around and ran away.

"Five Elements Kirigakure!"

Zhao Xing changed the cloud method to the fog concealment method to create favorable escape conditions for the warship.

Once the barrier is broken, they will only be beaten, and they can only run away at this time.

After flying for half an hour, the Dark Flame Warship flew.

Finally got rid of the pursuers.

Zhao Xing walked into the cabin exhausted. He used advanced techniques to finally confuse the pursuers.

But Wen Shaoyang's troops couldn't support him at all. He only had 3,000 men, and there were at least 100,000 people under siege. How could he be saved?

But this was too sudden. Why did the Golden Feather Royal Court come to fight the Fire Dragon Pass?

Zhao Xinggang wanted to take a rest and think carefully.

But the warship made a whine, and the whole warship shook.

"Wang Ji, what's going on?!"

"Commander, the damage to the warship is too serious, we have to make an emergency landing!"

Zhao Xing went out and took a look and found that the warship had been pricked into a hedgehog, and there was even a big hole in the cabin on the right side.

It’s not easy to persist until now.


The rear of the warship burst into flames and fell from the sky to the mountains and forests below.

Zhao Xingfei came out of the cabin and ordered all the farmers and warlocks to fly under the warship and use wind magic.

Use the wind method to reduce the falling speed of the warship. After all, there are many equipment on the ship. If it crashes, they will have no equipment to use, and warriors cannot fly. If it crashes like this, someone will die.


The Dark Flame warship still crashed into the mountain forest.

Fortunately, no explosion occurred and no firecrackers stored on the ship were detonated.

Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered the soldiers to leave the ship and remove a series of dangerous and precious items such as firecrackers.

"Zhang Quan, send someone to guard the surrounding area."

"Han Bing, count the casualties."

"Yuan Yang, follow Han Bing."


Zhao Xing gave the order. At this time, he frowned and felt uneasy. Without the warship, their mobility was greatly weakened.

It's not yet known where it crashed or how many enemy troops are around it.

"Scout man, get up!"

Zhao Xing waved his hand and instantly turned the surrounding vegetation into grass figures, spreading out and searching around.

However, it didn't take long for him to discover traces of the barbarian army.

The place where he fell was actually not far from the camp of the ape barbarian army.

"Hiss! With so many marching tents, how many people will we need!"

Zhao Xing knew that he couldn't stay in this place for a long time, otherwise he would be discovered easily.

"Wang Ji, how long will it take to repair the warship?"

"It takes fourteen hours."

"Fourteen hours? That's too long!" Zhao Xing said, "Let's walk and abandon the warship."

"Han Bing, pass the order and set off after half an hour's rest."


The Ape Man Army discovered the traces of Zhao Xing and others after they left, and began to send troops to pursue them.

But in the mountains and forests, it is Zhao Xing's home field.

Whether it was the straw man confusing the line of sight or the five elements being hidden in the mist, this allowed Zhao Xing's three thousand men to always jump out of the encirclement one step ahead.

Time passed, and it was already seven days later in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhao Xing had already led his men out of the encirclement of the ape barbarian army, but this was extremely draining for Zhao Xing. He had to fight large-scale area spells continuously for seven consecutive days, which made him exhausted.

Seeing that he was out of the encirclement, Zhao Xing handed over the command to Han Bing: "To meet with Liao Rulong, I have to rely on you and Wang Ji to lead the rest of the way. I have to get some sleep..."

With the leadership of Zhao Xing, the most dangerous time has passed. Han Bing and Wang Ji took over control of the team and successfully returned to Huolong Pass to join Liao Rulong.

After Zhao Xing woke up, he was on the way to retreat.

At this time, Liao Rulong's tribe had abandoned Huolong Pass and retreated to Zhiyou City.

Fire Dragon Pass returned to the hands of the barbarians.

They suffered a crushing defeat.

"What's going on? Why was it defeated so quickly? The Golden Feather Royal Court actually sent the young prince Yanda to regain the Fire Dragon Pass?"

Zhao Xing looked at the information and couldn't help but feel uneasy.

But he still fought bravely with the Shenwei Army.

In the remaining two months of Jingxin's seventeenth year, the Shenwei army was defeated.

But Zhao Xing's military exploits have been growing.

Without control over the future, Zhao Xing is still a high-end player, and he is still striving towards his goals.

Spring, the eighteenth year of Jingxin.

Emperor Jing did not carry out the staged rewards, which once again exceeded Zhao Xing's expectations.

But Zhao Xing still returned to the Shiyang Dongtian Station to rest and wait for the upcoming "Dongtian Lingxiu Revival".

However, after waiting until June of the 18th year of Jingxin's reign, the "revival of the spiritual beauty of the cave sky" has not yet occurred.

After leaving in June, he went to fight on the battlefield again.

But in October of the eighteenth year of Jingxin, the "Ten-Day Volley" occurred, and Chen Shijie and Long Xiaotian Yan both died in this disaster.

When Zhao Xing hurried back, the cave had been closed. After receiving the news of the deaths of Lao Chen and Long Xiao, his head began to hurt.

In the nineteenth year of Jingxin, Wanfa Palace.

It hurt, it hurt too much. Zhao Xing had a splitting headache. He didn't know when he started to suffer from this headache.

He consulted many military doctors, but they could never find the specific cause. They only said that he was worried too much and needed more rest.

There seemed to be multiple scenes in his mind, which gave him a splitting headache. In order to relieve the headache, Zhao Xing came to the Wanfa Palace and began to beg Liu Tianning to teach him how to practice Wanfa Cao Ren.

In the process of practicing Wanfa Cao Ren, Zhao Xing's headaches were relieved.

He practiced until the 19th year of Jingxin.

It was at this time that he finally withstood the interference and condensed his thoughts.

At the same time, the first straw man appeared in front of Zhao Xing.

Upon seeing this, Liu Tianning came to Zhao Xing and looked at him: "You seem to have understood something."

Zhao Xing nodded: "Yes, I finally figured it out."

Liu Tianning said: "What do you want to understand?"

Zhao Xing pointed to his head: "Actually, the military doctor is right. I really don't have any patients. The reason why I can't concentrate is because my own power attacks me."

"What is it?"


Zhao Xing looked at the 'Ten Thousand Methods Cure' in front of him, his expression was tense and his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, it can be said to be a 'fearful straw man'.

"Fear of the unknown, fear of the future, fear of losing foresight."

Liu Tianning looked at Zhao Xing in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Xing did not answer and muttered to himself: "If I don't have these advantages and am afraid of the bleak road ahead, then I am not qualified to live forever."

"You're crazy." Liu Tianning said, "It's immortality and the future. What are you talking about?"

Zhao Xingqu pointed his finger into a sword and slashed at the straw man in front of him.

"Pfft~" Zhao Xing, the frightened straw man, fell down.

"No matter how the future changes, we should move forward bravely. My determination to achieve immortality will not change!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the heaven and earth. The sound got louder and louder, and finally everything in front of me was shattering.

Zhao Xing looked at the steps in front of him and found that he was still on the Heart-Questioning Platform in the Dameng Academy.

"As expected." Zhao Xing sighed with emotion. Unknowingly, he was already standing on the twentieth step.

And he happened to randomly arrive at the 'Fear Level' of the Questioning Heart Platform.

"Amplifying the subtle fears in my heart and deducing them layer by layer to create a complete illusion."

"People keep struggling in the illusion of fear. If they cannot break through the fear in their hearts, they will sink in the illusion forever."

In the illusion, he lost the panel and the prediction of the future.

But in the end, Zhao Xing broke through the shackles of fear in his heart, strengthened his faith, and successfully escaped from the illusion.

[Student Zhao Xing, with a strong will, passed the 'Fear Pass' and was rewarded with a 'Life Soul Pill'. 】

Two thousand meters underground, in a cave shrouded in an octagonal cage underground palace.

Zhao Xing opened his eyes.

In his arms lay four pills.

Three top-grade fourth-level Disha Pills were put away by him.

The other one exudes a faint golden light.

When Zhao Xing looked over, there was a desire deep in his soul that could not be suppressed at all.

"Life Soul Pill? The rewards from this Heart-Question Platform are really generous." Zhao Xing couldn't help but marvel.

Dao Fei Dan and Life Soul Pill are both 'wonder objects' without grade markings, because there are very few finished products that have been trained, and the effects are not immediate and vary from person to person.

If Zhao Xing had to estimate for himself, both Dao Fei Dan and Life Soul Dan must be considered the sixth level of the best.

Because in the previous life, the price at which it was sold was equivalent to the top-grade sixth-grade elixir, or the lower-grade seventh-grade elixir.

"The soul of destiny lives in the fetus, and its soul is restricted by the physical fetus. The realm of the soul of destiny often lags behind the realm of the physical body."

"But the Life Soul Pill can nourish people's life soul, even surpassing the realm of flesh fetus." Zhao Xing secretly said.

He is now at the perfect state of the seventh level, but his life soul is at the early stage of the seventh level.

"According to Dameng Chunqiu, in the ancient method of earthly evil, in addition to practicing evil into the body, there should actually be a step of practicing evil into the soul."

"It's the same in the Tiangang realm, practicing Gang into the body, practicing Gang into the soul."

"The realm of life and soul is the same as the realm of the physical body. Only in this way can it be truly perfect."

"With every move he makes, he has the aura of a real strong man. He can scare away monsters and monsters with just one drink."

"The improvement of life soul has many benefits." Zhao Xing was overjoyed and swallowed the pill immediately.

After swallowing it, there was no sensation, as if I had eaten air.

But a ray of golden light spread throughout his body, covering every inch of his skin.

Zhao Xing felt that he had become energetic and warm all over.

Many insights came to his mind.

The moment he took it, his high-level spell [Evil of the Dark Wind] broke through and reached the fifth level of high-level.

Then he had a spell break through to the high level.

It was the [Sleepy Bug] spell in the Great Dream Spring and Autumn.

The Sleepy Bug spell, its function is to capture the parasites in the soul.

With a strong soul, its enlightenment is naturally faster, and its understanding of soul-type spells is deeper.

After reaching the high-level spell, the range of the [Sleepy Bug] spell is greatly enhanced. The spell that originally required close-range casting can now be captured and released from thousands of meters away!

Zhao Xing's soul realm quickly changed.

From the early stage of the seventh grade, it climbed to the middle stage of the seventh grade, the late stage of the seventh grade, and the perfect seventh grade.

Two hours later, the moment the golden light converged.

Zhao Xing's eyes burst into a breathtaking light.

He looked at the panel.

The panel shows that the soul realm is: the initial stage of the sixth grade!

"The soul realm exceeds the physical realm, and it has reached the sixth grade!"

"And after reaching the sixth grade, I have another spell breakthrough."

The sixth grade soul is already the second stage of cultivation, no longer the three low levels of seventh, eighth and ninth.

The soul is the divine consciousness of a person. After entering the sixth grade, Zhao Xing's clear eye method has broken through.

The [Clear Observation] spell originally displayed on the panel disappeared.

It was replaced by the high-level [Heavenly Eye Method].

More than 11,000 updates today, no more, sleep. By the way, recommend a friend's book.

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