Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1127: : Breeding offspring

"what's the situation?"

"When did the dog become so timid?"

Ye Xiaohu and Er Lengzi glanced at each other, and they all felt very surprised.

At this time, Sister Xiang Qing finally came to Ye Xiaohu and Er Lengzi.

"Wang Wang."

When she saw Sister Xiang Qing, the dog barked loudly.

"Dog one, you are right here, obediently go back to me to learn to speak."

Sister Xiang Qing waved her hand and said hello to Ye Xiaohu and Erzengzi, and then said, "Xiaohu, you help me catch the dog, don't let it run away, otherwise it's hard to catch this guy."


Hearing this, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but cough a little: "Sister Xiang Qing, what are you doing?"

"Tell it to talk!"

Sister Xiang Qing smiled slightly: "I watched TV and said that the animals in general can talk like parrots, so I want to train the dog, so that when it visits the farm in the future, what problems it finds, You can use voice to deliver messages instead of barking. After all, we cannot understand what barking means. "


I have to say that Sister Xiang Qing still has some ideas.

However, this idea has some difficulties.

Because a dog is not a monster, it has not yet been transformed, or spoken, after all, he has no talent for parrots.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu patted Gouyi's head, and then said to Sister Xiangqing: "Sister Xiangqing, you believe me, the current dog can't speak, at least it will take a while. But Before that, I can teach you a method of imperial beast, so that you can communicate with the dog as soon as possible. "

"Can't you speak?"

Sister Xiang Qing believed Ye Xiaohu very much.

So after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but sigh, and then said again: "But if you can control the beast, it looks good."

Wang Wang.

Hearing sister Xiang Qing's words, the dog pleaded again and again.

But Ye Xiaohu ignored him this time and went straight to Sister Xiang Qing: "Sister Xiang Qing, how is your soul?"

"My soul is no longer a problem."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled slightly, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Now I don't lack any memory, thank you Xiaohu."

It takes a process to melt the soul. After all, Xiang Qing ’s soul has been separated for too long, so there are conflicts between some memories.

But for now, Sister Xiang Qing has adapted and fully accommodated all her soul and memory.

This made Ye Xiaohu very happy, so Ye Xiaohu smiled and said with satisfaction: "If you have no problem, then I can rest assured."

"Relax, I won't have a problem."

Sister Xiang Qing knew Ye Xiaohu's concerns, so she smiled easily and said, "Yes, Xiaohu, after I fuse my memories this time, I found something interesting."

"Fun stuff?"

Ye Xiaohu curiously said: "Which aspect?"


Sister Xiang Qing said with a smug face: "I found out that I already have abilities now, and only need to beckon to produce flames, like this ..."

Sister Xiang Qing felt that what she said was probably difficult for Ye Xiaohu to understand, so he waved directly into the sky and flames appeared on the palm of the hand.

Looking at the flame above the palm of your hand, Xiang Qing sister proudly said: "How is it, am I awesome?"


Ye Xiaohu appreciated it, but then said again: "But when I found your soul, I already knew this. And I also know that your flame can be promoted, and if it reaches the peak, it can even evolve into Three flavors of real fire will burn the world at that time. "

"so smart?"

Sister Xiang Qing said happily: "Why don't I have to become a master like you?"

"Or one day."

Ye Xiaohu said jokingly, and then said to sister Xiang Qing: "I haven't been in Yejiazhuang before, so I don't know the specific situation of Yejiazhuang. So I want to know how many Yejiazhuang are in Children under ten years old, and have consumed our Yejia farm products every day for the past two years? "

"Do children under ten years old still require us to take our products for the past two years?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's cautious look, Sister Xiang Qing thought carefully: "I don't know the specific numbers, but Yejia Farm has expanded a lot in the past two years. Basically, every employee's child , We will give some Yejia products subsidies and nurturing. "

"That's it!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then commanded: "Thank you to Qingqing, let all employees under the age of 18 get our Yejia Farm, I will have an assessment and selection after two days. Bring out some talented children and give them to Erzengzi to cultivate them well. "

"This is a good thing, I will inform them now."

When sister Xiang Qing heard this, she didn't care about training the dog to speak, and she turned around and told her.

After she left, Ye Xiaohu took Erzunzi and others to visit other parts of Yejia Farm and solved the problems of various departments one by one.

When Ye Xiaohu determined that every place had been inspected, there was no problem.

Ye Xiaohu briefly explained to Er Leng Zi and asked him to go back to handle it.

After getting it done, Ye Xiaohu returned to the Lingxiao Hall.

I saw Ye Xiaohu sitting cross-legged and trying to replay his experience above the heavenly court in his memory, and then murmured quietly: "After those children came, they taught them some cheap cultivation methods, obviously to them Growth will have a great impact. "

"So I have to choose a few exercises ~ ~ and then teach them one by one according to different constitutions."

Ye Xiaohu had thoughts in his mind, so he began to eliminate the exercises one by one in his mind.

Some of the monsters and elves, the exercises of elves, no doubt have no effect on the next generation of Yejia Farm.

There are also some disadvantages in the magic cultivation method, and it is not suitable for teaching to humans.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu finally found out the basic suitable exercises, and according to different attributes, he used the text notes to come down, and waited for the second day to give it to Er Leng Zi. After all, Er Leng Zi was responsible for the main teaching.

After determining the exercises, Ye Xiaohu thought about how to identify the qualifications and talents of the students, which also related to the distribution of those exercises.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu had enough memory in his mind, and he quickly found a way to test his talent. So Ye Xiaohu found a huge stone and used the immortal method to imprint one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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