Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1089: : Parting again

"Leader campaign?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Erzong could n’t help but panic: “Brother Xiaohu, you must not participate in the election of the leader!”


Hearing Er Lengzi's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you afraid that I am running for the leader?"

"That one……"

Er Leng Zi was slightly embarrassed, but faced Ye Xiaohu's gaze.

Er Leng Zi finally defeated his heart, so he was uneasy and said: "Brother Xiao Hu, if I tell you the truth, don't be angry with me."

"Will not."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "What is the relationship between us, how can I be mad at you?"

"That's good."

With Ye Xiaohu's affirmation, Er Leng Zi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I just swallowed a Bodhisattva of enlightenment according to your instructions just now, when I intend to enlighten it. As a result, I found that my thinking has stalled, as if sealed In the same way, nothing can be done at all, only to follow the constant drift of consciousness and watch what is happening in front of me. "

Hearing Er Lengzi's description, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but feel shocked.

Because his enlightenment and Erzongzi's enlightenment are not at the same level.

One can be controlled freely, but one cannot.

Just when Ye Xiaohu speculated, Erzunzi continued: "During this process, I found that the life that accompanied me consciously rushed into Yejiazhuang and killed my uncle and aunt. Then I accompanied Xiaohu again, you captured After the Songshan Conference held by Julingmen this time, I became the leader of the Immortal Cultivation. Then I used another evil method to practice and fight with Brother Xiaohu in the West. "

"Wait a minute."

Ye Xiaohu is familiar with this picture, because his second pass is such a plot.

So Ye Xiaohu sorted out his thoughts and immediately asked: "You said to fight against me, so what is the final result?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Erzunzi didn't understand: "Although I am very strong in my dream, it can't be your opponent, Brother Xiaohu!"




When the topics are united together, Ye Xiaohu has to combine his Taoism with Erzongzi's Taoism.

But such evidence is still not enough, so Ye Xiaohu ignored Erxin and turned to look at Sun Yingdao: "What kind of scene did you dream of when you realized the Tao?"


When I saw Ye Xiaohu asking myself, Sun Ying's cheeks were slightly red, and she was embarrassed: "I dreamed of getting married."


Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up, and then pointed to his nose: "Are you marrying me in a dream?"

"It's pretty beautiful, who married you."

Although he said so, Sun Ying's embarrassed and shy expression told Ye Xiaohu that he was right.

This made Ye Xiaohu stand up, constantly walking around the room, thinking about all the causes and consequences.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaohu?"

"Is there something wrong with our Taoism?"

I saw Erzunzi and Sun Ying quickly walked to Ye Xiaohu and asked with concern.

Obviously they also worried about what went wrong during the enlightenment.

"There should be no problems."

Ye Xiaohu hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Do you have any performance at the end of Taoism?"

"At the end of Taoism?"

Er Leng Zi recalled carefully: "There was nothing special at the time, but it felt like my own body became a starlight."

"I feel that my soul has increased a lot."

Sun Ying on the other side also asked, "Does Taoism mean to refine souls?"

"Refining the soul is just one thing, because when you raise the realm later, there are certain requirements for the soul."

Ye Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief. He could tell from the conversation between Erzunzi and Sun Ying that both of them had benefited, and the benefits were not trivial.

The reason for this is that, according to Ye Xiaohu's analysis, it is obviously Ye Xiaohu's demon. Through special means, the three people's enlightenment spaces are connected together.

So what Ye Xiaohu experienced, Erzunzi and Sun Ying also experienced, and they are very similar, basically no difference.

It is precisely because Ye Xiaohu's enlightenment is relatively advanced that they will get huge benefits.

With this judgment, Ye Xiaohu was relieved, so he said to Erzunzi and Sun Ying: "If we calculate the date, should we go up the mountain?"

"I'm not going to go up the mountain to participate in the Julingmen."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu said that his body was okay, Sun Yingchang breathed a sigh of air: "I realized the Tao a little bit this time, so I plan to go back to retreat for a while and break through the current state as soon as possible to fight for a certain right . And the level of my Sun Family in the East China Sea is too low. Even if I go to Songshan, it does n’t make any sense, but it is easy to be taken lightly. "

"You just follow me."

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "Is this a good opportunity to cultivate prestige?"

"no need."

Sun Ying still shook his head, and said with self-improvement: "My Donghai Sun family has been unwilling for a lifetime, so in the future, I hope that the reputation of my Donghai Sun family will be played by us step by step instead of relying on your protection. Otherwise one day, Without your refuge, how can my Sun family be at home? What's more, with the backing, it is also easy for the people in the family to be born with a carrying spirit, which is not conducive to the development of my Sun Hai family. "

"I understand."

Knowing Sun Ying's concerns, Ye Xiaohu wasn't forced to say: "However, if you have any difficulties in the East Sea Sun family, you must come to me and don't try to be brave."

"Thank you."

Sun Ying shyly said: "If there is one day, I will definitely find you."

"That's good ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu nodded, then stood up and said to Er Lengzi:" Let's go. "


Er Leng Zi did not refuse, and immediately followed the footsteps of Ye Xiaohu to the Juling Gate.

Looking at the figures of Ye Xiaohu and Er Leng Zi, they disappeared a little bit between the high-rise buildings. Sun Ying couldn't help but sigh: "I hate, I can't pity Xiangxiyu a little, persuade me more, maybe I will agree to your request, Go with you to the Giant Spirit Gate. "


But then I thought about it again, it is indeed not the time to climb.

Following it will only increase Ye Xiaohu's troubles, become Ye Xiaohu's burden, and will be underestimated by those immortal cultivation.

So Sun Ying smiled bitterly and summoned the people of the Sun family in the East China Sea to pack their bags, booked the earliest flight to the East China Sea, and embarked directly on the return journey.

(End of this chapter)

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