"You are finally back."

When Sister Xiang Qing heard Ye Xiaohu's voice, she immediately left her tears.

Obviously she felt happy and excited for seeing Ye Xiaohu again.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile, and took the initiative to wear his sleeves to help Xiang Qing sister wipe the tears.

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but stroke Ye Xiaohu's head and said: "Our little tiger has grown up and knows that it hurts people."

"Sister Xiang Qing, what do you say?"

Ye Xiaohu gave Sister Xiang Qing a blank look, then said to Sister Xiang Qing: "I have always been very distressed about you, OK."

"Yes, you have always loved me."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sister Xiang Qing was very happy.

Under such circumstances, the two of them ignored the onlookers of those around them and began to communicate enthusiastically.

Seeing this scene, the medicine spoon and others beside him were miserable.

"Boss, since you are back, then we will say goodbye first."

"Boss, you just came back, there should be many things to deal with, we will not delay you to deal with."

"Xiaohu, after you settle down, we are coming to you to discuss the development of the farm."

"Xiaohu, don't go around this time when you come back."

After the medicine spoons and others published their thoughts, they turned around and left the Ye Family Mansion.

Ye Xiaohu and Sister Xiangqing did not retain them.

After all of them left, sister Xiang Qing pulled Ye Xiaohu down on the side of the sofa and held Ye Xiaohu's arm and said, "Xiao Hu, where did you go this year, why is there no news?"

"Before parting, didn't I tell you and my parents that I was going to save Erzongzi? The place is relatively remote and there is no way to communicate, so I can't contact my family."

Ye Xiaohu pointed to the Er Leng Zi who was not far away, missing his hometown, and then said, "Yes, Xiang Qing, why haven't I seen my parents after I have been back for so long?"

Ye Xiaohu's soul has long swept the entire Yejia mansion.

However, Ye Xiaohu's spirit has never found traces of his parents, which leaves Ye Xiaohu slightly puzzled.

"Uncle Ye and his aunt are not at home."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, Sister Qing Qing smiled slightly: “Since you left home, Uncle Ye and Auntie ca n’t bear it anymore. So they often go out to travel and look for your traces. After the domestic search , They still did not give up, so they went abroad not long ago, and have no plans to come back. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's enquiry, she introduced the situation of Ye Xiaohu's parents to Qingqing.

After listening to Xiang Qing ’s introduction, Ye Xiaohu wept once again: "I let my parents worry again, but this time I will definitely accompany them."

"That's good."

Sister Xiang Qing nodded with satisfaction, and then Sister Xiang Qing looked up and said to Er Leng Zi: "Yes, Er Leng Zi, how are you doing in the last year?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Xiang Qing, for your concern."

Er Leng Zi's spirit was slightly erratic, so he asked: "Sister Xiang Qing, is my family okay?"

"In addition to the death of the grandfather, your parents are pretty tough."

Sister Qing Qing nodded, and then introduced to Er Lengzi: "Because they eat our Ye Jiacai all the year round, their bodies have undergone a lot of transformation, and they now have a physique that exceeds that of ordinary humans."

"I can rest assured that."

Er Leng Zi was relieved. He was really afraid that after his return, his parents would die because of physical reasons, so he would be sad forever and regret it all his life.

But after listening to Sister Xiang Qing's introduction, Er Lengzi's pimples relaxed, so Er Lengzi offered to say: "Sister Xiang Qing, Brother Xiaohu, I want to go home first."

"Go ahead!"

Ye Xiaohu knew what Er Lengzi thought, so he agreed with him: "Don't forget, say hello to your parents instead of me."

"I will."

Er Lengzi smiled slightly, and then he was too lazy to hide his spell and cast a spell directly, disappearing like a whirlwind in the living room of Ye Family Mansion.


Seeing this scene, those who left behind, such as Xiang Qing and Liu Cuicui, could not help but wonder: "The body of Er Leng Zi has also been transformed due to changes in the earth, and has become a super soldier?"


Upon hearing the inquiry from Sister Qing, Ye Xiaohu knew that he wanted to be crooked, so he explained to Erzunzi: "On top of this world, there are not only power organizations, but also our immortals in China. For example, Erzunzi is in Kunlun Within the realm, Orthodox studied the theory of cultivation of immortals and became a master of cultivation of immortals. Waiting for idlers is not his opponent at all. "

"So this is ah!"

Although Sister Xiang Qing has never left Yejia Farm, but he also has a certain understanding of the changes in the world and the whole of China, so he naturally knows the difference between the fairy repairer and the power organization.

So Sister Xiang Qing said with satisfaction: "Originally, our soldiers were slightly fewer. Now that you and Erzunzi have returned, then our Yejia Farm can become more stable without worrying about being harassed."

"A lot of people have harassed us recently?"

Hearing Sister Xiang Qing's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown: "Sister Xiang Qing, did I leave this period of time, what happened to our Yejia Farm?"

"In the first few months after you left, nothing has changed. But since six months ago, after the world changed and stabilized, there have been people coming to inquire about your tracks. Although we all believe that you must be in no danger, but China There is still a message in various channels that Ye Xiaohu died in a secret area. So in recent months, some people have come to our Yejia Farm under various guises and want to try. Let ’s see if you ’re not in the farm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hum, a bunch of timid waste. "

After listening to Xiang Qing ’s introduction, Ye Xiaohu suddenly understood what was going on, so he sneered: "If they dare to come to our farm for trouble again, then you let them come to me, I will Let them know how miserable it would be to offend Ye Xiaohu. "

"Okay, just do what you say."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's confident expression, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but give Ye Xiaohu a glance, then Liu Cuicui and Wang Fangfang also joined in.

A few people exchanged for a while, and the two sides were almost chatting.

So they stood up and wanted to visit Yejia Farm.

But just as Ye Xiaohu and others got up, Huang Jiaojiao, who had left before, hurried in and yelled to Ye Xiaohu after a long distance: "Boss, please go and see my father, When he came back just now, it seemed that he had encountered secret calculations. "

(End of this chapter)

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