Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1111: : Zhenshan Temple


"It's finally here."

"It's not easy to go along the way, it's demonization, illusion, civil strife ..."

"No matter what, we have come over."

"Well, only if you can enter the hall and see the fairy, then we sacrifice so much, everything is worth it."

"Don't be a real monarch, don't you know if Juling is a real person?"

"I will know later."

After a long journey, some immortals have arrived at their destinations.

Dunjun Zhenjun and others sighed a long time, only to see that he glanced at his men and allies, and then said to them: "You rest in this place and build a defensive position to avoid any problems."


Along the way, everyone trusted the Dunjun true monarch and nodded.

By the time they nodded, the true monarch had already moved forward.

Soon he came to the main entrance of the hall, and he saw the three characters of Zhenshan Hall.

It's just that in addition to the Zhen word, the other two words have suffered different degrees of damage.

Moreover, the Zhenshan Palace is obviously not a famous hall, so the true monarch of Dun Dynasty does not know who owns the hall.

But he saw other allies at the door of the hall.

There are giant spirits and real people, there are people from the North Ming Dynasty, and there are also golden spirit fairy ...

So the real king walked over to take the initiative and said enthusiastically: "All the friends of Taoism arrived safely, which is really gratifying."

"You are here too, Dundao Daoyou."

"You came to the door late, but finally got out."

"Yes, you came here right away, we are just discussing how to enter the hall."

"What about your disciple who escapes from Taoism?"

Seeing the true king of Dundi appear, the giant real people took one step forward and greeted the real person of Dundi actively.

"My doormen are camping not far away."

Dunren introduced the situation briefly, and then asked Juling Real Humanity: "Juling Daoist, are we the last one?"

"That's not it."

Ju Ling lively shook his head and said, "Originally, Nanhua Daoyou, and Changbai Daoyou ... etc. have already arrived, but they have something to do temporarily, so let's wait a moment."

"So it turns out."

Dundi Zhenjun nodded, and then he said again: "I don't know all your friends, what were you talking about just now?"

"We are talking about how to get in the front of the hall."

They have been here for a while, and they will not wait for this place.

So after making arrangements and making sure that there is no danger.

Ju Ling live together with many Taoists to start a round of attempts to crack the way to enter the hall.

However, through their attempts, they found that any spells and magic attacks have no effect.

This shows that this gate is at least a fairy level.

"A hall is a fairy, this place is worthy of heaven!"

After listening to the introduction of Juling and Real Man, the real monarch of the earth could not help but said with emotion: "But if we can't crack the main hall, then we can't go in at all, isn't it a trip in vain."


Ju Ling lively shook his head and said: "The fact that although our attempt failed, we also speculated a possibility. If we accumulate enough cultivation practices, it is very possible to push the door open and walk in smoothly."

"Push away?"

"Not bad."

The two immediately frowned as soon as they answered each question. Obviously this speculation was somewhat unreliable.

At this time, two people flew from the horizon.

These two people were naturally injured, and the two embarrassed Nanhua Zhenjun escaped.


After falling to the ground, Nanhua Zhenjun spouted blood on the spot, saw the scene of the giant spirit real person's eyes flickered, and quickly took the pill for Nanhua Zhenjun to take one capsule, and then concerned: "Nanhua Daoyou, you This is how the same thing?"

"I planted it."

Nanhua Zhenjun laughed bitterly, and then explained to the real person of Juling: "The people in Songjiang City are not ordinary people, they may have a big secret. This time I led so many people, but in the end, they were wiped out by Songjiang City's second person alone, only Our two fled back in embarrassment. "


Listening to the words of the Nanhua people, everyone could not help but be surprised. Obviously they did not anticipate this possibility.

After all, the team led by Nanhua Zhenjun not only has their Nanhua Xianmen, but also the secrets of Changbai Mountain and many other masters, but the result is this, which makes them difficult to accept.

In the face of such a situation, Nanhua Zhenjun was too lazy to explain, so he said to the real spirit of the giant spirit: "Although I fled back, but those of Songjiang Chen also lost a lot, so we must take advantage of this time to put the inside of the hall You can get what you have, otherwise we will have nothing if the people in Songjiang City arrive. "

Nanhua Zhenjun will naturally not tell his own experience completely ~ ~ because that is a loss.

And he always has a feeling that if he does not preemptively enter the hall, then this time is likely to come in vain, after all, the people of Songjiang City will not sit and watch the drama.

"I know."

Juling real person's eyes flickered at Nanhua Zhenjun, so the two people communicated in the soul.

Through communication, the real person knew a rough idea, so he thought about it: "No matter what Nanhua Daoyou said is true or false, we can't wait any longer. We must enter the hall to avoid long nights."

"I support."

"I also reconsider."

Ju Ling's words have been recognized by most people.

So Juling Zhenren took the initiative to speak out his own speculation, and let Nan Hua Zhenjun and others cooperate with him to open the main entrance of the hall together.

Twenty or thirty enlightened Taoists, even half-step enlightened masters of Xiuxian teamed up together, even if the main entrance of the hall was a fairy, they could not stop the efforts of so many of them.

With their efforts, the main entrance of the hall was finally pushed open.

So the giant spirits hugged and rushed into the hall, not willing to fall behind, so as not to lose their immortal fate.

But when they entered the hall, they discovered that there was nothing empty in the hall, as if they had been looted before them.

This made Juling lively frown, and obviously felt something was wrong.

When they did not know how to be good, a statue in the heart of the hall actually opened their eyes, exuding an immense power, and let the masters such as Juling live tremble and said: "I wait for the lower realm Mortal, why do n’t you bow down when you see this fairy? "

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