Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1005: : Give them a surprise

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"Is this the earth?"

"How is it different from what I thought?"

"My God, what kind of monster is that, I haven't seen it before, it's really big!"

"You seem to be running monsters, it doesn't seem to be fairies, but iron monsters?"

"There is also that house, which is really tall enough to be as high as a few tens of meters. Oriental Novel Reading Network"

The Kunlun people are like Long Yi, all like a good baby.

Fortunately, they were immortal practitioners, so their ability to accept them was particularly strong, and they quickly accepted the modern knowledge of the earth, so Erzhuang was relieved.

After taking them on a plane and making a round, they finally returned to Yejia Village, Songjiang City.

"Little Brother Hu."

I saw Er Lengzi taking them to the Lingxiao Temple in the barren hills of Yejia Farm, and I saw Ye Xiaohu's report: "I have just unified the Kunlun world, so I can only draw two people for our use. "

"Two are enough."

Ye Xiaohu didn't expect the Kunlun demons to help him do anything. He just wanted to use this opportunity to calm down those who cultivated the fairyland.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, while looking at Er Leng Zi said: "You have worked hard, go back to rest early. As for the rest, I will deal with it myself."

"it is good."

Er Leng Zi nodded, then turned and left.

After Erzengzi left, Ye Xiaohu walked to Jiang Yun and others and looked at them: "Yes, two and a half steps into the realm of the Tao, four realms of distraction, and more than a hundred people under the form of infants. "

Ye Xiaohu just glanced at it and saw through the repairs of Jiang Yun and others.

This made Jiang Yun and others cold sweat.

Because in Ye Xiaohu's eyes, they seem like naked women, and there is absolutely no way to hide their intentions.

"But you are dressed too old and do not fit the modern model."

Ye Xiaohu stared and they took a closer look, and then said to them: "So your next priority is to adapt to the lifestyle and atmosphere of modern people."


After Jiang Yun and others heard Ye Xiaohu's words, they responded quickly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu said with great satisfaction: "Okay, now you follow me."

Ye Xiaohu greeted him, then turned around and walked out directly, Jiang Yun and others quickly followed.

So Ye Xiaohu led them all the way to Huang Jiaojiao's Yejia Farm Guard.

When Huang Jiaojiao saw masters of Kunlun demon appear in front of him, he suddenly felt a kind of difficulty breathing, like a mountain peak pressed against his chest.

"Mr. Ye, are these people?"

Huang Jiaojiao carefully asked Ye Xiaohu because she couldn't figure out the origin of Jiang Yun and others.


Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then commanded: "From now on, they will be transferred to you Huang Jiaojiao. I hope you can train them to become a qualified Yejia Farm Guard before the Xiuxian Conference begins."

"Ms. Huang, please enlighten me later."

"Don't tell me anything about Miss Huang, we must try our best to do it."

Jiang Yun and Liu Dao glanced at each other, and they all clearly saw that Huang Jiaojiao's status in Ye Xiaohu's mind was extraordinary, otherwise Ye Xiaohu would not arrange them for Huang Jiaojiao to direct.

Therefore, they did not dare to underestimate Huang Jiaojiao, and respected Huang Jiaojiao one by one.

"Don't be so nervous, from now on everyone is a colleague, as long as you don't make mistakes, then I will not embarrass you."

Huang Jiaojiao did not know the identity of Jiang Yun and others, but she could feel the power of Jiang Yun and others, so although they were arranged to be controlled by Huang Xiaojiao by Ye Xiaohu, Huang Jiaojiao did not dare to care.

So she said to Jiang Yun and others: "Since you join our escort, the first thing you do is to change your costume."

Huang Jiaojiao took the initiative to lead them and went to the house to change the guard clothing.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu was very satisfied with Huang Jiaojiao's arrangement.

After all, Huang Jiaojiao was also a child of a major school in the past, so Ye Xiaohu looked at Jiang Yun and others for a while, and seriously thought about it: "The identity of the Kunlun demons cannot be exposed too early. Those who cultivate the fairyland are surprised. "

How can it not be exposed?

Ye Xiaohu thought for a long time, because of the large number of people, plus the problem of the venue, it is obviously not reliable to arrange a formation method.

Rather than that, it might as well be a hidden amulet.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaohu immediately drove to Songjiang City, the stone betting shop that Ye Xiaohu often went to.

"Boss Ye, are you here again?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's arrival, the boss of Gambling Stone smiled bitterly: "How much jade did you open this time?"

"Relax, I won't ask for too much this time."

Ye Xiaohu gave the boss of Gambling Stone a reassuring look ~ ~ and said to him: "It's still the old rules. After I've finished searching, I'll settle the accounts with you."


The boss of Gambling Stones sighed, because every time Ye Xiaohu came, it was a similar discourse. As a result, he would accompany Dafa every time, because those good jade will be bought by Ye Xiaohu, leaving a bunch of non-shipping Stones.

But when he opened the door to do business, he could not refuse Ye Xiaohu to come, so he could only pray that Ye Xiaohu was telling the truth.

So when he was terrified and his eyes were straight, Ye Xiaohu walked like a walk in the court, walking among the gambling stones, picking a stone from time to time, and handing it to the staff of the gambling stone workshop for cutting.

For a while, there are as many as forty or fifty dollars.

Seeing this scene, the boss of Gambling Stone couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Boss Ye is merciful and leaves me a way to live."


Hearing the pleading of the boss of Gambling Stone Square, Ye Xiaohu glanced at the stone behind him and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was just excited and didn't stop the car."

Ye Xiaohu put down his plan to continue his search, and left the Stone Mountain directly to take away the jade that had been mined.

After returning to Yejia Farm, Ye Xiaohu portrayed a small spell that conceals cultivation and breath by using immortality on each stone, and assigned it to Jiang Yun and others for use.

A few days later, when Jiang Yun and others completely adapted to the life and habits of the earth, Ye Xiaohu took them to the venue where the Xiuxian Festival was held, and let them each take charge of a post.

After a simple drill for one day, Ye Xiaohu, who was sure that there were no omissions, passed on all the secrets of Xiu Xian through Wang Yalou, and the Xiu Xian event would start on time tomorrow.

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