
Er Leng Zi had many dreams. (WWW.VoDtw.coM)

In his dream, he encountered many strange things.

He even died almost several times. Fortunately, Xiao Hu appeared in the end, so he helped him manage his opponent.

But at the last moment of the dream, Ye Xiaohu was about to leave, which shocked Er Lengzi and woke up from the dream.

"Little Brother Hu."

Er Lengzi glanced around, quickly got up from the ground and said, "Brother Xiaohu, did you leave?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly, and then asked Er Leng Zi said: "How is your body, are there any big problems?"

"I'm fine."

Er Leng Zi moved a bit, checked his body and soul, and shook his head: "I am not only okay, but also feel that the soul is more pure, I believe that it will not be long before I can enter the Tao."

"It seems that you are blessed by misfortune."

Ye Xiaohu comforted Er Leng Zi, and reached out to stroke Er Leng Zi's hair, then said to Er Leng Zi: "Although this time it was a bit dangerous, but the result is also very good, at least you can solve the problems in your body.

"Thank you Little Tiger."

Erzunzi also knew what Ye Xiaohu said, so after thanking Ye Xiaohu, Erzun Han smiled and said: "Brother Xiaohu, what are we going to do next?"

"Following the original plan, you will practice in this place and improve your cultivation skills as soon as possible. After all, there are not many opportunities in the heavenly court. Once you miss this opportunity, it is too difficult to think about seizing this opportunity."

Ye Xiaohu gave a brief command to Er Leng Zi, and then said again: "Oh, when the Demon Sect Master dominated your soul, did you still have an impression of a devilish thing?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Erzongzi recalled it carefully.

After a few minutes passed, Erzong suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "I know, you said that the magical thing was a monster I met on my way, and it appeared after killing."

Er Lengzi briefly introduced the situation, and then took out a stone-like thing from his storage space and handed it to Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu didn't say much, and watched carefully after taking it.

As Ye Xiaohu watched, Erzunzi introduced Ye Xiaohu: "It was a stone monster, and its fighting power was very sturdy, and there were no weaknesses. At that time, we also exhausted mana, and even lost a few people to kill it. Died and deprived his heart of stone. "

The stone monster is not a special life, because there are many stone lives in the heavenly court, and even there are spirit mountains. The nourishment of the soul heaven and earth aura, eventually became a generation of gods, such as Meilang comrades of Erlang God.

While Ye Xiaohu was thinking about it, Erzunzi continued: "The heart of this stone contains a lot of spiritual power. At that time, we thought he was a spiritual stone, so we didn't discard it and took it with us."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, so he kept increasing his mana.

When Ye Xiaohu increased his mana from the beginning to practice, he increased it to the level of a half-step fairy.

The heart of the stone, which originally had no life, exudes a breath of breath.

Feeling this breath, Ye Xiaohu could not help but stunned: "This breath is so familiar, it seems to have encountered somewhere."

Who is it?

Ye Xiaohu kept asking in his heart, and at this time the Heart of Stone put out a picture.

One of the pictures began to be wild, and later with the beginning of the world, a little bit of life was born.

At this time a person appears in the perspective of the heart of stone.

Ye Xiaohu only slightly felt familiar when he first saw this person.

But when Ye Xiaohu saw that the person of sight actually opened a heavenly eye between his brows and hearts, he could not help but shouted: "Erlang Zhenjun."

Those who open their eyes in heaven are not without them.

But if Tianyan wants to grow in the flesh, there is only Erlang Zhenjun in the entire heavenly court.

"Is this the real palace of Erlang Zhen?"

"But how can Erlang Zhenjun let the magical energy appear freely in his palace?"

Ye Xiaohu was a little bit blind, so he didn't speak anymore and continued to observe.

In the next observation, Ye Xiaohu saw Erlang Zhenjun worshipping the Heart of Stone and growing up step by step.

At this time, it is no wonder that Ye Xiaohu knows who the heart of stone is, and no wonder he is familiar.

Even in the next communication, Ye Xiaohu also saw his figure.

In this process, Ye Xiaohu and Erlang Zhenjun formed a profound friendship.

But when Ye Xiaohu gave up the position of the **** and chose to return to the earth, Erlang Zhenjun and the Meishan gods clashed.

This made Ye Xiaohu stunned. He didn't understand why many gods in Meishan would resist his return to earth?

At this time, the picture of the heart of stone changed again.

Ye Xiaohu didn't know what time it was or where it was.

But at this moment, Erlang Zhenjun ~ ~ After many years of separation, he finally put on the armor together and led many immortals in Meishan.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu saw the demon heads, confronted Erlang Zhenjun, and even went to heaven, never appeared again.

Immediately afterwards, the Meishan gods fought against a group of demons, and it didn't take long for Ye Xiaohu to lose the picture.

After there was no picture, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then gave the heart of the stone to Er Leng Zi Dao: "This is an immortal fetus, placed next to you. Become a deity, and you will get unlimited benefits at that time. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Er Leng Zi scratched his head and said: "Brother Xiao Hu, since this is a fairy fetus, you still have to keep it yourself! It doesn't necessarily work if I hold it."

"What are you polite?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said helplessly: "This thing is not useful to me, and I will go to the main hall in a moment. Life and death are unknown at that time, so it is better to keep it with you."

"This will do."

Er Leng Zi nodded, accepted Ye Xiaohu's statement, and then said: "But Brother Xiao Hu, since that piece is so dangerous, why do you want to go there? Let's stay in this place, is it better to retreat and practice for a while? "

"The aura of heaven and earth in this place has no meaning to me."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then said again: "And I have a mission I have to go to."

Ye Xiaohu always feels that this devil's qi thing has something to do with his return to the earth, so he must inquire clearly.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu simply arranged a formation for Er Lengzi, and they made sure they were not in danger before leaving.

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