"The gangster is eating spicy and spicy inside, and we are patrolling outside. There is really no one in this year."

"No way, who makes people the big brothers, are we generals?"

"Stop working, it's important to complete the task."

"Yes, keep going around!"

A team from the Satan group walked slowly along an underground passage.


At this time, a loud humming noise came, which made them look around one by one.

I saw a member of the Satan group and said carefully: "Have you heard anything?"

"heard it."

"There seems to be something falling."

Everyone glanced at each other, so they watched one by one.

I saw that they depended on each other and looked towards the place where the voice came.


At this time, a roar came.

Immediately after a lame mountain wolf, it emerged from behind a stone and stared at the patrol squad of the Satan group.

"It turned out to be a wolf."

"Frightened me, I thought there was an enemy attack."

"Who will kill it?"

"I go."

I saw a member of the Satan group, shaking his head and said: "I like killing wolves the most, I hope he can bring me some challenges."


The talking Satan group members walked proudly towards the mountain wolf.


At this time, the mountain wolf went crazy, and rushed towards the members of the Satan group.

"Sinister, in front of me Blanqui, dare to be arrogant."

The members of the Satan group roared, and then punched directly at the mountain wolf.


The Mountain Wolf did not have any resistance, and was directly punched by Blankey.

"It's really hard to beat."

Blanqui looked at the falling mountain and walked forward step by step. Finally he picked up the mountain wolf and said, "Oh, this mountain wolf is quite heavy. Let me talk about what we will eat tonight The taste of wolf meat? "


The wind is blowing.

The leaves are shaking.

No one responded to him.

This made Blanche feel something was wrong, so he quickly looked back at his team members.

As a result, the players stood one by one, staring at him dumbfounded, but there was no movement and no response to Blanqui.

"What are you doing?"

Blanche looked at them puzzled, and came over carrying the coyote.

I saw him stretch out his arm and patted the player's shoulder gently.


The player fell to the ground on the spot, and his whole body became stiff.

"What happened to Igus?"

Falling to the ground, Igus could not respond to Blanqui.

This made Blanqui feel the crisis deeply, so he touched the other players. As a result, those players, like Igus, fell to the ground without any accident.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I heard a soft sound, everyone fell behind.

When Blanqui could not believe that the whole person was about to collapse, he saw Ye Xiaohu and Eslan sitting in the stone after seeing the crowd.

This caused Blanqui to swallow, and the whole person became cautious, whispering: "You, who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Ye Xiaohu shook his finger, and then he pointed at Blanqui: "If you want to be like them, then attack me. If you don't want to be like them, then it is best to do what I ordered."

"Hua Xia?"

Ye Xiaohu speaks the Chinese language, and members of the Satan group naturally have to learn the languages ​​of various places in the world in order to perform their tasks.

Therefore, Blanqui directly heard the meaning of Ye Xiaohu's words, and the whole person frowned: "That's impossible. As a member of the Satan group, how can I violate the requirements of the organization and take orders from you, a Chinese person? ? "

Ye Xiaohu glanced at him, then said nothing, then patted Eslan's shoulder lightly.

Aislan, aware of this scene, said well: "What are you doing?"

"Kill him."

Ye Xiaohu pointed to Blankie and said: "Since he doesn't want to lead the way, we can't let him run away, so we can kill the snake, so we can only kill him."



"OK then!"

Eslan smiled bitterly. She felt a little embarrassed. After all, she had never killed anyone.

But Ye Xiaohu told her that she would naturally do it, otherwise she would not give Ye Xiaohu face.

So Eslan took a deep breath, picked up a stone from the ground, and walked towards Blanqui step by step.

Blanqui, who saw this scene, swallowed, and saw him step by step withdrawing: "You are waiting, since you dare to break into the headquarters of my Satan group, then you are dead."

Blanche doesn't know how high Ye Xiaohu and Eslan are, but he knows that Ye Xiaohu and Eslan can directly destroy their entire squad, so many people, in the process of his victory over the Mountain Wolf.

This skill, such cultivation, is definitely not something he can contend with.

So he did not want to take risks, so he turned and ran.

At his speed, Kung Fu in a blink of an eye can be several kilometers.

But he ran for a long time, and found that he still didn't run far, but instead looked at the slowly coming Eslan, a little closer to himself

"what's going on?"

Blanqui exclaimed: "What the **** are you doing, why am I standing on the ground forever and can't escape at all?"

"No space."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, then stood up and said: "You also know that this place is the site of the Satan group, so I naturally have to arrange some means in advance to try not to let other people find me coming."

I am fucking.

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Blanqui collapsed.

A person who can close the space, but to deal with him a small person, what is this called?

Bronchi, who just wanted to escape, knelt on the spot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I saw him crying: "I admit defeat, and please forgive me for being rude, and let me live a life."

"Aren't you just arrogant?"

Ye Xiaohu said impatiently: "Aren't you afraid to cooperate with power, don't you want to cooperate? How can you cooperate in a blink of an eye?"

"Isn't that eye-catching?"

Blanche shivered: "Not to mention that I have seen the big guys in the Satan group discomfort, and naturally I want to help you, the great Chinese strongman."

"Since this is the case, then lead the way ahead!"

Ye Xiaohu looked at Blanqui's expression and couldn't help laughing. Then he told Branchi: "Take me to the place where you are detaining people. I want to find the two Chinese people who were captured by your Satan group."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions, the greedy life-and-death Blanche nodded tremblingly and quickly stood up and walked toward the depths of the Satan group headquarters.

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