The two of them were very close.

When Lin Nan returned to Taoyuan Village with a few hyenas, Lin Wan and others were frightened.

"Brother, what kind of dogs are these? They are scary."

Lin Wan hid far away and didn't dare to come over.

"That's right, I asked you to think of a way, and this is what you thought of? When the time comes, the vegetables won't be able to be protected, and a group of people will be bitten."

Zhao Yingying said unhappily.

Lin Nan loosened the ropes on the hyenas' necks, patted them and said, "Little guys, pay your respects to the two ladies!"

Of course, the hyenas didn't dare to disobey. Although in their opinion, the two women were not a threat at all, but the master asked them to do so, so they naturally obeyed.

So, in the shocked eyes of the two, several hyenas knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the two.

"No way?"

The two were stunned. What was going on?

"They look very ferocious... Well, in fact, they are indeed very ferocious, but they are fierce to those who have bad intentions. They are very docile to their own people."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Woof woof..."

As if they understood what Lin Nan meant, several hyenas cried softly, shaking their heads and tails at the same time, and seemed very obedient.

"Will they really not hurt us?"

Lin Wan was more curious after all, and after listening to Lin Nan's words, she gradually became bolder.

"Of course! Remember, these two are also your masters, and their status is only lower than mine. You have to listen to them in the future. Do you understand?"

Lin Nan explained to the hyenas in animal language.

The hyenas nodded, and even learned the movements that Lin Nan had taught them before, raising their front feet and making a thumbs-up gesture.

"No way?"

The two girls' eyes almost fell to the ground, so humane?

At this point, they finally believed what Lin Nan said.

"Great, can I play with them?"

Lin Wan was still a big kid after all, so she ran over immediately, squatted on the ground, and said happily.

"Of course! Later, you can practice with them, I will teach them special skills, otherwise they will not be able to defend this place if they meet a master in the future."

Lin Nan nodded.

"Great, then we will have more company in the future."'

Lin Wan said happily.

Lin Nan nodded, let the hyenas play with the two girls, and he went to make their food.

He made up his mind to educate the hyenas and improve their strength.

So, their food was made with Pulin technique, and some medicinal herbs were added.

"In the future, add these medicinal herbs to their food, understand?"

In order to prevent himself from being away from home, Lin Nan gave the recipe to Lin Wan.

"No problem, I will definitely take good care of them."

Lin Wan said very happily.

"Also, from today on, I will teach you a special technique."

Lin Nan's face became serious: "But you must swear that you will never pass it on without my consent!"

"No problem, I will definitely not pass it on."

Lin Wan agreed immediately.

Zhao Yingying did not hesitate either. She now regarded herself as Lin Nan's girlfriend, so she naturally obeyed his orders.

After dinner, Lin Nan called the two together and taught them the front formula of the Jinglin technique.

"It is not difficult to get started with this technique, but it is difficult to improve it later. However, I believe you can do it."

Lin Nan smiled.

"Brother, is this technique magical?"

Lin Wan asked curiously.

"Of course, if it were not for it, your brother would not be able to create fairy pears or grow fairy vegetables."

Lin Nan nodded and said.

"No wonder, I was wondering how come brother became so powerful all of a sudden, it turns out that he learned the immortal method!"

Lin Wan said happily.

"Yes, this is indeed the immortal method, passed down by the ancient great power, so it can't be passed on to non-humans."

Lin Nan said seriously.

"Then... brother, you passed it to sister Yingying, does it mean that you will be together in the future?"

Lin Wan laughed.

Zhao Yingying's face suddenly turned red, and she said angrily: "Damn Wan, you are here again!"

"That's right, you two have kissed several times, do you still want to separate?"

Lin Wan made a face and laughed.

Zhao Yingying didn't dare to speak, secretly looked at Lin Nan, but saw that he was looking at her, and was immediately scared and turned her face away, not daring to look at him at all.

"Okay, practice first, don't forget it in a while."

Lin Nan said with a straight face.


The two girls also knew that they couldn't be distracted, so they immediately calmed down and started practicing with him.

It's easy to get started with Pulin Technique. It won't take long for them to be able to practice the technique on their own.

Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief. It's easy to get started. After all, Pulin Technique is relatively gentle and won't cause accidents like those overbearing techniques.

After they break through to the second level, they can go out boldly without worrying about housework every day.

He walked out, called the hyenas, and took them far away.

"Listen, from now on, I will teach you a set of techniques."

Lin Nan stopped and said seriously.

The hyenas nodded repeatedly, looking very excited.

They all knew that Lin Nan had great skills, so they were naturally looking forward to it.

They all wanted to become stronger and dreamed of becoming the king of beasts one day.

Hyenas are at the top of the beasts. Although they are not the best, they are not afraid of lions and tigers in group fights.

But when it comes to individual ability, they are so strong, and Lin Nan wants to help them strengthen their ability in this area.

The inheritance he received originally came from the ancient times. Many martial arts of that era were simulated from powerful beasts, but as time went by, these martial arts have been constantly evolved and have far surpassed the previous ones.

In particular, many martial arts were originally group battles, and after being modified by later generations, the single-player aspect has also been strengthened a lot.

In the inheritance, there happened to be a martial art that was aimed at beasts. Lin Nan guessed that the great man should have a strong ability in controlling beasts and have a fierce beast under his command, otherwise he would not have invented this set of martial arts.

Hyenas are very smart. After all, they are masters of joint attacks and have a particularly high talent in comprehension.

"You are really great!"

Lin Nan gave a thumbs up. He didn't expect it to be so easy to teach, saving a lot of time.

"After you have mastered it, combined with your combined attack technique, there will be no problem even if you meet a master."

"Thank you, master!"

Hyenas are also dogs. They have no problem with loyalty and know how to be grateful.

"Also, if you want to drink water, drink from there in the future."

Lin Nan brought them to the vegetable garden and pointed to the pool.

This water is all magical water processed by the Pulin technique. It must be good for the body to drink.

"Then, the four of you will guard here in the future. I will introduce other people to you tomorrow. Except for our own people, you must stop anyone from coming in during non-working hours."

Lin Nan said.

"Got it!"

Seeing that they all understood his meaning, Lin Nan left with satisfaction.

With the protection of the hyenas, Lin Nan's heart was relieved. The problem of safety was temporarily solved.

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