Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1069: : I give you a chance


"Is Biyue College awesome?"


I saw that Ye Xiaohu seemed to be asking himself and answering questions, simply responded to Lu Yizhuan, and then Ye Xiaohu said again: "But in my eyes, it doesn't matter whether you are Lu Yi, or the bi behind you. It does n’t matter if it ’s Yue Shuyuan, it ’s just a group of ants. As long as I am Ye Xiaohu, then I can divide you like a ant and crush you to death. There is no left. ”

"Bragging, you have to make a draft."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Lu Yi turned and took out a phone call directly, "Dare you dare to let me make a call?"

"let's hit!"

Ye Xiaohu stopped his work, and then said in a sadistic manner: "You can give it a try, give your father a call, and see if he will turn for you Lu Yi, and willingly offend me Ye Xiaohu . "

"You are looking for death."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu really stopped and did not continue to shoot at himself, Lv Yi turned complacently: "Once I dial, then you have no room to turn around. If you now kneel down and kowtow to apologize, then Maybe I only want your life to not affect your relatives and friends behind you. "


"There really is no self-knowledge."

Hearing Lu Yi's turn, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "You can't make a phone call, if you don't make a call, then I don't mind sending you the way now, completely breaking your thoughts."

"I hit, I hit ..."

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu had another step forward, Lu Yi turned to quickly dial the number on his mobile phone using amplified sound.

Doodle doodle.

After a blind voice, the voice of the mountain leader of Biyue Academy appeared on the other side of the phone, saying: "Why did you call me so anxiously?"

"Father, it would be nice if you were not busy."

Seeing that the phone call of the leader of Biyue Academy was connected, Lv Yi quickly asked, "My father, I'm having a problem. I also invite you to come to the Hanlin Hotel to show me."

"Fuck, let me help you with all sorts of trivial matters, wouldn't I be exhausted?"

After the head of Biyue Academy scolded Lv Yi for a while, he immediately said: "No matter who I shot my elder son, in short, if you apologize to my elder son now and let my elder son be satisfied, then this matter Don't overdo this, otherwise ... "

"How about otherwise?"

Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to listen to the mountain leader of Biyue Academy, and directly intervened: "Do you intend to lead Biyue Academy against Ye Xiaohu?"

"Uh ... turned out to be Mr. Ye?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the mountain leader of Biyue College was one of the choked ones, and quickly said: “It must be my elder son, what offends, so Mr. Ye, you do n’t need to show mercy to Biyue College despite your disposal surface."


Hearing the words of the mountain leader of Biyue Academy, Lu Yi turned to call quickly, and wanted to ask the mountain leader of Biyue Academy, was he really biological?

However, the mountain leader of Biyue College didn't give Lu Yi the opportunity to turn to the inquiry, and hung up the phone immediately.

Doodle doodle.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Lv Yi turned stunned.

Ye Xiaohu said a word, he was directly abandoned by his biological father?

This made Lu Yi difficult to accept: "I don't know how you bought my father's relationship, but it doesn't matter, because I am the mother of Biyue College."

Lu Yi stared at Ye Xiaohu fiercely, then dialed his mother's number again.

But her mother shut down directly and did not answer Lu Yizhuan's phone call on the spot, which made Lu Yizhuan have a urge to cry.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, certainly knew why this happened.

Apparently Lu Yizhuan had been abandoned by the mountain leader of Biyue College, because he didn't know that the entire Biyue College was taking risks and offended Ye Xiaohu.

So after seeing Lu Yi turning his anger, Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "You still have time, you can continue to find help. Ye Xiaohu is waiting for you."

"You wait, I don't believe it. I can't reach anyone on the phone today."

Lu Yizhuan is also crazy, he encountered such a thing for the first time in his life.

So he called his uncle, grandpa, uncle, aunt ... and so on. As a result, no one connected every call, as if all the calls were lost.

But when the last call was made, the long-lost call was finally connected.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yi turned and couldn't help but shed tears: "Grandpa, Grandpa ... I know you won't abandon me Lu Yi."

"Lu Yi turned."

Lu Yi's grandfather turned out to be very proud of Lu Yi's turn.

Although Lu Yizhuan's talent is not good, but he can speak, and he is very good at being human.

If you change to usual time, then Lu Yi's grandfather will protect his grandchildren ~ ~ But he has got a call from his son-in-law, so Lu Yi's grandfather can only sigh: "You Listen, from now on, our South China Meng family will completely sever ties with you. From then on, I will walk our Sunshine Road, and you will walk your one-way bridge. Let us not go back and forth. "

When it is broken, it is Lu Yi's decision to transfer to grandpa.

Since Lu Yi has offended Ye Xiaohu, then there is nothing to end, so it is better to lose the car directly.

"Grandpa ..."

Calling all the way before, it was Lu Yi's way to collapse.

Now when the last loved one also abandoned him, Lu Yi's tight nerve was completely broken, and he fell to the ground directly, and the whole person fell into the dark world.

But his call did not receive the sympathy of his grandfather, but instead a cold voice said: "You are from the Lu family, you must protect the Lu family and the dignity and status of Biyue Academy, instead of doing evil everywhere, so You have no reason to die. "

Doodle doodle.

After talking, Lu Yi's grandfather also hung up his phone and completely gave up communicating with Lu Yizhuan.

Without foreign aid, in the face of the terrifying and endless Ye Xiaohu, Lu Yi, who had no chance of escape, turned and rushed directly, just like a pug, hugged Ye Xiaohu's thigh directly, and pleaded: "I know it is wrong, please, please Forgive my offense this time, and I will meet you in the future. I must thank you for your kindness. "

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't catch it, so you don't have to die."

Ye Xiaohu didn't show mercy, but his body shook. On the spot, Lv Yi was shaken away, and then Lv Yi was kicked away. "And leaving scum like you will only tarnish the reputation of our immortals." . "

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