Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1080: : Sinister Satan


Satan group base camp.

There was silence at this moment, and everyone became silent, not knowing what to do.

Because just now, they received an ocean-going phone call and learned of a terrible bad news, which made them one by one and did not know how to deal with it.


As the only king of the Satan group, he cleared his throat and said: "Don't be bored, let's talk about your views at this moment!"

Hearing Wang's words, the others looked at each other.

It seems that they are sorting out their thoughts and then discussing today's topic.

I do n’t know how many seconds have passed. Finally, a rough old K opened his mouth and said: "I believe everyone knows that I always feel very dissatisfied with the yellow-skin monkey, so when I unlock the seal, I look He had a chance to fight with him. "

"With this, why don't we know?"

Another man with a poker face puzzled: "What was the situation of your duel?"

"At that time, you basically didn't get out of the customs, so it's normal not to know the specific situation."

The crude old K sighed, and then added: "And when we were fighting, we also looked for a place where there were no birds, so the fluctuations could not be communicated to the headquarters side."

"As for the result ..."

The crude old K hesitated, and then added a sentence: "At that time I lost, and I lost terribly. Because at that time, Jalen Su already had the strength to challenge the throne of the king. And he still did not Satisfied, it is said that he returned to China this time, in addition to solving Ye Xiaohu, he also wanted to find a baby to enhance his combat effectiveness. "

"No wonder, he will be so positive."

Hearing the crude old K's words, the others nodded one after another, indicating that they understood.

I saw the king of the poker face and said cautiously: "If I am not wrong, then the treasure that Jaylen Su is looking for should be the Dharma stick. In fact, he did get the Dharma stick. And borrowing its power, it surpassed me in the past and fully possessed the strength of the king, but he still failed at the last moment, and was killed by a sword called the person named Ye Xiaohu. "


"What does this mean?"

"This shows that this man named Ye Xiaohu already has the strength to kill the king with a sword."

"People with such horrible cultivation practices have not been unprecedented in the past. But such people have basically reached the extreme of the world, and can even challenge the great **** Satan."

The members of the Satan group who participated in the poker meeting discussed one after another.

Under their discussion, they all felt that Ye Xiaohu was too horrible and had reached a point where he could not compete.

But under such circumstances, the first to speak rudely came to say: "Wang, I believe that your strength has also increased a lot in this year. And you can't do without any hole cards, there should also be some special means. Right? "

"Yes, my cultivation has also increased."

The king of poker nodded his head and accepted the analysis of the brutal old K. Then he said again: "In fact, I also have a hole card, which is the treasure that the great Satan God has given me. I hold this treasure, although it can be stable I firmly defeated Jaylen Su with the Bodhidharma stick, but I ca n’t guarantee that I can cut Jaylensu into pieces and take the Bodhidharma stick in one round. "

The king who holds the holy weapon can not achieve the level of Ye Xiaohu.

That is to say, unless the great **** of Satan comes back, no one can have the fighting power of Xiaohu.


For a time, everyone took a deep breath.

Obviously they realized the importance of this matter, because this is not just a loss of Jeren Su, but a series of follow-up things.

Under such circumstances, a poker-faced woman said cautiously: "Wang, you see, we do n’t need to push this transaction away. After all, it ’s probably not good-hearted over the temple. I ’m afraid they are playing This idea relied on Ye Xiaohu's power to digest our fighting power, and finally reached the situation of sitting on the dragon and fighting the tiger. "


I have n’t waited for the king to make a decision. Someone jumped out and said, “If it is done, is n’t it telling the world that our Satan team is not as powerful as in the past and is afraid of him, Ye Xiaohu? The reputation of the **** of Satan will have a very serious impact. "


The woman proposed earlier also closed her mouth.

Because she is a backup poker face master, her qualifications are not enough, so I dare not say too much.

"Yes, this time the task cannot be abandoned immediately because of the loss of a person."

The King of Poker face stood up and walked around in the meeting room for a while. After careful thinking, he returned to his position and said: "I remember the last time, the intelligence sent by the intelligence team showed that Ye Xiaohu had a relative. In our West? "


Hearing the king of poker face, a poker face representative responsible for intelligence stood up and respectfully reported: "From the latest information, people in the West should be Ye Xiaohu's parents and his dry sister. red."


Hearing such a result, there was a trace of triumph on the face of the king of poker face: "It's really an effort to break through the iron shoes and nowhere to be found. It has no effort to come, since his parents are on our site as hosts We must take the initiative to greet the guests, what do you say? "

Hearing the laughter of the king of poker ~ ~ The other person glanced at each other, and only one person asked cautiously: "King, are you going to start with his family?"

"Not bad."

"Will that violate the rules?"

"What are the rules? That's just the strong, let's make some regulations for the weak! But if the strong want to tamper, then it can be tampered with, and we are the strong."

I saw the poker face king looking at everyone with pride: "And we are not completely changing the rules, we are just feasting on Ye Xiaohu's parents, did not directly kill his parents."

"Wang, wise."

The others immediately raised their thumbs and praised the king's decision, so they discussed again and immediately took action.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu and others from Zhengzhou, China returned to their room and Erzunzi immediately let the masters brought from Kunlun Holy Church control the entire hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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