Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1118: : You are the original sin


Hearing the demonization of Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneered: "My heart is firm, do you think you can disturb my mind by saying a few words?"

"Do you think I'm lying?"

Demonizing Yuan Hong complacent, not angry, but said calmly: "No, I am not lying, but the real truth. I haven't said much truth in my life, but this sentence is right Is one of the rare truths. "

"Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Although the soul was inexplicably pulled into this space, Ye Xiaohu did not panic.

Because Ye Xiaohu is very clear, he is not afraid of demonizing Yuan Hong, even if there is only the soul of the god.

Under such circumstances, in the face of the aggressive demonization of Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu said dissatisfiedly: "A devil full of lies, saying nothing worth believing."

"Forget it, believe it or not."

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu did not admit it, demonized Yuan Hong with a smug face: "But I still want to thank you, because without you, Heavenly Court is flawless. It is because of your presence that Heavenly Court There will be flaws. "

"I thought that we had exhausted countless thoughts and attacked countless heavens, but each time we failed. One of the most important reasons is that our internal chaos is unable to achieve unity."

"But another reason is more important, that is, your heavenly court claims to be a system, or it will become a term. In this way, under the protection of the world, those of us from the devil world cannot survive in the heavenly court or the fairyland. . "

"But the people in the heavenly court are stupid. They used magical power to call you from above the earth to the heavenly court. They originally wanted you to do some work that no one would like to do. But they never thought that you are not an ordinary person, but a Naturally talented genius. As a result, within a short time, you become a real fairy. "

"If this is the only way, then there is still no problem. The big deal is to accept you as an immortal and to give you a fairy position. But you are not satisfied with becoming an immortal. Instead, you have to leave the heavenly court and return to the earth to visit your hometown."

"But you do n’t know that if the gods of the heavenly court leave the heavenly court and leave the heavenly realm, it will affect the enchantment between the fairyland and the earth. Once there is a problem with this enchantment, then the entire heavenly court will become less perfect, thus giving us Opportunities in the demon world. "

"It's a pity that Jade Emperor Laoer calculated a lot, but there is still no way to stop you from thinking about the things in your hometown, and finally you are lucky to return to the earth."


Hearing the description of the demonized Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help being circulated in his mind.

So he recalled a little bit of his memories of working in heaven and working in front of the gods.

When these memories overlapped with what Mo Yuan said, Ye Xiaohu suddenly discovered that there was indeed some necessary connection between the two.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but say horrifiedly: "Is it because of me, there is a problem in the heavenly court?"

"Not bad."

Demonizing Yuan Hongyang proudly said: "After you return to the earth, the weakness of the heavenly court will appear. So after our discovery of the demon world, we immediately launched a surprise attack on the heavenly court, and beheaded many gods, and finally ate the heavenly court step by step. For example, the gods in the court today can only shrink in one domain, and all other places belong to my demon world. Do you say I should thank you Ye Xiaohu? "

How can this be?

The invincible Erlang Shen attacked the invincible, the Sun Dasheng who slammed the heavenly **** Buddha, the eight-armed little Nezha ... these are all ruthless people, how can they lose to the devil?

Ye Xiaohu couldn't figure it out.

Is it because of him?

Just when Ye Xiaohu's face was tangled, the whole person became decadent.

In front of the demonized Yuan Hong, a glorious glint flashed through.

So he turned into a black mist and struck Ye Xiaohu's spirit directly.


Ye Xiaohu did not have any precautions, he was swallowed directly by Yuan Hong, who was demonized: "You are the original sin of everything, so what are you doing in this world, do you want to let the heaven above, those Did the gods see you in anger? "

Upon hearing the demonization of Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but startle slightly.

But the next moment, Ye Xiaohu woke up again.

This is not to say that Ye Xiaohu has figured it out, but because the floating island space in Ye Xiaohu's hands exudes a wonderful power, which is instantly introduced into Ye Xiaohu's soul through the body, and directly leaves Ye Xiaohu's spirit. Excitement.

At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu opened his eyes, and said indifferently: "Yes, I am the original sin of all, but I should kill you demon atonement. Only in this way can I repay those old gods Our kindness to me ~ ~ Boom.

Ye Xiaohu roared, the soul of the whole person exhaled a boundless power.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu actually raised a small realm. Although he still hasn't returned to the real fairy level, he has already achieved the level of Sanxian.

I saw Ye Xiaohu luckily transferred the earth's golden body tactics and directly devoured the demonized Yuan Hong's soul around his own soul, completely devouring it.

When everything returned to its original state, the demonized Yuan Hong died completely, and Ye Xiaohu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Almost because of the inner shaking, the demonized Yuan Hong's way was written. But fortunately at the last moment, because that The mysterious power made the most correct judgment. "

Ye Xiaohu raised his finger, glanced at the jade finger above, and could not help mumbling: "This jade finger, and the floating island space inside, what kind of existence it is. Why can it be released so mysteriously? The power of let me return from the depth of the soul that demonized Yuan Hong? "

Ye Xiaohu stared at Jade's finger for a long time, and still couldn't tell, what was the mystery in it.

"Forget it, put him aside first and wait for me to study carefully after I return to heaven."

Originally, Ye Xiaohu planned to take a look at his return to heaven after his parents returned to old age in a hundred years.

But now with the demonization of Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu knows that he must return to heaven as soon as possible.

Converging his spirit, temporarily set aside things in the heavenly court, so Ye Xiaohu glanced around, and then his eyes lit up.

I saw him briskly walking towards the center of the hall, and then said cautiously: "The demon world has conflicts with the training methods of the heavenly court, so it is impossible for the demonized Yuan Hong to take away all the things from the heavenly court, then this There must be something left in the place, maybe you can make a small fortune. "

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