Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1090: : The secret of heaven


It has been a famous mountain since ancient times, and there are many gods on the mountain.

Therefore, people from all over the province, the whole country ... and even the whole world come here to visit the mountain.

When a small tour guide led a group of tourists to climb a mountain, he suddenly saw a group of figures, and instead of walking along the sidewalk, he walked toward the undeveloped rugged mountain road.

Seeing this scene, the little tour guide couldn't help but reminded: "These little brothers, the place you walked is a dead end, you can't continue walking forward, otherwise you will fall easily."

"Thank you, but we are going to find something in this place."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and refused to remind the little guide.

I saw him go around a few trees. When he could be sure that the tourists around him could no longer see himself, he reached out and took out the uphill token of Juling Gate.

Immediately after entering the mana, the token of Shangshan radiated a light and formed a green long door.


Ye Xiaohu greeted, and everyone quickly followed.

After a green light, the green door disappeared.

When the green light appeared again, Ye Xiaohu and others pushed open the green door and came out of the void.

After standing on the spot, Ye Xiaohu glanced around and could not help but frown: "No wonder, to limit the climbing token, it turns out that this token communicates two spaces."

"Connect space?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Erzong standing beside Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but cautiously said: "Is this a space similar to the Kunlun world?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded his head and agreed with Er Lengzi's guess: "But this space is not stable enough, it is far inferior to the Kunlun world. So you are in this space and you don't have to restrain your behavior at all."

"I can rest assured that."

Originally Erzongzi and others, after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, thought this place was a place for lying tigers and hiding dragons.

If there is not so many masters who want this place, then they need not worry.

Er Lengzi looked around and said, "How do we go next?"


Ye Xiaohu frowned, and after looking around, he said, "I believe that it won't take long before someone will come to meet us."

"That is not bad!"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Erzongzi and others were relieved. After all, this place is a strange space, and they cannot walk around at will.

So they waited for a while, and finally came a team of masters of Ju Lingmen.

I saw them take a special tool and came to Ye Xiaohu and others and said: "Which one is the master of the secret realm?"

"We didn't come out of the Immortal Realm."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and rejected the other party's guess: "We are mortal cultivators from Songjiang City."

"Mortal Cultivator?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the masters of Ju Ling Men glanced at Ye Xiaohu and others.

As a result, they found that there was no way for them to see through Ye Xiaohu's cultivation behavior, and even the few people behind Ye Xiaohu, they could not see through.

From their perspective, Ye Xiaohu and others are like ordinary people. They don't have too high a cultivation base, but they look weak.

too weak.

How can such a person obtain a token?

Although the masters of Julingmen, one by one feels very dumbfounded.

But in coercion, they also had to face Ye Xiaohu and others.

So the man led by Ju Ling Men said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Who are you in charge?"


Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to stand up and said: "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, as long as you get the token and enter this place, then it is considered a fate."

The people of Ju Ling Gate can't repent naturally, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke?

Under such circumstances, the person in charge of Juling Gate said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "You came a little late, other martial arts and masters have arrived one after another, and gathered in the hall to discuss It's a big event in Xiuxian World. "

"Are all other fellows here?"

Ye Xiaohu had already guessed this result, so he nodded slightly: "But we are not in a hurry. This time we came here, mainly to purchase something, and by the way add some insights."

"If you have self-knowledge."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the person in charge of Juling Gate was more sure of Ye Xiaohu's identity. It wasn't a hidden school, but a small person who got **** and got a token.

Under such circumstances, although he still maintains a welcoming posture, there is no initial respect in his tone, but instead he is full of arrogant tone: "In this way, I will arrange a place for you later, let you At the bottom row, listen to the major events discussed by the secret areas. "


Anyway, Ye Xiaohu had no other purpose, so he slightly foreheaded and agreed to the other party's arrangement.

The result walked along the way, in addition to observing the surrounding situation, Ye Xiaohu determined the market after the meeting and some landmark buildings.

When Ye Xiaohu rushed to the main hall of the parliament, the main hall was fiercely discussing the matter of running for the leader.

This plot is very similar to the situation in Ye Xiaohu and Er Lengzi's dreams, so they looked at each other.

However, Ye Xiaohu was relieved afterwards. After all, the demon was not born in vain, so the space he created and created must have a certain relationship with the actual situation.

Just like the prophecy, I showed Ye Xiaohu and Erzengzi in advance.

"Remember, you are here to listen, don't make any casual remarks, otherwise if you anger any big brother, even I can't protect you."

The master of Julingmen is obviously still kind-hearted, so he took the initiative to remind Ye Xiaohu and others.

Ye Xiaohu nodded ~ ~ accepted his reminder.

So Ye Xiaohu greeted Er Lengzi and others, sitting quietly in the outermost place.

Ye Xiaohu and others sat down and heard a fierce quarrel.

After a full day of quarrels, one result was finally discussed, that is, the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, temporarily served by the real person of Julingmen.

After choosing the leader, he chose some deputies.

One is to check and balance the real people, and the other is to share the rights, so that everyone will not fail.

After allocating the rights, Ju Ling live for the first time as the leader, naturally want to express.

So he went to the middle, and in the face of Ye Xiaohu and others, after clearing his voice, he slowly said, "In addition to the matter of the leader, I also want to tell you a secret about the ancient heaven. . "

(End of this chapter)

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