The boss and Lu Wei were stunned when they saw the recovered hyenas following Da Linnan obediently.

What's going on?

The hyenas, who have always been unruly, were subdued by Linnan just like that?

"Now, do you believe it?"

Linnan said with a smile.


The boss suddenly bowed to him: "Although I feel that you can do it, I didn't expect that you can do it so easily. You are definitely my idol!"

Linnan smiled and dodged: "Didn't you say that I have a fate with them? So, I will easily subdue the next few."

"I believe it, God!"

The boss said excitedly.

Lin Nan didn't say much nonsense and walked directly into the space where the hyenas were locked up.

This time, he didn't need to fight with the other hyenas at all. He used the hyena that had already recognized its master to convince the other hyenas, and then successfully completed the recognition of the master.

The whole process took only a few minutes, and Lu Wei was stunned, not understanding how he did it.

"I am convinced, really convinced!"

The boss looked at Lin Nan and admired him.

"If there are such untamable ones in the future, you can find me."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"No problem, Lin Shao, you are my idol. If there is such a thing, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

The boss said excitedly.

He refused to take a penny from Lin Nan: "Really, I said, I will give them to whoever can tame them! Besides, I didn't spend much money when I bought them. If they continue to stay here, not only can they not be tamed, but they have to be raised every day, which is a big loss."

"Okay, in this case, then I will take them! However, I won't take them for nothing. Do you have any sick dogs here? I will help you cure them."

Lin Nan smiled.

"No way, Mr. Lin is also a veterinarian?"

The boss asked in surprise.

"Strictly speaking, I am an all-round doctor. I can treat people and animals."

Lin Nan said seriously.

The boss thought about it, then took him to a dog shed, pointed inside and said: "Mr. Lin, there are a few dogs here. They are very weak. I didn't have much hope. See if you can cure them."

Lin Nan nodded and walked in.

There were only a few dogs in poor spirits. They looked young, but for some reason, they felt that they were lacking in energy and spirit.

"Maybe the weather has changed a lot recently, and their physical condition is weak, so they become like this."

The boss said from behind.

Lin Nan nodded and observed carefully.

After a while, Lin Nan began to communicate with the dog in animal language.

Before, because he was far away, the boss did not hear his process clearly. Now at a close distance, he not only saw clearly, but also heard very clearly, and the whole person was stunned.

This Lin Shao, what kind of god is he, how can he communicate with dogs?

It didn't take long for Lin Nan to figure out what was going on with these dogs.

It turned out that they were fine, but some time ago, they actually had pests in this place, and the pests were in the pool.

They knew, but the boss didn't know. He let them drink water from the pool every day. They didn't want to drink, but they were thirsty and could only drink less.

Lin Nan understood, so he walked to the side of the pool and observed.

After a while, he discovered the situation inside.

"Boss, haven't you checked the pool? There are pests living here. If the dog drinks it, it will naturally feel uncomfortable."

Lin Nan waved his hand to call the boss over and said.

The boss was surprised: "No way, the water source is the same, why is there only a problem here?"

"The problem is not in the water source, but in this pool! I don't know how these pests appeared here, you should have someone eliminate them, and at the same time pay attention to whether there are any in other places."

Lin Nan shook his head and said.

The boss nodded, asked someone to deal with the pool, and then looked at Lin Nan and said: "What about them?"

"This is simple, I can cure it immediately."

Lin Nan said confidently.

He took the water, and while the boss was not paying attention, he used the Pulin technique to act on the water, and then gave it to the dog to drink.

These dogs were naturally very obedient to him, and they immediately drank happily.

After they finished drinking, they immediately went to excrete.

"Look, these dead bugs are the larvae of diseased insects."

Without Lin Nan's words, the boss had already noticed that they were in much better spirits, and couldn't help but admire them immensely.

"Young Master Lin, you are really amazing! I took them to see a veterinarian, but unfortunately they couldn't find any problems."

"These diseases and insects are not simple, and ordinary medicines can't kill them."

Lin Nan shook his head and said that these diseases and insects are mutated, and under normal circumstances, they can't be seen.

Of course, it's also because the boss doesn't pay enough attention. If he checks more, maybe he can find it.

With the boss's gratitude, Lin Nan and Lu Wei left the dog farm.

Behind them, followed the hyenas.

Unlike their fierce image before, they are now very quiet, not caring about the dog leash around their necks, and following the two people forward.

Of course, although they are calm, their image is still very majestic. When they walk on the street, no one dares to approach them.

"I envy you, Lin Nan..."

Lu Wei said.

"Don't say it, you can't control them, so I can't give them to you."

Lin Nan immediately waved his hand to stop her from talking.

"If you don't want to give it, just say it, and use this excuse, hum!"

Lu Wei said angrily.

"That's right. Do you think anyone can be their master? I tell you, except me, no one can command them at present!"

Lin Nan said seriously.

Hyenas are so fierce. If I didn't know the beast control technique, even if I could defeat them, I couldn't make them follow me.

Lu Wei was just thinking about it. She had just seen the ferocity of hyenas. She was no match for them, let alone subduing them.

"Then what's the benefit for me?"

She was unwilling to get the hyenas, and she wanted to get some benefits.

"Let them call you mistress, is it a benefit?"

Lin Nan suddenly smiled evilly.

"... Lin Nan, you are asking for death!"

Lu Wei was suddenly teased, her face turned red, and she said angrily.

"This is the biggest benefit, you don't want it? Well, I think Tingting and Huixian will be happy."

Lin Nan laughed. 、

"Dead scumbag!"

Lu Wei was annoyed and reached out to pinch him.

"Lady! This is the street. If people see you behaving like this, they will misunderstand you."

Lin Nan stopped him.

"What am I afraid of? Anyway, there are rumors everywhere that I am with you."

Lu Wei was determined and didn't care about anything else. She pinched him.

"Look behind you."

Lin Nan reminded her.

"What am I afraid of...ah, dead dog!"

Lu Wei didn't care. Then she looked back and saw a hyena snorting at her feet, as if it would bite her the next moment. She screamed in fear.

Lin Nan laughed: "If you don't let go, I will let it bite you. It will be very sour!"

"...You are a scumbag!"

Lu Wei was afraid and hated. She screamed, let go of her hand, and walked forward quickly.

"Hehe, I'll let you pinch me again!"

Lin Nan smiled proudly.

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