Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1006: : Wang Yalou is in trouble

Chapter 1006: Wang Yalou Is in Trouble

"Is it finally time?"

Inside a villa, a young man opened his eyes and said, "It has also been a few days. It's time to get things done at Yejia Farm."

"Yes, young master."

An old man stood up and walked over to the young man and said: "The old gatekeeper summoned a few days ago, saying that we must get Yejia Farm anyway, and there must be no failure."

"Yejia Farm?"

The young man murmured a little, and his emotions were mobilized.

I saw him walk to the side, took some clean water, briefly washed his cheeks, and said: "Since my father wants Yejia Farm, then you can talk directly to the person in charge. If they don't give it, then the son will find He wants a statement. "


The old man nodded, and then after the young man had finished washing, he led a servant to the holding hall.


"Eat, everyone eats."

"This Yejia cuisine tastes really good."

"Well, after eating it can still increase a hint of mana, this time I really didn't come to Songjiang City."


In another hotel, a group of people are eating and drinking.

At this time, one of them's cell phone rang, so he glanced at it and reported to his master: "Shaodongjia, there's a message from there, let's go to the meeting now."

"Have a **** party?"

The head of this group of people, a young man with big earrings, squatted on a stool, eating Ye Jiacai and vomiting: "Let them wait, wait until I have enough food and drink, then go to the meeting . "


"Is Ye Xiaohu's Xiuwei investigation clear?"

Above a tall building near Xian Hospital, a hot girl looked at Xian Hospital and asked, "Did they get the medicine from Xian Hospital?"

"Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice is currently unclear, but it is certain that he must be an immortal cultivation."

An old lady came out and reported truthfully: "The medicine in Xian Hospital is too popular, and we are not easy to get it, so we only get a bottle of healing medicine."

The hot girl continued to ask: "What's the role?"

"Various skin injuries."

The old lady recalled: "And some internal injuries."


The hot woman nodded and picked up a sword from the side table.

Immediately walked to his guard, without any words, directly raised his hand is a sword.


The guard was stunned, and the hot woman directly pierced his arm, and then told the old lady: "Give him medicine and let me see the effect."


The old lady knew the character of the hot girl, so she obeyed the hot girl's instructions and directly covered the healing medicine of the fairy hospital with the stabbed guard.

At the next moment, the magical effect appears in the eyes of hot women.

I saw that the part of the guard's hand actually healed at a strange speed, almost a blink of an eye, and it was restored as before.

Seeing this scene, the hot girl said to the guard: "You move your arm and see."


The previously injured guard immediately moved his body, and then his face was filled with joy: "Little Palace Master, I have no problems with my body."

"Is there no problem?"

The hot girl said: "Then I'm trying."

The hot woman gave the guard another sword, and the old lady next to him quickly came to the rescue.

One to two, toss a few back and forth.

The injury on the guard was finally unable to heal, and he could only recover slowly.

"Under Tao, it can be cured instantly, and it is really a panacea, many times better than the healing medicine in our palace."

The hot girl withdrew her sword and then said to the old woman: "Others we can give up, but this fairy hospital, we must start."


Yejia Farm, Xian Hospital, Shen Hospital, Yejia Winery, Yejia Water Factory ...

As long as it was Ye Xiaohu's site, some immortal practitioners entered in the past two days, making Ye family enterprises panic-stricken.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu put them in advance and let them go home to rest temporarily to avoid any danger.

After making arrangements properly, Ye Xiaohu took Erzunzi and others to the venue.

After simply arranging the positions of Jiang Zhongyun and others, Ye Xiaohu found Li Longrui who helped him arrange the meeting place: "Brother Li, you have worked hard."

"No hard work."

Li Longrui laughed bitterly, because he knew that this time Xiuxiansheng had something to do with him.

If it were not for those who cultivated the fairyland to start his family, then Ye Xiaohu would not be so angry, and let Wang Yalou help him hold such a fairytale.

So Li Longrui asked Ye Xiaohu worriedly: "Xiaohu, what about this time, shall we just forget it?"

"Forget it?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said disagreed: "Brother Li, don't think about it. In fact, this time ~ ~ No matter if there is anything from your family, then I have to talk to them. Because it is a peaceful age and a modern age, they are not allowed to come out and make troubles.


Li Longrui still worried: "Those people are too strong, they are not human."

"Relax, I'm prepared for this."

Ye Xiaohu gave Li Longrui a reassuring look, and said to Li Longrui: "You will stand by me as soon as possible, get to know them in advance, and let them know that if you are a person like yourself, you can save yourself what is going wrong."

"OK then!"

Li Longrui nodded, then followed behind Ye Xiaohu to handle things.

At this time, Erzongzi, who had been in front of him, suddenly walked in and said, "Brother Xiaohu, you come out all of a sudden, there seems to be some trouble with Brother Wang Yalou."

"Brother Wang Yalou has an accident?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then his expression became serious and said: "Go, let's take a look."

Wang Yalou participated in this negotiation on behalf of the official. Under normal circumstances, he will definitely not have problems.

With such an idea in mind, Ye Xiaohu followed Er Lengzi and others to go down the venue and came to the entrance of the venue.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu saw Wang Yalou, Bi Gong stood respectfully beside him, quietly lowering his head.

And standing beside him is a rather majestic old man.

The old man's expression was higher than the top, as if no one around him could get into his eyes.

Next to the old man stood a young man in a gorgeous dress, only to see him use his finger to point to Wang Yalou ’s forehead: "What do you think you think, let my grandpa come first and follow you together Standing at the door to greet other immortals? "


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