Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 980: : 5 poison palm


Huang Taiye was secretly calculated?

Suddenly hearing Huang Jiaojiao's words, Ye Xiaohu jumped directly from the chair.

Although Huang Taiye returned to him, there were still some unhealthy mental skills, and he even wanted to seek revenge again and again.

But since Ye Xiaohu was out of this period, Huang Taiye has been the dedicated guardian of Yejia Farm, which makes Ye Xiaohu very grateful.

So upon hearing Huang Jiaojiao's report, Ye Xiaohu immediately said angrily: "Go, let's take a look at it."


Huang Jiaojiao led the way, and Ye Xiaohu and his party left the Ye Family Mansion directly.

And not far from the Ye Family Mansion, he entered a more retroly decorated house.

Because Yejia Village is sparsely populated, after Ye Xiaohu left, Xiang Qing and others adopted the Western model to build houses. Therefore, every resident of Yejia Village can enjoy an independent house, an independent courtyard, and even a garage. .

When Ye Xiaohu walked in, there was already a doctor-like person who was helping Huang Taiye diagnose.

Judging from the expression, this person should be a Chinese medicine.

Looking at his relationship with Huang Taiye, it may even be Huang Taiye's old department.

Sure enough, while Ye Xiaohu was guessing, Huang Jiaojiao stepped forward: "Uncle Chen, how is my father's situation now?"

"not too good."

The Chinese medicine doctor named Chen smiled bitterly: "The body of the young master and the old master has always had a big problem. Although the world is nourished and rejuvenated in Yejia Village, it is much better than in the past. The fighting also kept him from overdrawing. This time he was wounded by another palm, I am afraid that he is unable to return to the sky. "


Huang Jiaojiao grew up dependent on Huang Taiye, so after hearing the words of Chinese medicine doctor Chen, but kneeling on the ground, his face completely collapsed.

"Little Tiger."

Sister Xiang Qing who saw this scene couldn't help but turn to Ye Xiaohu and said: "Can you cure him? Uncle Huang, take care of us very much while you're away, otherwise our Yejia Farm will probably lose long ago Now. "

"Mr. Ye, please."

Upon hearing Xiang Qing ’s words, Huang Jiaojiao gave up his pride in the past and directly gave Ye Xiaohu some knocks, and begged Ye Xiaohu to help her save Huang Taiye.

"If I don't want to save him, then I won't come with you."

Ye Xiaohu and Huang Taiye have no deep grievances, Huang Taiye takes care of Yejia Farm, and Ye Xiaohu will not fail to save him.

So Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to walk over, using a few methods of Chinese medicine to examine Huang Taiye, and then asked Huang Jiaojiao and others to say: "Why didn't Huang Taiye participate in this meeting?"

"Uncle Huang was going to participate, but because of some small things, I let him deal with it first, and I didn't catch up."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, Sister Xiang Qing walked from the side and said: “Recently, some of our sub-sellers have followed and even attacked them. So I asked Uncle Huang to take a look and help them solve the problem. "

"When is there such a master in the county, I don't know at all."

After listening to Xiang Qing ’s introduction, Ye Xiaohu could not help but mumbled, and then said: "If I am not wrong, Huang Taiye should have been poisoned. So you go out first, so I can put the poison in his body. Force it out, and then resolve his internal injuries. "

"Who is he?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Chinese medicine doctor surnamed Chen couldn't help but frown: "The old master's injury must not be disturbed, otherwise it is easy to die immediately."

"Uncle Chen, rest assured."

Hearing Chen's Chinese medicine, Huang Jiaojiao said without any worry: "Mr. Ye's medical skills are terrifying. As long as he can treat my father well, then there will be absolutely no problem."


TCM Chen looked at Huang Jiaojiao and saw her relaxed expression, so she nodded and left the house.

After he left, Huang Jiaojiao looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Mr. Ye, my father will ask you."

"You can rest assured."

Ye Xiaohu waved his hand and gave Huang Jiaojiao a reassuring look.

Then instructed Long Yi to guard the gate and prevent any outsider from disturbing himself.

After the dragon led his life and sealed the gate.

Ye Xiaohu looked at Huang Taiye again, and he could not help but frown: "This master seems to be in control of a special cultivation method, not by martial arts, but by a poison."

There are thousands of avenues, and every method can become a fairy.

But if you want to reach the extreme in different ways, you need to work very hard.

At least in Ye Xiaohu's cognition, there are very few people who are poisonous.

Because poison surgery is not in the way, it is not as easy to specialize as medicine.

"And from the point of view of toxins, those who cultivate this kind of five poisonous palms are already doing well."

After taking a closer look at Ye Xiaohu, he touched Huang Taiye's injured position, and then said: "But this toxin is nothing to me in Ye Xiaohu's eyes."

If it was Ye Xiaohu who was poisoned by himself, then only need to run the earth golden body formula to force this toxin out of the body.

But Huang Taiye is not Ye Xiaohu himself, and Huang Taiye's body is so fragile. Using general healing methods, it is indeed easy to cause Huang Taiye's body to withstand death directly, as the Chinese medicine surname Chen guessed.

"It's been a long time since I used the nine-turn magic needle, and I don't know if my medical skills have improved."

Ye Xiaohu flipped the medical bag of the Chinese medicine surnamed Chen, and quickly found a row of silver needles.

"Unfortunately, the quality is a bit poor, but it can be used barely."

Ye Xiaohu murmured and disinfected the silver needle.

After confirming that there are no side effects ~ ~ immediately run the Jiuzhu Shen needle, and one needle after another was stuck on Huang Taiye's body.

At the same time, he sent a trace of immortal energy into Huang Taiye's body, helping Huang Taiye to consolidate his body, so that he would not be stabbed to death by the Jiu Zhuan Shen needle.

After about 15 minutes, Ye Xiaohu gently pulled out the silver needle in the middle.


Huang Taiye immediately spouted a sip of blood, and his face gradually turned pale.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu knew that Huang Taiye's fortune was saved.

"Fortunately, you dared to be injured when I returned to Earth, otherwise it would be a real fairy."

Ye Xiaohu got a pot of water, simply washed his arm, and then smiled slightly at Huang Taiye, who was still locked in eyebrows: "Although you have suffered a lot of sins, but luck is also good, after this injury, I believe you It can go further. "

(End of this chapter)

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