Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1070: : Abandon face

Ye Xiaohu at this moment is full of murderous opportunities.

Just when he was ready to shoot, and when Lu Yi turned directly with a punch, Sun Ying, who had recovered from the shock, walked to Ye Xiaohu.

"Don't kill him."

I saw Sun Ying stopping Ye Xiaohu and said seriously: "His father, after all, is the mountain leader of Biyue Academy and a partner of Juling Gate, so he will be punished slightly."

Seeing Sun Ying's pleading gaze, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sigh.

Because Ye Xiaohu knew that his Yejia Farm was fearless now, not worried about the revenge of Biyue Academy.

However, after Sun Ying's family in the East China Sea, he had just stepped into secular world from the world, so he was worried about the revenge of Biyue Academy.

"Death is exempt, but living sin is inescapable."

Although Ye Xiaohu understands Sun Ying's approach, the performance of Lu Yizhuan just made Ye Xiaohu very dissatisfied.

So Ye Xiaohu stomped directly, and a few stones on the ground immediately flew to Lu Yi at a super fast speed.

Swish swish!

Lv Yizhuan didn't understand what was going on, he was directly inserted into the body of Lv Yizhuan by stones, and embedded in the key point of his joint.

"my hand?"

"My feet?"

After being penetrated by stones, Lu Yi turned to find that his limbs could not move anymore.

And as soon as he moved, the stones buried in his body immediately issued his own role, causing Lu Yi to turn away from life.

"This is a small punishment and a great commandment. If you let me see you discredit me again, then it will never be light."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and then regardless of whether Lu Yi was dead or alive, he directly took Sun Ying back to his upstairs residence.


Inside Biyue College.

The mountain leader of Biyue College, after calling his relatives and friends, rushed around in the house.

Because he deeply felt that this time things were too much trouble.

Because it was Ye Xiaohu who was offended by Lu Yi, the one who killed people like hemp, and made the master of the entire Immortal Cultivation Realm feel frightened.

Under such circumstances, he should not be careless.

Although he acted decisively, he directly abandoned Lu Yizhuan.

But he was not at the scene and didn't know what was going on at the scene. Ye Xiaohu would pass on the hatred of Lu Yi to Biyue College.

If Ye Xiaohu transfers his hatred towards Lv Yi to Biyue College, then Guanyue College is definitely not Ye Xiaohu's opponent, he has to find a way to deal with it.

"Brother, you can't wait like this, we should prepare in advance."

"Yes, although Ye Xiaohu is very powerful, but he is only one person after all. If we call our allies now and let them come over to help, I guess Ye Xiaohu will not be too bold."

"Since Ye Xiaohu is here to attend this immortal event held by Julingmen, obviously he has a good relationship with Julingmen. Brother, don't you think we need to say hello to Julingmen, let them help us to say good things Maybe it will resolve Ye Xiaohu's hatred of our Biyue Academy. "

"In my opinion, we should make preparations in advance, and first transfer some of the core clan and resources out, and even if Ye Xiaohu hates us, then we will lose."

The brothers and sisters of the mountain leader of Biyue College gathered together next to the mountain leader and kept expressing their opinions.

These opinions may not be mature enough, but they are the only choice left by Biyue Academy.

Lu Wan, the mountain head of Biyue College, rubbed his temple with a headache on his face, and he was always unwilling to make a final decision.

Just when he was confused, there was a rush of footsteps outside the room.

Immediately afterwards, an old man, surrounded by a group of experts from Biyue College, walked in from the outside in a hurry.



"Are you retreating?"

"You have been out of the customs, why no one notified us?"

The mountain leader Lu Wan of Biyue Academy and others, when they saw the old man coming, stepped forward to greet each other.

Because this old man is the mountain head of the Bi Yue Academy of the previous generation, that is, Lu Yi's grandfather, Lu Wan's father.

I saw Lu Wan take the initiative to step forward and want to help his father.

As a result, Lao Shanchang waved his hand directly, opened Lu Wan's arm on the spot, and then walked to the throne with a black face and sat down and asked, "What do you intend to do with Lu Wan, Lu Wan? ? "

"Several brothers and sisters have just given Lu Wan a lot of suggestions, so I have decided to do as they ordered."

Lu Wan did not know what his old father was doing at this time.

However, since the old father asked, Lu Wan naturally knew everything, and saw his bitter report: "The baby decided to send a message to a few relatives first, so that they can appoint some experts to come to help, and then contact the giant Over the Lingmen, see if they can help us make sense. If it still does n’t work, then we can only take the last move. ”

"Last move?"

The old mountain was dissatisfied and said: "Do you want us to let Biyue Academy ruin the centuries-old inheritance, and have since become the dog of the mourning family, hiding everywhere?"

"But there is no other way for children."

Lu Wan knows the old man ’s anger, because Bi Yue College is the hard work of the old man. In the face of such circumstances, Lu Wan can only smile bitterly: "If possible, the child also wants to protect Bi Yue College ’s century-old foundation. Ruined, but Ye Xiaohu ’s cultivation practices are too horrible, far from what our Biyue Academy can contend with. "

"Stupid, how did I choose you as a bastard."

Laoshan Chang sighed, but he also knew that it was not time to care about right or wrong, so Laoshan Chang said: "In fact, it is not a ray of life, the key is whether you can abandon your face."

"The plan will come out?"

Lu Wan said in front of his eyes: "Please also ask my father to teach me."

"Actually, I have been out of the customs long ago, but when I was out of the customs, I didn't get out anxiously, but through some allies, I investigated Ye Xiaohu's information."

Laoshan's long-term plan and then decided: "As a result, I found that this man named Ye Xiaohu, although cultivated to be advanced, still retains the simplicity and nature of the world. So as long as you can pull down your face, take the initiative to bear the guilt and talk to him If you apologize for admitting the mistake, then I do n’t think he will trouble us Biyue College. "


Let him be the mountain leader of Biyue College ~ ~ to apologize to Ye Xiaohu, how can Lu Lun be confused in the world of Xiuxian in the future?

"There is no other choice."

Lao Shan ’s eyes fixed on Lu Wandao: "On the one hand, it is ruining the family and annihilating the family, on the one hand, personal honor and disgrace. As the mountain leader of Biyue Academy, I believe you know how to choose?"

"Baby got it."

Lu Wan stared at the old mountain leader for a long time and saw that the old mountain leader was not kidding, so he smiled bitterly: "The child will go to Jing Jing for guilt. If he can come back safely, then immediately withdraw from the position of mountain leader. To the next generation of wise masters. "

"Ruzi can be taught too."

Mr. Laoshan nodded with satisfaction, and then discussed with Lu Wan again, specifically how to ask for sin to achieve the maximum effect.

It wasn't until the two sides discussed properly that there was no problem. Lu Wan left Biyue Academy with a wry smile and went directly to the Hanlin Hotel to find Ye Xiaohu.

(End of this chapter)

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