The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Lin Nan did not give the other party a chance. After having dinner at Li Hui's place, he took Lin Wan home.

He is super busy now. After signing two big contracts, he can't delay.

When he got home, he immediately took action.

"Have you asked people to weave the baskets?"

"Remember, it will be on the market in a few days, and everyone must not make any mistakes!"

In the vegetable garden, Lin Nan stayed for a long time for the first time, and kept making phone calls.

"I say, don't be nervous! If you are nervous, everyone will be nervous too, which is not a good thing."

Zhao Yingying came over and frowned.

Lin Nan was stunned: "Do I look nervous?"


Zhao Yingying said frankly.

Lin Nan smiled bitterly: "It seems that I am really a little bit wrong, maybe too excited."

"You, are still too young!"

Zhao Yingying shook her head and said.

Lin Nan took a deep breath, which eased his mood a little, and a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, I'd better not stare at everyone. From the current situation, they are still trustworthy."

"So, do what you should do."

Zhao Yingying rolled her eyes at him and left.

She is the village secretary, and she is very busy every day except weekends.

"Be careful."

Lin Nan shouted at her back.

"I know."

Zhao Yingying responded from a distance, and her heart was sweet.

Although she didn't admit that she was his girlfriend, various coincidences had brought the two of them into close contact several times during this period. For a relatively traditional girl like her, she had already regarded Lin Nan as her future husband.

However, because she was relatively traditional, she couldn't show it so quickly.

Two days passed quickly, the vegetable garden was fenced, and the reservoir was also ready. Early in the morning, Lin Nan asked everyone to plant the vegetables they had processed.

"Normally, it will grow and be ready for the market in about ten days."

Standing on the side, watching the busy figures of everyone, Lin Nan said with great satisfaction.

"Well, by then, you will officially embark on the road to success."

Zhao Yingying smiled.

Success is not the success of one person, but the success of leading everyone together.

Before, Lin Nan made a lot of money selling fairy pears, but that was just him making a fortune, far from achieving the goal of leading everyone to get rich together. In Zhao Yingying's view, it was really not a success.

Now, he has recruited so many people, which means that every household in Taoyuan Village has someone working here, and every household has at least a few thousand yuan of income every month, which means that Taoyuan Village will basically be out of poverty in a short time.

"So, how should you thank me?"

Lin Nan came over and laughed.

The man's breath hit her, making Zhao Yingying blush, and she couldn't help but push him: "Get out of the way, you want to take advantage of me again!"

"What are you talking about? You are my girlfriend, isn't this normal?"

Lin Nan was thick-skinned and simply put his arm around her shoulders.

Zhao Yingying's face turned even redder. She was afraid that people would criticize her if they saw her, so she kicked him directly: "You bastard, stop touching me!"

Lin Nan dodged easily, but he didn't dare to do it anymore. The people in the field heard the noise and looked over, so he pretended to be serious and said: "Secretary Zhao, aren't you going to work? Go away, don't bother me, although I'm handsome, but handsomeness can't be eaten."


Zhao Yingying almost vomited blood. This scumbag must have done it on purpose. He actually wanted everyone to misunderstand me?

The next moment, she was no longer polite and stretched out her hand to twist his ear: "Scumbag, what did you say just now?"

"Did everyone see that? I just told her that I liked another girl, and then she got jealous!"


Zhao Yingying was convinced.

This bastard is getting thicker and thicker.

The key is that everyone really believed it.

"Secretary Zhao, so you like Lin Nan? That's right, you two are a perfect match made in heaven!"


"Lin Nan, when will you invite us to your wedding?"

The women in the field started to tease each other.

Zhao Yingying fled in panic.

"You are too young to fight me!"

Lin Nan shrugged proudly, then looked at the women and said, "Okay, you guys work hard, Secretary Zhao is thin-skinned, don't go too far."

"Understand, Lin Nan, if you want

Hurry up, Secretary Zhao is so beautiful, there must be many people chasing after her. "

"Yes, it's better to strike first!"

"Don't you live together? In my opinion, it's done, you can't run away!"

Listening to the words of the group of women, Lin Nan blushed a little.

Sure enough, married women are bold!

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. I'm going to sell pears. You work hard here, and I'll treat everyone to a big meal later."

Lin Nan smiled and rode on the motorcycle, pulling two large baskets of fairy pears.

Today is the opening day of Ye Huixian's new store. He promised to attend the opening ceremony. It's already 7:30 now, and it's just in time to rush there.

When he arrived at Tianguang Market, it was almost 9 o'clock, and the opening ceremony started at 9 o'clock.

"Help me sell, I have something to do. "

After arriving at Lu Wei's place, Lin Nan asked someone to help him sell the fairy pears, and he and Lu Wei went to Ye Huixian's place together.

"By the way, the store is not ready yet?"

On the way, Lin Nan looked at Lu Wei beside him and asked.

Today's Lu Wei is different from the past. Maybe it's because she went to attend the ceremony. She was dressed very formally. Her professional suit made her already very beautiful figure even more eye-catching.

"It's almost done... Don't worry. We want to make a big splash, so of course we can't be casual."

Lu Wei rolled her eyes at him and snorted.

After a pause, she looked at Lin Nan and said, "Besides, the fairy pear is only a small part of our cooperation now. Just now you said that the vegetable has been planted. If it is as delicious as you said, that is what we should pay most attention to. "

Lin Nan smiled. He would not let go of the Tianguang Market. When the vegetables were on the market, of course he would take them.

As for the partner, it was naturally Lu Wei, who already had a restaurant.

"Yes, I have brought the dishes. Isn't Huixian's banquet today hosted by our hotel? They used my dishes. It's just right for advertising."

Lin Nan said proudly.

Lu Wei's eyes widened. She didn't know about this: "Good boy, why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to give you a surprise. Since you asked, I told you in advance."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"You dare to make a decision for me, I..."

Lu Wei wanted to attack him, but found that she had already walked to Ye Huixian, so she had to give up: "I will teach you a lesson when we get back!"

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