Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1079: : Return with full load


Ye Xiaohu waved the sword light out, directly volleying towards Jaylen Su.

Jie Lunsu's speed is very fast, almost reaching the extreme of the same level.

But no matter how fast he is, he is not Ye Xiaohu's opponent.


"I'm not reconciled!"

Jie Lunsu made the final roar, followed by Jie Lunsu who ate Ye Xiaohu's sword raw, and the whole person's body shone with a hot glow.

Numerous lines emerged from the inner part, then turned into pieces and fell from the sky.

Swish swish.

These fragments fell on the ground, directly smashing the ground out of deep pits.

Bodhidharma also descended towards the ground at this time.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu directly shone, and arrived at the bottom of the stick on the spot, and reached for the Dharma stick.

"Sin obstacles, it is up to you to match my Shaolin Bodhidharma stick."

At this moment, the golden body Luohan, carrying the body of the red python, flew back from a distance and waved the body of the red python toward the little Xiaoye, trying to stop Ye Xiaohu from snatching the Dharma stick.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu shouted directly: "Get off for Laozi."

Holding a big sword, Ye Xiaohu waved thousands of sword lights at this moment, and cut the body of the red python opposite to all pieces.

Immediately after a flash, he took the Dharma stick in his palm.

Seeing this scene, the golden body Luohan couldn't help but slightly shocked.

But after the shock, the golden body Luohan forced him again, trying to take the Bodhidharma stick from Ye Xiaohu's hands.

"Old monk, don't be too intrusive."

Ye Xiaohu saw the golden body Luohan not knowing how to advance and retreat, but could not help but look very embarrassed: "Do n’t forget, you are not recovering from injury now, and cultivation is far from the peak. If you do n’t know how to advance or retreat, do n’t blame me for being ruthless."


The golden body Luohan heard Ye Xiaohu's words, could not help but the whole person was slightly shocked.

Just when he did n’t know how to be good, the abbot of Shaolin on the ground said: "Master Zu, that is our ally. To Mr. Ye, he helped us protect the Dharma stick, otherwise the Dharma stick would have been robbed by the enemy long ago. gone."

The abbot Shaolin's words resolved the embarrassment for the golden body Luohan.

At the same time, he also explained what happened just now to Jin Shen Luohan through the method of voice transmission.

Through the explanation of the abbot Shaolin, the golden body Luohan understood the development and course of things.

Although it is a pity that the five enlightened bodhi fruit, in the face of Ye Xiaohu holding the fairy sword, the golden body Luohan did not dare to confront Ye Xiaohu unless he sought death.

So he could only sigh quietly: "Mr. Ye was offended just now. It is really the old monk who didn't know what happened. He mistakenly thought that you were the same party of the red python, so he tried to block it."


Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to take care of the golden body Luohan, directly hang him on the sky, then returned to the ground and handed the Bodhidharma stick directly to the Shaolin abbot said: "The transaction is completed, I helped you complete the guardianship and recapture it If you have a Bodhidharma stick, then give me Taoist Bodhi Fruit. "

"no problem."

The abbot of Shaolin held the Dharma stick, although he felt that the energy reaching the top of the stick had already consumed a lot, which made him a little pity.

However, he believes that with the current situation in the world, it will not be long before he can recharge the Dharma stick, and then the Dharma stick can regain the divine light just now.

So the abbot of Shaolin nodded with satisfaction, and turned to tell the Shaolin monk who had previously worked: "Go to get the Taoist Bodhi fruit and seeds and give them to Mr. Ye together."


The Shaolin monk had some views on Ye Xiaohu before, but when Ye Xiaohu battled Jaylen Su, all dissatisfaction was turned into respect.

In the world of cultivating immortals, everyone worships the strong, and Ye Xiaohu is the ultimate strong in this world.

So he obeyed the instructions of the abbot Shaolin, and he turned and went to get the Taoist fruit.

A few minutes later, after the Shaolin abbot sealed the Bodhidharma stick and handed it to the golden body Luohan for storage, Wudao Bodhi was finally brought over by Shaolin monks.

The abbot of Shaolin took the Taoist Bodhi Fruit and gave it to Ye Xiaohu: "Mr. Ye, you can count the number."

"No, I believe in your credit, Abbot Shaolin."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and did not inspect the goods on the spot.

Because of Ye Xiaohu's divine power, Shaolin monk's every move has long been investigated clearly, so Ye Xiaohu knew that the other party did not get less, and there were no defective products.

So Ye Xiaohu directly took the Taoist Bodhi Fruit and handed it to Er Lengzi, saying, "Let's go."

After taking the Taoist Bodhi Fruit, Erzunzi immediately turned to follow the footsteps of Ye Xiaohu, left the Songshan Shaolin Temple directly, and returned to his place of residence.

Looking at the backs of Ye Xiaohu and others, the golden body Luohan at the peak of Shaolin Temple could not help frowning: "Who is this kid, why is it so terrifying to cultivate, and this world has not suppressed him at all?"

"I don't know, because he rises suddenly like a comet, and there is no sign of the rise, as if he was practicing as soon as he was born."

The abbot of Shaolin laughed bitterly and introduced the situation of Ye Xiaohu to his ancestors, saying: "So I doubt that Ye Xiaohu must have any adventures in the five years since he disappeared. Unfortunately, we have no way to investigate this matter clearly. Know what he did in those five years. "

"People like this, we must not be enemies with them, we can only be friends with them."

Hearing the abbot Shaolin, the golden body Luohan could not help but sigh: "Once it is an enemy, then I am Shaolin's countless years of foundation, I am afraid it will be burned."

"So scary?"

The abbot Shaolin couldn't help but frown slightly: "Master Zu, if your cultivation is completely restored, and if you hold a Dharma stick, can you compete with it?"

"It's hard."

Golden Body Luohan asked for a head, then smiled bitterly: "In fact, I was watching the situation here when I was fighting. Even after the battle ended, I suddenly shot to grab the Bodhidharma stick, also for temptation. Ye Xiaohu's cultivation behavior. But Ye Xiaohu surprised me and faced me with a sudden shot ~ ~ He can still take the lead to take the Bodhidharma stick. Obviously, his cultivation is far above me. "

"Is that so?"

Hearing Jinshen Luohan's judgment, as the abbot of Shaolin Temple's contemporary power, he could not help but fall into contemplation.

Originally, he thought that after the revival of the heaven and earth repair fairyland, the Shaolin Temple with its innate advantages could make great achievements. Ye Chenghu still felt like a mountain, pressing on him, so that he could not breathe.

Faced with this situation, the abbot of Shaolin Temple turned to several real power monks in the temple and said: "From now on, I will do my best to establish a good relationship with Ye Xiaohu, and close the inner door. Ye Xiaohu will not participate in the day when Ye Xiaohu is in the world. The world is competing for the heroes, only to ensure that they are not violated. "


Several Shaolin monks nodded their heads, obviously they also understood the abbot's concerns.

After the order, the abbot of Shaolin took the golden body Luohan and others back to the inner gate of the monastery and began to energize the Bodhidharma.

(End of this chapter)

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