Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1131: : Travel to the West

After Sister Xiang Qing was instructed by Ye Xiaohu, she immediately acted.

With the help of Sister Xiang Qing, Ye Xiaohu responded more calmly.

"It hasn't been a long time since I used the nine-turn magic needle."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, then took a bag of silver needles directly from the storage space.

As soon as the silver needle came out, Ye Xiaohu immediately used the original fire for disinfection.

After the disinfection, Ye Xiaohu said to Xiang Qing sister: "I'm going to start."


Sister Xiang Qing responded in a low voice, and the whole person entered the state.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu pinched the first silver needle directly and pinned it on Xiaohong's acupoint.

When the first silver needle went down, Xiaohong didn't react.

But with the silver needle sticking down, I don't know how many silver needles were pierced, Xiao Hong's entire body actually became convulsed, shaking.

"Press firmly."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, then did not speak.

I saw him apply the needle step by step, and used his mana to penetrate into Xiaohong's body through the silver needle, constantly adjusting the condition in Xiaohong's body.

Jiu Zhuan Shen Zhen quickly adjusted Xiao Hong's body, and then Ye Xiaohu's mana penetrated from each silver needle, compressing the space in Xiao Hong's body a little.

From the beginning to the end, finally found the source of everything under Xiaohong's lungs.

"Got you."

Ye Xiaohu snorted and increased his strength.


Crazy root force, wrapped the thing under the little red lung, and forced it to escape from the little red body.


Xiaohong exclaimed and opened her mouth to spit it out.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu put down his hand and directly used the big sword Ling Ling to cut the thing wrapped in his original power in half.


After the introduction of this sword, Ye Xiaohu became relaxed, so Ye Xiaohu ordered Xiang Qing to say: "You pull out the silver needle on Xiao Hong's body, remember to follow the steps I just carried out. Do n’t make mistakes. "

"Relax, I know."

Since Sister Xiang Qing began to practice, her memory has improved several times.

Sister Xiang Qing pulled out the silver needles immediately after being ordered by Ye Xiaohu.

When she was sure that there was no silver needle left, she took the silver needle and walked to Ye Xiaohu's side: "Has it been solved?"

Ye Xiaohu squatted on the ground and was watching the coldness of hell.

So after hearing the inquiry from Sister Qing, Ye Xiaohu immediately responded: "It's solved, but its coldness is too strong, so Xiaohong needs to take good care of her body for a while and can't practice."

"so serious?"

Sister Xiang Qing frowned, and then said, "Who the **** is that so abominable, put such a terrible **** cold into Xiaohong's body?"

"People who can extract the coldness of **** are definitely not ordinary people."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and then said with a murderous look: "If I am not wrong, he should be at least a semi-god level."

Demi god?

Although Sister Xiang Qing has just started to practice, so some things are not very clear, but she also knows how powerful people should be called God.

Under such circumstances, Xiang Qing sister said worriedly: "A master of the **** level, why should you start with Xiaohong?"

"I don't know why they started Xiaohong."

Ye Xiaohu heard the inquiry from Sister Qing, and gave a helpless wry smile. Then he cautiously said: "But since Xiaohong came back alone, and my parents didn't come back, there is obviously something wrong. So I suspect that someone should be aware Out of their identities, so my parents were taken away, and Xiaohong fled back relying on his own cultivation and talents. "

Sister Xiang Qing hadn't worried yet, but when she heard Ye Xiaohu's guess, she immediately worried: "So, did your uncle and aunt have an accident?"

"pretty close."

Ye Xiaohu said to sister Xiang Qing: "You call my parents to see."

"it is good."

Sister Xiang Qing immediately took out her mobile phone, and dialed Ye Xiaohu's parents' phone, but in return she heard a series of blind voices.

Over and over again, no one answered.

After a few minutes, Sister Xiang Qing was desperate, so she worried: "Xiaohu, what shall we do next?"

"Book me a ticket and I will fly to Europe immediately."

Ye Xiaohu clearly remembered that the last time Xiao Hong called himself, he said that his parents were exploring a ruin.

And the location of that ruin happened to be in Europe.

And after arriving in Europe, Ye Xiaohu can also ask Eslan to find out about the situation and entrust her to help herself to find out the traces of her parents.

After all, Islan is a local native, and compared to Ye Xiaohu, an outsider, she is more convenient to act.

So Ye Xiaohu decided to fly over immediately, and then added a sentence: "After I left, if Xiao Hong is gone, then you call me immediately, I have some questions to confirm with Xiao Hong."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Xiang Qing sister said worriedly: “The West is not our China, after all, do n’t you think I need to book an air ticket for Er Lengzi. Will you go to the West together?”

"No need to."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, Er Lengzi's cultivation was not enough.

If faced with general masters, then Er Leng Zi may also be able to support.

However, in the face of the existence of the demigod level, Er Leng Zi is no longer an opponent.

In such a situation, it would only be a burden to go with Erzongzi.

So Ye Xiaohu rejected Xiang Qing's proposal, and then smiled slightly: "Relax, there are only a handful of people on the entire planet who can pose a threat to me."

"OK then!"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu insisted on going to ~ ~ and Ye Xiaohu was right, so sister Qing Qing took out her phone directly and arranged for someone to book the earliest flight ticket to Great Britain for Ye Xiaohu .

After the booking was completed, sister Xiang Qing briefly introduced the method of going through the formalities to Ye Xiaohu.

After understanding clearly, Ye Xiaohu turned away immediately.

Looking at Ye Xiaohu's back, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but sigh.

She knew that this was Ye Xiaohu blaming herself.

If he would bring his parents back when he came back to earth, then his parents would not be in danger.

But because of his carelessness, which caused his parents to fall into crisis, Ye Xiaohu was so anxious to go to Europe.

Faced with this situation, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't do much, but could only sigh, and then muttered: "Uncle and Aunt hope you can come back safely."

(End of this chapter)

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