Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1133: : Transoceanic Telephone

The phone showed sister Xiang Qing's name, so Ye Xiaohu quickly connected the phone.

"Little Tiger!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Xiang Qing's voice rang through.

I saw sister Xiang Qing on the phone, anxiously said: "Xiaohu, something is wrong."

"What happened again?"

Ye Xiaohu heard Sister Xiang Qing's words, and was slightly worried: "But which of China's immortal secluded realms, and what moths come out."

"Not China, but Xiaohong woke up."

Sister Xiang Qing shook her head, rejecting Ye Xiaohu's guess: "Xiaohong is awake, but she has some emotional instability and has been saying that her uncle and aunt have problems."

"Woke up?"

Ye Xiaohu calculated the time, and Xiaohong was almost awake after conversion.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said to Sister Xiang Qing: "You give Xiaohong the phone, I want to know the specific situation with him personally."

"I know."

There was a footstep across the phone.

A moment later, the voice of a woman changed across the phone.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu heard Xiaohong across the phone, crying: "Brother Xiao, the godmother and the godmother were arrested. They are going to kill the godmother and the godmother."

Hearing Xiaohong's words, Ye Xiaohu had an urge to bleed blood.

And the whole person became very self-blaming. He blamed himself for contradicting the West. After blaming himself for contradicting the West, why did he not go to the West to pick up his parents, but instead went to Songshan and went to the island? port.

"Little Tiger, Little Tiger ... are you listening?"

"Brother Xiaohu, am I too useless and disappoint you?"

"It's all Xiaohong's fault. I didn't complete the task that Xiaohu told me."

"Xiaohong is useless, Xiaohong is too failed."

On the opposite side of the phone, Xiao Hong saw that Ye Xiaohu did not respond, so he made a disturbed voice.


Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then said on the phone: "Xiaohong, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's all my fault. I didn't come to meet you in advance."

"Woo, Brother Xiaohu ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Xiaohong burst into tears.

"Don't cry Xiaohong, now is not a time for sorrow, but to figure out the causes and consequences of things, so that we can facilitate the next operation."

Ye Xiaohu calmed down, trying not to let himself express any negative emotions, and then asked cautiously: "Otherwise, if you delay, my parents may really be in danger."

"Brother Hu, I know."

Xiaohong calmed down, and then said cautiously, "Brother Xiaohu, do you remember the last time, did I talk to you on the phone?"


Ye Xiaohu recalled: "You were exploring the ruins at the time."

"Yes, we are exploring the ruins."

Xiaohong laughed bitterly, and then added: "After I hung up the phone, I immediately went to the godmother and the godmother and told them that you asked them to go back to China. But the ruins have been explored at that time, and the ruins are inside The scenery is very beautiful, so the godmother and the godmother are going to take a look, and wait to watch all the scenery before returning to China with me. "

"I didn't think much at the time, so I booked the ticket first."

"Seeing the time to go back, the ruins have been explored."

"As a result, at this time, the western tour guides who led us to explore the ruins together, actually seeing the money to fight back against Ge, and started against the parents."

"I vowed to resist at the time, and finally kept my father and mother. But I never thought that this was not the final result, because the western tour guide was just invited by someone else. Their real behind-the-scenes messenger, is A terrifying master, he grabbed the gods and mothers in one shot and sealed it in a bronze coffin. "

Xiaohong introduces what she knows a little bit.

After listening to Xiaohong's introduction, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but wonder: "You are with my parents, why did they only capture my parents, but not you?"

"I am not very clear about this."

Xiaohong shook her head and said to Ye Xiaohu: "It may be that they think I am not important, so they want to find a place to solve me, but they didn't expect that I found an opportunity to escape."

"No, it can only be intentional."

Ye Xiaohu rejected Xiaohong's guess, and the whole person carefully analyzed: "In terms of their cultivation, it is impossible to let you escape, even if you have been seriously injured and dying. So they deliberately put the coldness of **** into you. In your body, let you breathe, let you return to China, and pass back the news that my parents were caught. "


Xiaohong hesitated, not knowing what to say.

Just when Xiaohong hesitated, Ye Xiaohu added a sentence on the phone: "Xiaohong, you will use the map to send you the approximate coordinates of the place where you encountered the ruins, and send me the approximate coordinates through the map. I want Take a look at it yourself. "

"I know."

Xiaohong nodded and chatted with Ye Xiaohu about the local situation.

When Xiao Hong introduced, Ye Xiaohu suddenly interrupted Xiao Hong's words and asked Xiao Hong to give the phone to Sister Xiang Qing.

Xiaohong didn't know why Ye Xiaohu had ordered this, but she still gave the phone to Sister Xiang Qing.

"what happened?"

Sister Xiang Qing was on the phone and asked gently.

"Sister Xiang Qing, did you tell the people in the Western branch about my coming to Europe?"

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the location not far away. Someone held a sign ~ ~ and wrote about warmly welcoming Ye Xiaohu to the Yejia Farm Branch of Great Britain.

Ye Xiaohu, seeing this scene, could not help frowning: "Two people in front of me greeted me at the airport."

"It should be impossible. After all, your trip to the West this time was determined temporarily, and I have been taking care of Xiaohong before. I have no chance to take the time to call the Western Branch."

Sister Xiang Qing shook her head, but in the face of Ye Xiaohu, she added cautiously: "Xiaohu, do you think I need to call the Western branch now and confirm with Eslan."

"No, I'll watch it later."

Ye Xiaohu rejected Sister Xiang Qing's words, and then the corner of her mouth slightly raised. After a brief exchange with Sister Xiang Qing, she hung up her phone.

After figuring out his phone, Ye Xiaohu sorted out his clothes again, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu's smile was calm, and he walked leisurely toward the front, facing the Western men's road holding a sign in front of the door. : "Hello, this is Ye Xiaohu."

(End of this chapter)

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