"Finished, the Dharma stick was refined by him."

"How could it be so fast that it was refined at once, but is it the legendary Asian fairy?"

"Who the **** is he, how could he refine the Bodhidharma so easily?"

"It's a bad thing, what's going on next? Isn't he watching him take away the Bodhidharma stick?"

The monks of Shaolin Temple are all dusty, obviously they all feel the crisis.

Even the abbot of Shaolin Temple became unsightly at the moment. I saw him walking to Erzunzi and asked worriedly: "This little brother, does Mr. Ye have the chance to regain the Bodhidharma?"

"do not know."

Er Lengzi shook his head and said: "If it is someone else, then Brother Xiaohu must be sure to win the opponent, but the opposite Jaylen Su seems to be the master of the Western Satan group, and the whole body is very terrifying, it seems that no longer me Under Brother Hu. "

"That's it!"

After thinking for a while, the abbot of Shaolin Temple gritted his teeth and said, "I have four enlightened bodhi fruit, plus ten seeds of enlightened bodhi tree, please ask Mr. Ye to stop him, don't let him escape, and wait for my master After that, we fought together with the demons of the Satan group. "

"Add another one?"

Er Lengzi's eyes lit up, and he faced Ye Xiaohu who was fighting against Jaylen Su above the sky: "Brother Hu, the monk of Shaolin Temple is very generous, and we have added another enlightenment bodhi, please take him as much as possible If it doesn't work, then he should be held back, waiting for the old monk from Shaolin Temple to return to deal with him together. "

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu above the sky couldn't help but smile slightly.

Obviously, he didn't believe in the abbot of Shaolin from the beginning. Sure enough, there was Shaolin Bodhisattva.

However, this is understandable. After all, no force will surrender everything from the bottom of its own school to a stranger.

So after listening to Er Lengzi's words, Ye Xiaohu turned to Jaylen Sudao: "Although you refined the Bodhidharma stick, do you think you won?"

"Is not it?"

Jie Lunsu waved his Bodhidharma stick proudly, and the whole person said excitedly: "Is there anyone in the world who is my opponent in this world holding such a fairy?"

"What should I say to you?"

Seeing Jaylen Su's smug look, Ye Xiaohu said helplessly: "To be honest, I really don't want to hit you in the face, but you just have to get together. But that's fine, after I solve you Go back to rest early and prepare for the next Julian Gate Cultivation Fair. "


I saw Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then in the eyes of everyone's attention, took out the standard fairy sword that he brought back from the heavenly court, and pointed to Jaylen Su: "Come on! The showdown between you and me Now it ’s time to split a win. "

"Now that you are ready to die, I will give you a ride."

Seeing the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands, there was no color, just like an ordinary sword, so Jaylen Su waved his Dharma stick confidently and directly killed Ye Xiaohu from the air.


Seeing a loud noise, Jaylen Su came to the top of Ye Xiaohu's head and vigorously waved the Bodhidharma stick toward Ye Xiaohu's head.

At that moment, almost the entire sky was collapsing.

Time and space also seem to be difficult to withstand the power of Dharma sticks.


"everything is over."

"The Bodhidharma was released with all his strength. The kid named Ye couldn't bear his strength at all."

Everyone's expression was gray, because they thought Ye Xiaohu could not defeat Jaylen Su who held the Bodhidharma stick.

After all, the power of the Bodhidharma stick is fully released, which is a level very close to the immortals, otherwise it will not be a sub-celestial weapon.

Under such circumstances, the abbot Shaolin glanced at the direction of the fighting of the golden body Luohan, and could not help but sigh.

Just when he thought that the Dharma stick was about to be lost and Shaolin was about to face disaster.

Ye Xiaohu, who was holding the big sword, didn't have any panic, but instead looked at Jaylen Sudao calmly: "The Dharma stick of the Asian fairy is such a little power. Doesn't it look like it?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Jaylen Su couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Just when he wanted to mock Ye Xiaohu's big words, he saw Ye Xiaohu holding a big sword, and at a magical speed, regardless of the fierce Dharma stick, he directed a sword toward Jaylen Su.

"court death."

Jaylen Su was afraid of Ye Xiaohu running, but he was absolutely not afraid of Ye Xiaohu being tough.

Because he is holding a Dharma stick, few people in the world are his opponents, unless the other party also holds an Asian fairy. But apparently in his mind, Ye Xiaohu is not a person who holds an Asian fairy.

So he didn't change anything, still according to the initial plan, he punched forward with a punch.

Bang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just between this electro-optical flint, the big sword hit the Dharma stick fiercely.

The light above the Bodhidharma stick was directly scattered by Ye Xiaohu's big sword on the spot.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu's pusher Dabaojian penetrated the protection of the Bodhidharma stick, he directly stuck a sword in the middle of Jaylen Su's forehead.


After the forehead was penetrated, the conclusion was stunned: "How is this possible, the Dharma stick can't stop your weapon?"

"I said, I don't know the power of the Asian fairy, because I never use the Asian fairy."

I saw Ye Xiaohu with a smile on his face, and said in Jalen Su's stunned eyes: "Because the magic weapon in my hand is basically a magic weapon. But some high-level equipment are of the fairy level."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Jaylen Su spurted blood directly.

He worked hard and planned for so long, just to fight for a Dharma stick of the Asian fairy. But Ye Xiaohu casually brought out a plain white sword, which is beyond the fairy fairy, has reached the quasi fairy fairy, such a huge drop, how can make his mental passable?

"You wait, I won't admit defeat."

Jaylen Su roared, took the Dharma stick and turned into a **** bat, and wanted to fly away.

Seeing this scene, the Shaolin abbot who stood on the ground grievously and joyfully shouted quickly: "Mr. Ye, as long as you can help us recapture the Bodhidharma stick, then I am Shaolin willing to add another enlightenment bodhi."

"Say early!"

Hearing the abbot Shaolin, Ye Xiaohu went directly into the air, and slashed directly behind Jaylen Su: "Big bat, since you have already come, then do n’t leave, or stay and help me change. Let ’s enlighten the bodhi fruit! "

Reading under the pen, more exciting reading, waiting for you to discover.

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