Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1119: : Promotion to Sanxian

Ye Xiaohu is well aware that any world's cultivation system has its own unique characteristics.

The fairy world where the heaven is located, and the demon cultivation system where the demonized Yuan Hong is located, happen to be a conflicting system.

So when the two are mutually exclusive, something will be preserved.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu naturally cannot give up such a huge benefit.

Because Ye Xiaohu is very clear, his current cultivation is too weak.

Even if he returns to the realm of the gods, then in front of those demon kings in their heyday, it is also vulnerable.

After all, not everyone wants to demonize Yuan Hong like this. The seal was wounded by someone and let him pick peaches.

"Fortunately, I have some impressions of this palace."

"Any treasure can't escape my eyes."

"I remember that place, there was a fairy lamp in the past, but it was completely wiped out by the demonized Yuan Hong."

"There is also a place where a flying carpet is coming."

Ye Xiaohu was in the memory a little bit, looking for the memory about Yuan Hong.

Through the memory of Yuan Hong, Ye Xiaohu remembered a little bit, the place where the fairy Yuan Hong had been placed in this place in the past, where the magic weapon had been placed.

"Sure enough, there is a potion bottle in that place."

Ye Xiaohu walked over, picked up a purple jade gourd, and glanced inside.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu was very disappointed, because there was no elixir inside this purple jade gourd.

However, there are some powders of elixir in Ziyu gourd, so Ye Xiaohu sucked these powders into his body.

Although the medicinal effect of these powders is not very strong, but after all, it is the crushed powder of the elixir, which still gives Ye Xiaohu's cultivation a slight improvement.

After swallowing the elixir powder, Ye Xiaohu moved on.

A few babies were found along the way, but none of those babies were particularly high.

But it can also be understood that after all, the demonization of Yuan Hong is not a particularly advanced fairy, and it is relatively free and easy. He is not good at refining and alchemy, and his friends are not very broad.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu observed briefly, and rummaged all the things in his memory.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing against the sky. I am afraid that this time the road of heaven will come to nothing."

Standing inside the hall, Ye Xiaohu glanced around, slightly disappointed.

Just when he was about to turn around and help Ju Ling real people solve all the crises.

Ye Xiaohu's footsteps suddenly stepped on a dark grid.


The secret grid opened at that moment, and a jade box appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu, which made Ye Xiaohu stunned slightly: "Oh, I did n’t expect a single-celled creature like Yuan Hong to actually get it. A dark box, storing some precious things? "

Ye Xiaohu walked over curiously and took the jade box out of the dark grid.


Ye Xiaohu sighed, blowing the dust off the jade box.

Then set the jade box aside and open the jade box.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling panacea appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu, which made Ye Xiaohu stunned and said in amazement: "I didn't expect this to be a rebuilding pill."

Rebuild the pill, it is a real elixir, and it is a complete elixir.

As long as you take Zanzhuang, then let people reshape the fairy body.

Moreover, her medicinal effects are many times better than those of elixir, and there are no side effects.

"Strange, Yuan Hongming is already a fairy, why would he prepare a rebuilding pill?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at the rebuilding pill in his hand, and then carefully recalled it for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Is it true that Yuan Hong ’s unsatisfied flesh is a white ape, so he wants to rebuild pill , Reshape your own fairy body and become a human fairy body? "

There are many gods above the heavenly court, but most of them are mainly human.

For those who are stone monsters and monsters and monsters, this is a huge blow because they are often not reused or even often excluded.

Otherwise, Yuan Hong's cultivation will be used, and in the battle of the gods, it will not be sealed in such an unimportant position.

What's more, even the former Sun Dasheng was despised by the Jade Emperor, and a small official named Ma Wen was sealed. On the contrary, Ye Xiaohu District, a group of mortals, after logging into the Heavenly Court, was able to obtain considerable powers. It has to be said that this is a huge gap.

After the emotions were over, Ye Xiaohu checked Zhazai Dan.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu discovered that there is no problem with the rejuvenation of the red medicine. It seems that the effect of the medicine has not passed for so many years.

This made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied, so he raised the reconstructed pill and took a look in front of him: "If I swallow the reconstructed pill, although I can't become a fairy in one step, it can also improve a lot of realms, even let the fairy body Go further. "

Ye Xiaohu would never let go of such a huge opportunity, so Ye Xiaohu arranged a formation around his body.

When the formation is properly arranged, Ye Xiaohu will rebuild the pill and put it in his mouth.


Reconstructed Dan Yi into Ye Xiaohu's mouth, immediately turned into a villain, and then directly rushed into Ye Xiaohu's Dantian place.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I saw that Zai Dan hammered Ye Xiaohu's Dantian, and Ye Xiaohu's liver and gall were cracked, and he roared out, because he felt his body was extremely painful.

But Ye Xiaohu knew that this was the only way to rebuild the body.

Only after passing this road and reshaping the muscles and bones in the body, can you make your fairy body go further.

So Ye Xiaohu gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, condensing the strength of his whole body, withstanding every impact and reinvention of Zai Dan on him.

Under such a transformation ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu's body improved a little bit.

Originally still white bones, but under the reconstruction of Rebuilding Dan, step by step toward golden bones.

And Ye Xiaohu's flesh and blood, from ordinary flesh and blood, toward the further development.

Unfortunately, Ye Xiaohu's body is itself a fairy body.

Therefore, Zaizai is not so ideal for Ye Xiaohu's transformation.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I don't know how long it has passed. In short, when Ye Xiaohu noticed that there was no pain in his body, Ye Xiaohu let out a sigh of breath and then calmly checked his body.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu was delighted, because his body was one step closer, and he had reached the level of Dixian.

In addition, Ye Xiaohu found that his cultivation practice had actually improved by half a step, reaching the Sanxian.

(End of this chapter)

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