The Ye family is a well-known family with hundreds of miles around. They came to Tianguang Market to do business, and they are very confident. And from the number of people who came here to attend their opening ceremony today, we can see something. "I didn't expect that there were so many people who gave face to the Ye family when they opened!" Lu Wei looked at some cars parked outside and exclaimed. "Really?" Lin Nan didn't recognize the license plates, but he could recognize many car logos. They were all luxury cars! "Almost all the famous people are here." Lu Wei nodded. "Then do you think someone will deliberately make trouble?" "Do you think anyone dares to do that?" Lu Wei asked back. Lin Nan shook his head: "It shouldn't be, but whether there is secretly, that's hard to say."

"In this situation, basically no one dares to make trouble publicly, otherwise it would be a disrespect to the Ye family."

Lu Wei said very confidently.

Then, she stared at Lin Nan's face again: "So, Ye Huixian is a very good candidate, have you ever thought about being with her..."

"Are you jealous, or what?"

Lin Nan laughed.

Lu Wei blushed, and just as she was about to speak, someone jumped out from behind: "Who is jealous?"

The two were startled and found that it was Ren Tingting.

"Dead girl, can't you be a little more ladylike? I almost had a heart attack because of you!"

Lu Wei took the opportunity to step down, but deliberately frowned and snorted.

"Hehe... I think you two are too involved. To be honest, are you in love?"

Ren Tingting stared at her face and asked with a smile.

"You're crazy. Who would date a scumbag like him?"

Lu Wei flatly denied it.

"That's good. I won't be polite. Lin Nan, let's go in!"

Ren Tingting laughed triumphantly, then took Lin Nan's hand and walked in.

Lu Wei gritted her teeth. This damn girl did it on purpose. Didn't she see that her sister was just being modest?

Of course, as a well-known person in Tianguang Market, she didn't dare to be too close to Lin Nan in such an occasion, so she could only watch Ren Tingting do it.

"I say, aren't you afraid that your brother will be angry?"

Lin Nan was also a little uncomfortable. Privately, he didn't care, but today's occasion seemed to have many big shots present. Ren Tingting was so bold that it was really beyond his expectation.

He didn't know that this was simply instructed by Ren Feng.

In Ren Feng's view, as long as Ren Tingting flirted with Lin Nan, then Lin Nan would naturally not flirt with Lu Wei again, and his chances would be great.

However, he didn't know a woman's heart at all.

Once a woman falls in love with a man, it means it is difficult to give up.

Even if the difficulties are great, she will find ways to overcome them.

Lu Wei is like this. Even if the boss Tong is a big threat to her, it still can't stop her from thinking about Lin Nan.

"Welcome, thank you for your support for Ye's Pharmaceuticals!"

Ye Huixian personally greeted the guests outside the door and kept thanking every guest who came.

Lin Nan took out a big red envelope and signaled Ren Tingting to let go.


Ren Tingting would not let go. It was rare for her to make a statement on this occasion, and she would not let go casually.

Lin Nan rolled his eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I will hurt your heart?"

"Tsk, as long as you are not afraid of my brother, I am not afraid!"

Ren Tingting said proudly.

"Your brother can't beat me!"

Lin Nan snorted.

"If he can't beat me alone, he still has many subordinates."

Ren Tingting doesn't care.

"... Forget it, if you want to, just go ahead. Anyway, I won't suffer any loss."

Lin Nan was a little speechless. This woman seemed to be determined to follow him.

Lu Wei behind him also rolled her eyes. Damn girl, she actually snatched a man from me!

Ye Huixian looked up and was stunned when she saw them coming.

However, she had seen big scenes after all, so she quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, Brother Lin, and Miss Ren, thank you for coming to support us!"

"It should be! I wish you a good opening and a prosperous business!"

Lin Nan smiled and handed over his big red envelope.

"Why did you write your own name? Shouldn't it be Lin Nan and his girlfriend?"

Ye Huixian looked at it and smiled.

"She is not my girlfriend yet."

Lin Nan said seriously.

"......Lin Nan, you scumbag!"

Ren Tingting was angry and pinched his waist.

"Of course, she doesn't need to give a red envelope, her brother should give it."

Lin Nan added.

"Who are you looking down on? My brother is my brother, and I am me! Sister Ye, I've been ready for a long time, I wish you a prosperous business!"

Ren Tingting rolled her eyes at Lin Nan, then took out a red envelope from her bag and handed it over.

Lin Nan took the opportunity to get away, just in time to see Ren Feng flashing out from the side, looking at him with a sharp look, so he smiled, walked over and said: "Boss Ren, your eyes are not very friendly!"

"I warn you, since you are with my sister, don't think about having two relationships at the same time, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Ren Feng stared at him and said very impolitely.

Lin Nan smiled faintly: "I'm so sorry, so far, I haven't said that I like her."

"I mean, my sister is paying for me?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

"Lin Nan, do you believe I can kill you?"

"If love also needs kidnapping, then come on!"

Faced with Ren Feng's strength, Lin Nan did not retreat at all, but became more powerful.

Ren Feng originally wanted to scare Lin Nan. In his opinion, although Lin Nan had some strength, if he really got ruthless, he would not dare to respond.

However, he never expected that Lin Nan would not give him any face at all.

"Lin Nan, are you trying to force me?"

Finally, Ren Feng couldn't bear it anymore and roared in a low voice.

Lin Nan smiled.

"Did I force you, or did you force me? I tell you, I don't like people talking to me in this way. Do you really think you can do whatever you want here? Do you want to kidnap me in this way? Ren Feng, you are wrong. I am barefoot and I am not afraid of you who wear shoes. If we really want to fight, I am not afraid of you!"

Lin Nan stepped forward and confronted Ren Feng fearlessly.

"What are you talking about?"

Just when the two of them were about to have a bigger confrontation, Ren Tingting came over and stood between them intentionally or unintentionally, saying with a smile.

Her hands were placed on the waists of the two men, and the strength was gradually increasing.

The two men's strong momentum disappeared in an instant.

"Of course we are talking about your affairs. You are my only sister. Your lifelong event is naturally what I value most, right, Lin Nan?"

Ren Feng smiled and glanced at Lin Nan with a warning look.

"Yes, your brother asked me for a 10 million yuan dowry, so I decided not to be with you."

Lin Nan said with a half-smile.

"Stinky brother!"

Ren Tingting glared at her brother with murderous intent in her eyes.


Ren Feng was completely speechless, feeling that his status had dropped all of a sudden.

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