Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1109: : Missing Hell


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After the demonization, Erzongzi didn't understand what was going on, and felt a twist in his soul.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful pulling force directly pulled the soul of Erzongzi into a special space.

When the demonized Erzongzi woke up and his consciousness could dominate his body, he looked around and found Ye Xiaohu carrying his hands and looking at the sky.

Seeing this scene, Erzunzi after the demonization could not help but cautiously move forward step by step while making a fighting stance.

"If I were you, I wouldn't attack at this time, because that would only allow you to destroy yourself."

When Demonized Erzongzi was about to attack, Ye Xiaohu turned around and glanced at Demonized Erzhuangzi: "If you are a calm person, then you will find that the time and space around you are different. Because this time I shaped it , In this place I am the emperor, I am the god, I am the master, I want you to do what you have to do, there is no other choice, so you ca n’t kill me. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, he glanced at the surrounding space.

Although it is still very real, Erzongzi after the demonization can not feel the figure and breath of Zhang Qinglong and others. Obviously, as Ye Xiaohu said, he is already in another time and space. As for whether this time and space was shaped by Ye Xiaohu He didn't know, but he could feel that if he really started, then he might be killed immediately by Ye Xiaohu.

In the face of such a situation, Erzongzi after the demonization can only smile bitterly, facing Ye Xiaohu Road: "Why, why can you see my flaw at a glance?"

"Because you are not Er Leng Zi, your body is too strong. On the contrary, Er Leng Zi is a simple, hard-working person who does not have the ambition to fight easily."

The mouth said so, but Ye Xiaohu's mind recalled the picture when he realized the Tao.

If it was not in the process of enlightenment, Ye Xiaohu found some clues and experienced a similar thing, then Ye Xiaohu may indeed be fooled by the demented son after demonization. Some changes.

But after the induction after Taoism, Ye Xiaohu was more concerned about Er Leng Zi.

Even Ye Xiaohu's defensive magic weapon for Er Leng Zi still has a trace of his own soul.

Under such circumstances, what happened to Er Leng Zi, naturally there is no way to escape Ye Xiaohu's eyes.

Therefore, when the demonized Erzongzi was ready to start, Ye Xiaohu had already noticed his every move, so he directly reversed the soul, and pulled the dementor after demonization into the space and time he created: "Now I will give you a chance As long as you let out the second stunned son, then I can not kill your soul and let you enter the **** and reincarnate, then after 18 years, you may be a good guy again. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Erzhuang shook his head after the demonization: "It's a pity ..."

"What a pity?"

Ye Xiaohu puzzled: "Are you still holding the last glimmer of hope?"


After the demonization, Er Lengzi said to Ye Xiaohu: "Because the mansion is no longer there, I must stick to the last glimmer of hope, otherwise I will only be a lone soul, and there is no hope of reincarnation. "

"How can it be?"

Hearing the words of Mohuan Erzongzi, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but be shocked and said: "How could the earth mansion cease to exist?"

"It seems that your gain in heaven is not as good as mine."

After the demonization, Erzhuang shook his head, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Before Erzhengzi was in the illusion, he encountered a powerful group of demon. It has a devil's soul, which just dived into Erzongzi's body She Erzengzi's body happened to be met by me, so I devoured his soul and learned some insider stories. For example, today's court collapsed, the land fell, the door of reincarnation closed, and there was no more ascension and reincarnation. . "


Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the words of the demon.

From the beginning when he encountered the magic energy, Ye Xiaohu felt that there was something strange in the heaven.

But at that time, Ye Xiaohu had some fluke in his heart.

After all, the heaven is too big, and there are always some leaking fish sneaking in.

But now hearing the words of Mohuan Erzongzi, Ye Xiaohu felt his previous speculations, there seems to be some problems, and apparently missed many clues.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh: "Although I don't know the truth of what you said, the soul of Erzongzi always wants to return to his body, not you are controlled, so I advise you, Separate yourself, do n’t force me to do it. ”

"If you don't give it a try, how do you know the result?"

After the demonization, Erzunzi laughed wildly: "And I have been lurking in Erzongzi's body for so long ~ ~ I must not die easily, otherwise my previous efforts are not in vain?"

After the demonization, Erzunzi roared, and no longer talked nonsense.

I saw him rushing to Ye Xiaohu crazy, trying to pull Ye Xiaohu together to die.


Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu still stood calmly and said: "I have told you that in this space, Ye Xiaohu is invincible."


There is no movement, just a look.

The enchanted Er Lengzi, who was originally about to fight, found that his body could no longer move, because some tentacles that didn't know where they had grown had already been bound to his limbs.

"Your cultivation base has reached this point?"

After realizing the gap between me and Ye Xiaohu, after the demonization, Erzunzi muttered to himself for a while, and couldn't help but say crazy: "Anyway, I won't be able to survive for a while, so then I took Erzunzi's soul and died together.

I saw that the demonized Erzongzi was running crazy and wanted to detonate his soul directly.

"Why bother?"

Ye Xiaohu who saw this scene can no longer calm down.

So Ye Xiaohu made an arrow and went directly to the soul of the demonized Erzongzi, and pressed a hand on the top of his head: "Soul stripped."

With the cry of Ye Xiaohu, the soul of the crazy demon leader and Ye Xiaohu's soul were stripped away on the spot.


Seeing his last hope was also destroyed by Ye Xiaohu.

So the final soul of the demon leader turned and wanted to run. Ye Xiaohu didn't look at him when he wanted to. He returned to give him a light of soul, and wiped out a generation of demon leader on the spot.

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