Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1129: : 5 lines of mystery

Ye Jiajia, nine years old, has a fire talent and a purple rating.

Xiang Rui, six years old, has a metallic talent and a red rating.

Bai Lanyue, nine years old, has a talent of wood and a blue rating.

Zhang Yiyue, eight years old, has a talent of water and a grade of orange.


One by one data, one by one test.

A whole morning of work has completed the test of more than 100 children.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu arranged a bunch of lunches and tested the talents for those children and young people over ten years old.

After so busy for a small day, all data testing and registration were finally completed.

So Ye Xiaohu asked all the testers to go home and rest.

However, Ye Xiaohu took the table of Erzongzi's statistics and returned directly to the lounge inside the Lingxiao Baodian.

Of course Ye Xiaohu did not go back to sleep, but took those registration forms and divided them into various categories according to different levels and talents.

And for each category, there is a skill and a series of spells.

This busy, has been busy all night.

Early in the morning the next day, Ye Xiaohu had just finished washing and heard a footstep.

So Ye Xiaohu walked over and opened the door.

Nice guy.

Wuyang Wuyang was alone at his door.

Obviously everyone is looking forward to the final test results.

Because this test is related to their future destiny.

Whether to continue to be a farmer and work for others for a lifetime, or to become an immortal, and later follow Ye Xiaohu to eat delicious and spicy.

"Xiaohu, is there any result?"

"Xiaohu, can my children cultivate immortals?"

"Boss, please be kind, let my children practice with you."

"Boss, our children catch Zhou when they are children, that is, the Tao Te Ching, which will surely become a great weapon in the future."

Everyone looked at Ye Xiaohu, and even Er Lengzi and Xiang Qing sister were waiting for Ye Xiaohu's assignment.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu naturally did not hesitate.

So Ye Xiaohu handed over the registration form he had organized to Erzunzi: "Except for a few people with red level talents, you will take away all the others and you will teach them yourself. As long as there are no people on the registration form, you can only Put it on the outside door and is responsible for maintaining some of the daily operations of the farm. "

"I know."

Erzongzi gave a cursory glance, and found that the adults and children who came to the test only left half of them together, which shows how serious Ye Xiaohu's screening was.

However, Er Lengzi also knew that this was Ning Que Wu Wu, so he had no objections.

I saw him walking into the crowd, and said to the people who came to wait: "Now I remember the name, all follow me to the square on the other side. As for the one who does not remember the name, I stay and listen to Xiaohu. Brother ’s arrangement. "

Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, everyone looked at Er Leng Zi.

So Erzongzi shouted names one by one, and those who shouted at him stood behind him.

Almost half an hour, so the second-class talents are all standing behind Er Leng Zi.

So Er Lengzi glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and after getting Ye Xiaohu's signal, he immediately left the chosen people.

After Er Leng Zi left, Ye Xiaohu left only seven or eight children in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to walk over and said: "You know, what are you going to do next?"

"play games?"


"hide and seek?"

"I'm so sleepy, I have to go back to sleep."

Those children are innocent and innocent, without any distractions.

This is also the reason why cultivation begins from a young age.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu said to them: "Well, let me change a magic for you, OK?"


Can you eat it?

The children were not very clear about the concept of magic, so when they heard Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhang Dazhu looked at Ye Xiaohu with his beads.

Ye Xiaohu didn't use the soul to sense, so I didn't know what they were thinking.

So he beckoned directly into the sky, directly using mana to condense the light clusters, and his hands merged together: "Guess what I have in my hand?"


The children are naive, but it does not mean they are stupid.

So when they saw that Ye Xiaohu had nothing in their hands, they naturally thought that Ye Xiaohu had empty hands.

But as their voice sounded, Ye Xiaohu slowly opened his hands, and as a result, a piece of candy fell from Ye Xiaohu's hand.


"It really is something to eat."

All children were excited when they saw candy, because no child could resist the temptation of candy.

So they rushed up together and took every candy in their palms.

"Eat it!"

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, indicating that they could enjoy the candy.

After being ordered by Ye Xiaohu, they would naturally not be polite, so they ate the candies one by one.

However, they did not know that those things were not ordinary candies, but a pill of pill which was removed by refining the leaves of a small tiger.

Such excellent seedlings naturally need to be cultivated from scratch and help them wash their marrow directly.

"Oh, my stomach hurts."

"No, I'm going to the toilet."

"I am coming too."

As soon as the candy enters the mouth, it immediately plays its role.

So one child after another, desperately covering his stomach.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu directly pointed them to a place.

So the children ran over and began to excrete toxins from their bodies.

Such excretion delayed an hour.

An hour later, Ye Xiaohu walked into the Lingxiao Baodian with his soft legs and sweaty children, and arranged for a simple hot bath for them.

After making sure that there are no impurities on the body and wearing uniform clothes, Ye Xiaohu sat in the middle of the Lingxiao Temple and said to them: "You want to eat delicious food every day, and you are so powerful that no one can bully you ?"

"miss you!"

All the children responded loudly to Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ After all, this is their childlike age and the most wanted thing.

"In that case, then you must listen to me. If any of you dare not to listen to me, then I will punish you badly."

Ye Xiaohu, who was originally smiling, when he said the last sentence, the whole person became frosty.

Ye Xiaohu at this moment is no longer Ye Xiaohu in the past, but a rigorous teacher.

Because Ye Xiaohu knows that teaching immortality is not an easy task, and it is absolutely not allowed to have the slightest carelessness and carelessness.

Fortunately, after seeing Ye Xiaohu's serious expression, the children were sitting in full credibility, not being too stubborn.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said with satisfaction: "I now teach you the five elements of the secret technique, you listen carefully, and keep in mind."

(End of this chapter)

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