Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1112: : Yuan Hong



An immortal appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, everyone including the real spirit of Juling was kneeling.

Already they are mortals, although they are on the road to immortality, they have been walking for unknown years, and have even touched the edge of immortals.

But if one day does not become a fairy, then always lower your head.

So when they saw the real fairy, they immediately lost their resistance.

"Who are you waiting for?"

I saw the fairy sitting in the center of the hall, staring at the giant spirit and saying, "How did you come to heaven and come to my hall again?"

"Qianxian immortal, we are the earth's immortals."

Everyone glanced at each other, and the most important thing was that the lord of the Xiuxian Alliance, who was also a giant spirit, responded: "My ancestors are giant spirit immortals, so through his old man's left in the earth's cave heaven, he opened the corner of heaven, So we can come to heaven and meet the fairy. "

"It turns out to be a descendant of the giant spirit fairy?"

The giant spirit fairy is not a high-level fairy, and is actually not very famous in the entire heavenly court.

But after the real spirit introduced the ancestor of his master, the fairy sitting in the hall actually took the initiative to say: "I am the four waste stars Yuan Hong, who is the royal seal of the heavenly court, and your ancestor is a comrade in heaven. . "

"It turned out to be the Yuan Hong line, and the juniors are polite."

There are many gods in the heavenly court, so some of them are aware of Yuan Hong, some of them do not know Yuan Hong.

But none of them spoke, leaving only the giant spirit to speak alone.

On the one hand, he respected Yuan Hong, on the other hand, he was worried that he said too much, and that he would make more mistakes.

Under such circumstances, I only listen to the inquiries that Juling lively cares about: "Excuse me, Hongxian, may I be contacted by my ancestor Juling Fairy?"


Immortal Yuan Hong nodded, then shook his head again: "However, at this moment the giant spirit fairy friend is at the border of the heavenly court, fighting against the masters of the demon world, there is no way to come back, nor can I respond to you.

"That's it!"

Hearing Yuan Hong's words, Juling Real was disappointed.

Obviously there is no way to go to the gods, then there is no way to get the full inheritance of the giant spirit.

When the real spirits were lost, other gods moved their hearts.

At this moment they disregarded the real people and took the initiative to come out.

"Excuse me, Yuan Hongxian, do you know the South China Fairy?"

"Yuan Hongxian, please tell us where our ancestors are now, but there is a way to contact them."

Nan Hua Zhenjun and others began to ask Yuan Hong about the whereabouts of his elders.

Faced with this situation, Yuan Hong also responded one by one.

But through Yuan Hong's response, Nanhua Zhenjun and others felt some loss because their elders were basically like the giant spirit fairy, and were not in their own heaven and earth.

Not fighting outside, but retreating and practicing. No one has been unable to get out of the customs for eight thousand or eight hundred years, or if he went out to idle the wild crane, he can't find the trail for the time being.

However, they were lost, and those ancestors who did not have elders in the heavenly courts showed their joy.

Because they are grass without roots, they naturally see Yuan Hong, and naturally hope more.

"Yuan Hongxian, I want to apprentice under your door, can you give me this opportunity?"

"Yuan Hongxian, this is Heavenly Court, so can we stay in Heavenly Court and continue to practice with Yuan Hongxian?"

I saw the heads of the secret realms one by one, looking at Yuan Hong one after another.

Under such circumstances, Yuan Hong couldn't help but cautiously take a look at his beard, and then said to them: "I am a white ape cultivating into an immortal, and all my abilities are in the flesh. Your ordinary human body, I am afraid there is no way to cultivate . "

Hearing Yuan Hong ’s words, those masters who cultivated the fairyland secretly felt some disappointment.

I did n’t see my teacher ’s elders, and there was no way to worship under Yuan Hongmen.

When they did n’t know how to be good, they saw Yuan Hong thinking a little bit embarrassed, and then said again: “But you can wait hard to come to the Heavenly Court, and you can try to see this fairy, and also It is considered to have some immortal relationship with this fairy. Under such circumstances, this fairy cannot naturally let Er wait for Bai once. So I plan to reward you with an ascending elixir to lay the fairy root for you, and it will become a fairy early. . "

Yuan Hong is full of fairy spirits at this moment, so when he speaks, it makes the real spirit of the giant spirit feel ethereal, making it difficult to see his face.

However, from Yuan Hong's words, they noticed a big chance.

Sheng elixir.

They don't know this immortal giant spirit real person, nor have they seen it.

But an immortal times immortal medicine, so the grade can not be bad, so they looked at Yuan Hong one by one.

"Thanks for the fairy reward."

"The gift of the fairy, the younger generation must keep in mind."

"If the younger generation hopes to become immortals in the future, they will definitely thank Yuan Hongxian a lot."

Juling real people thanked Yuan Hong one after another. After all, Yuan Hong gave them a great chance.

"It's all fate, nothing."

Yuan Hong smiled casually, then he waved his sleeve

One medicine pot after another appeared out of thin air, and flew from the void to the side of the giant real people.

When each of them stretched out their hands ~ ~ The pill bottle immediately poured the mouth of the bottle, and then a pill was poured out and fell on their hands.

After a while, all the practitioners who rushed to the hall, including the real spirits of the giant spirits, received a panacea for the real person times of the giant spirits.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hong could not help but smile slightly: "This place is the corner of heaven, there are many heaven and earth auras, you can take Shengxiandan in this place, transform your body, let you step into the fairy body . When the time comes, I will protect the Fa for you personally, and will not let your demons interfere with your cultivation. "

"Thank you, fairy."

Hearing Yuan Hong's words, they were hesitant.

After all, they are not ordinary people. They have been practicing for many years, so when they heard Yuan Hong's words, they could not help but hesitate and said: "Xianren, we want to wait to return to Zongmen before taking it."


Yuan Hong said dissatisfiedly: "Don't you believe this fairy?"

"That's not true."

Feeling the pressure of Yuan Hong's immortality, the giants and real people bowed their heads and dared not fight it.

Under such circumstances, an immortal practitioner could not bear it first, so he quickly said: "Please immortal to receive your supernatural powers, the villain takes Shengxiandan, and also invites you to protect the law for me."

"Ruzi can be taught too."

Hearing that someone was going to take the Elixir, Yuan Hong also had some relief when he spoke, and he actively released a golden light that enveloped the person who was going to take the Elixir.

Seeing this scene, the person taking the Elixir slightly relaxed his nervousness, so he sent the Elixir into the cavity a little bit.

Seeing that the immortality was about to enter the mouth, a flying sword flew over and shredded the elixir of his hand directly.

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