Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1132: : Western conspiracy

Somewhere in the west.

Inside a huge underground pit, a few bronze coffins carved out without knowing how much material was depleted.

On the front of these bronze coffins, some unknown materials are made into glass-like coffin covers.

If you stand opposite the coffin, you can clearly see the contents of the coffin.

In this regard, a Western man walked to the side of a coffin and glanced at the environment inside. He could not help but smile slightly: "In your Eastern words, this must be a legendary love that never died.

"Even when it's dying, they hug each other tightly and never separate."

If Hermes and others see this Western man, they will be very shocked.

Because he is the only king in the Satan group and the man who rules everything in the Satan group.

I saw his hand and glanced at the bronze coffin: "But you are lucky, because you still have the value to use, so we will not let you die so quickly."


The king of the Satan group, Ibbas, who had beheaded many Eastern masters, patted the bronze coffin.

The bronze coffin immediately flew towards the back like a broken kite, and finally juxtaposed with other coffins.

At this time, Ibbas walked outside.

When he walked to the entrance of the deep underground pit, he saw a Western man standing at the door with respect and waiting for himself quietly.

This made Ebas frown slightly and curiously said, "What happened?"

"The great king, the fled Chinese woman, seems to be cured."

Hearing Ibrahim ’s inquiry, the western man standing at the entrance of the cave said cautiously: "The cold **** we entered into her has been completely removed and wiped out."


Hearing the words of his subordinates, Ibbas said dissatisfiedly: "I told you a long time ago that once you act, you can't hesitate. You must catch everyone, even if you can't catch the amount and kill. But you Instead of letting go of one carelessly, it is really a sin that deserves death. "

"Subordinate sin."

Ibbas's men knelt on the ground on the spot, and dared not have any rebuttal.

"Forget it."

After Ibbas vented, the whole person calmed down a little.

I saw him kick his subordinates, and then muttered: "How many people in China can expel the coldness of our Satanic group of hell?"

"If it is during the East-West War, there are indeed quite a lot. But after the East-West War, the Orientals have confessed themselves one by one and have not yet passed the customs. There are not many people who can solve the cold in Hell."

Ibbas's staff carefully analyzed and said: "And from the intelligence point of view, it should be the people of Songjiang City, **** solved the cold hell."


"Ye Xiaohu?"

The place names and the names of people overlapped, and Ibbas could not help but sneered: "It seems that I am also careless. Not only did he kill the combat power of Hermes and others, he even had the power to compare with me. No wonder he could be in the East. Call the wind and rain, and make the church know nothing about it. "

A Songjiang, Ibbas can't think of a second person who can do this.

So after he said aloud, he immediately ordered his men to say: "Forget it, since Ye Xiaohu already knows the news of his parents' generation, then the original plan was canceled, and you immediately arranged for someone to wait at the airport."

"Go to the airport?"

Ibbas's staff knew the meaning of Ibbas' cancellation plan, but he didn't understand why people were going to the airport, so he asked curiously: "Great King, what do we do after we go to the airport?"


Ibbas sneered, and then added: "According to intelligence, Ye Xiaohu's relationship with his parents must be very good, so he will definitely come to the West as soon as possible. But before he solved the cold **** in his body for Xiaohong. Then, there must be no more mana in the body, so I will ask you to create some crises for him and let him know that this is the West, not where Ye Xiaohu can do whatever he wants. "


Ibbas's staff immediately responded with a voice: "Subordinates go here."

"Wait a minute."

Ibbas thought for a while and said, "I remember Ye Xiaohu has a branch in Great Britain. You also arranged for some people to stare. I guess Ye Xiaohu will contact the person in charge of this branch after landing."

"You can rest assured that the great king, his subordinates will handle the king properly."

Ibbas's men nodded, and then the whole person disappeared.

After walking alone for a while, Ibbas suddenly stopped his forehead, and the whole person thought: "Ye Xiaohu's parents are still unsettled. They also want to find a way to increase the grasp in their hands."

Ibbas thought of something, so he took out a special rune and said to the rune: "Eternal God, if you want me to help you kill Ye Xiaohu, then come to Great Britain to join me as soon as possible and discuss how to cut Kill Ye Xiaohu. "

"I know."

After the opposite side of the rune was silent for a while, a low voice responded to Ibbas: "I will rush to Great Britain as soon as possible, and I will not be vague if I need to shoot at that time."

"I hope you keep your promise, otherwise once I am finished, then you have to live in the church too."

With a cold snort, Ibbas severed his contact with Eternal God.

Then a person looked at the starry sky, and then said: "How can it be possible to borrow a knife to kill someone without paying the price, hum."

After Ibbas finished this sentence, the whole person merged into the night, and soon the whole person left.

At the same time, on the Great Britain Airport.

A passenger plane landed steadily ~ ~ Immediately dressed as Ye Xiaohu, walked down from the plane with the help of the stewardess.

"I'm coming to the West again, and I feel very uncomfortable every time I come."

Ye Xiaohu looked around and couldn't help but smile slightly: "It seems that the ability of the big ocean horse is really good. Actually, the advertisement of Yejia Farm's vegetables came to the airport."

Looking at the big brands one after another promoting Yejiacai, Ye Xiaohu was very pleased.

"I don't know what she is doing?"

Ye Xiaohu came suddenly this time, so he did not call the people in the Western branch.

So after landing, Ye Xiaohu decided to make a phone call and ask about the branch.

But Ye Xiaohu just took out his mobile phone, and hadn't dialed the branch's contact number, he noticed that a pleasant ringing sounded, and a call came in.

(End of this chapter)

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