Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1128: : Select talent

"Huh, why is there a boulder in this piece, how could I not notice it before?"

"I didn't see this boulder, would it just come out?"

"What's the use of a huge stone?"

"Does Xiaohu's idea be understandable to you or me? Let's work with peace of mind!"

Old farmers, passing by the boulders, didn't care much.

But after they left, about an hour later.

Beside the boulder, one employee after another brought the children.

Under the maintenance of Sister Xiang Qing and Er Leng Zi, they stood beside the boulders one by one and looked at the huge stones puzzled.

"What is this stone for?"

"Why should we come to this place?"

"I want to hang out."

"Dad, I want to go home."

Little children are standing next to their parents and making their own children's voices.

Obviously suddenly came to Yejia Farm, for these children, a little uncomfortable.

"Peace the children."

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but cautiously said: "To know that this time is to change your destiny, there must be no sloppy."

Seeing sister Xiang Qing so cautiously, the parents of those children began to restrain their children one by one.

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiang Qing was slightly satisfied, so she turned and looked at Er Leng Zi and said, "When will Xiao Hu come out?"

"I do not know either."

Er Leng Zi shook his head and said: "But should I come soon?"


Sister Xiang Qing smiled bitterly again and said: "Also let the whole stone come out, what on earth are you doing?"

"It should be a test talent."

Erzunzi also tested his talent when he was in Kunlun.

Therefore, I have a certain understanding of this aspect, so after hearing the inquiry from Sister Qing, Erzunzi went to the situation and reached out to press the situation.


The stone, which seemed to have no waves, actually radiated light of different colors.

"Wow, can that stone change color?"

"Is this a fake stone?"

Everyone looked at the boulder curiously and faced such a situation.

Sister Xiang Qing also came over and said to Erzongzi: "You and let me go, let me try."

Er Lengzi smiled slightly and said nothing.

So he directly gave up a position and retracted his arm.

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't wait to press her hand on the boulder, which changed its color again.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the color is always changing.

But she didn't stay for a long time. Sister Xiang Qing who saw this scene couldn't help but increase her energy.

Faced with such a situation, the boulder that tested the talent actually shook it all at once.

"Be careful."

Ye Xiaohu, who had just left the border, saw this scene and hurriedly shouted to Sister Qing: "Don't send mana, otherwise the boulder can't bear your mana."

Ye Xiaohu hurried over and gave a simple command.

Sister Xiang Qing who saw this scene, Cancan withdrew his arm with a smile, so Ye Xiaohu surrounded the boulder of the test talent and checked it carefully.

Sister Xiang Qing said cautiously: "Xiaohu, is there no problem with the stone?"

"It should be fine!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then smiled bitterly: "Sister Xiang Qing, you have to ask Erzong for advice sometime, don't use your mana, or you will be killed."

"I know."

After all, Sister Xiang Qing had just achieved cultivation, so it was not very stable to control her body, so she immediately nodded that way after hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions.

So Ye Xiaohu was n’t in charge of Sister Xiangqing, and then said to Er Lengzi: "You will come up with a person, and you will register it all at once, and their gender, age, and talent data will wait for the test talent.

"no problem."

Er Leng Zi nodded, so he found someone to get a pen, a table and chairs, and then he sat next to the boulder personally, preparing to register.

Ye Xiaohu glanced around and determined that it was ready, and then said to all employees: "I believe you have heard some winds, knowing that there are some immortal practitioners in this world, they are superb and omnipotent, they are bound to To hit the fairy road. "

All employees nodded together, so Ye Xiaohu continued to add: "Fortunately, I am Ye Xiaohu, also a fairy cultivator."


In addition to some people who are familiar with the inside story, such as Er Leng Zi, others made a surprised voice.

"The so-called one won the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, so I plan to pass on some of the things I learned to you. But most of you, despite the transformation of our Yejia farm products, after all, they are older and their talents are limited. , So I decided to teach you some exercises to improve your body. As for more in-depth exercises, I will not teach them. "

Ye Xiaohu said briefly, and then said: "But your children and grandchildren, because of their young age, everything can be re-polished, so I will pass the test and set up detailed training opportunities to nurture them into a Geniuses who cultivate immortals, even immortals. "


Longevity is not old!

Although they ca n’t do it, their offspring can do it, so the old farmers in Yejia Farm are still very happy.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu added: "But I would also like to say that once you join our Yejia Farm and learn my law, then you will be a Yejia Farm forever in your life, if you dare to violate our Ye Home farm, then what are the consequences, I believe you are also clear. "

"Xiaohu, don't worry, we will never betray Yejia Farm for a lifetime."

"Yes, we were born in Yejia Farm and died as a ghost in Yejia Farm."

"Yes, who dares to betray Yejia Farm in the future ~ ~ Then he passed by me."

"If my children dare to back you up, Xiaohu, you want to kill Xiaohu, whatever you want to do."

One by one old farmers have expressed their opinions, even their children are swearing.

This made Ye Xiaohu breathe a sigh of relief, and then turned to tell Xiang Qing sister: "You can start, one by one, don't get together."

"I know."

Sister Xiang Qing nodded, he knew the importance of this matter, naturally will not affect the children's test.

So she took the initiative to walk into the crowd and took a little girl by her hand.

Immediately after she gave a simple command, the little girl took the initiative to release her hand and touch the boulder of the test talent.

After getting it done, Sister Xiang Qing said to Erzongzi beside her: "Ye Lanying, female, seven years old this year, talented Huang Ti."

(End of this chapter)

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