Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1146: : Parents meet


I don't know how far I went. Blanchi saw exactly how many members of the Satan group Ye Yehu fell.

In short, Blanche's thinking is now completely collapsed.

No matter what you do, how many people.

As long as Ye Xiaohu wants to knock you down, it's a blink of an eye.

Such a horrible cultivation practice and terrible combat power, Blanqui estimated that he would not be able to achieve it for a lifetime, so behind the things Ye Xiaohu ordered, Branqui not only did not resist, but also completed beautifully.

"The great China Powerhouse, the people you said are held inside."

Blanqui, who walked suddenly, stopped his footsteps and pointed to a cave not far away: "However, in this cave, there are formations arranged by our Satan group of masters, and most people can't go in to save people."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at him, and then used the soul to sense it, and really felt the breath of his parents.

Although the breath is not very strong, it can at least prove that the parents did appear in this place.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded and motioned for Blanqui and Eslan to stand sideways.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu was alone, stepping towards the front, and directly entered the formation.

"Hey, it's actually hellfire."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the situation in the formation, and couldn't help but smile lightly: "It seems that there are also some seniors in the Satan group, who actually know how to arrange **** fire in the formation to hurt people."

"But there is no way of hellfire, there is no way to hurt me Ye Xiaohu."

Who is Ye Xiaohu?

That is why the fairy who came back from heaven is afraid of **** fire?

Hellfire is nothing more than a means to deal with mortals.

So Ye Xiaohu snorted and waved a fairy directly.


A gust of wind blew through, and the surrounding eyes were blown away by Ye Xiaohu.

At that moment, the entire formation disappeared, so Ye Xiaohu walked in step by step, and soon came inside, saw a mouthful of bronze coffins.

"Huh, actually a cultivator."

"And one by one is not weak."

Ye Xiaohu used the soul of the soul to feel it for a while, and knew how these people were doing.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu moved forward, he immediately sensed a mysterious fluctuation.

Through this fluctuation, Ye Xiaohu understands that the people buried in these coffins are actually masters of the Satan group. But for some reason, they cannot be made public, because they still have a chance to be resurrected, which is a secret technique of the Satan group.

Ye Xiaohu has a certain understanding of this secret technique, but is not very interested.

So Ye Xiaohu glanced through these useless bronze coffins to find his parents in the cave.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu searched around and found no parents.

When he felt something weird, he suddenly discovered that the bronze coffin around him had the sense of parenthood that he had sensed before.

This made Ye Xiaohu stunned for a moment, and quickly used his power to sense the situation inside.

"Dad, Mom ..."

Ye Xiaohu exclaimed that his parents had been frozen by the Satan group and placed in a bronze coffin.

Aware of this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but hit the stone wall beside him with a fist.


Ye Xiaohu's fist directly penetrated the stone wall, and saw Ye Xiaohu gritted his teeth: "The Satan group, I have no end with you."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's voice, Eslan and Blanqui standing outside the cave could not help but shudder, which shows how angry Ye Xiaohu is now.

"Parent, I will let you out now, and then take you back to China."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and then used the fairy directly to check the bronze coffin for traps.

When he was sure that the bronze coffin had no traps, he spit out a bit of gas, and then directly used the gods and souls to open the bronze coffin.


Although the bronze coffin was tightly covered, under the influence of Ye Xiaohu's Divine Soul, it lasted only two or three seconds and was pushed away by Ye Xiaohu directly.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu rushed over and hugged his parents out of the bronze coffin and used the fairy to moisturize their bodies.

Soon Ye Xiaohu's parents woke up from lethargy.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's father, when I saw Ye Xiaohu's first glance, he was shocked and said: "Xiaohu, aren't you in China? When did you come to the West?"

"Strange, how come I feel uncomfortable with this sleep?"

Ye Xiaohu's mother said with a headache: "It seems that someone was beaten up before going to bed?"

While talking, Ye Xiaohu's mother looked at her father.

"I don't have one."

Ye Xiaohu's father shook his head quickly, indicating that he didn't do it himself.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu's mother looked at him again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu quickly shook his head and said, "How dare I."

"What the **** is going on?"

Ye Xiaohu's mother still has some coercion.

Only when she moved her body, the original soreness was slightly better.

"Actually, I have some soreness."

Ye Xiaohu's father also moved his body and said: "However, I feel that this is not the effect after being beaten, but more like the feeling of being bound or trapped."

"Look at those bronze coffins"

Ye Xiaohu's mother pointed to the bronze coffins around her and said, "Old man, aren't we dead?"

"Are we dead?"

Ye Xiaohu's father shook his head again and said, "If we are dead, can't Xiaohu die?"

"Then what is going on?"

Ye Xiaohu's parents had question marks in their minds, so they looked at Ye Xiaohu one after another.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "When you explored the ruins before, you were caught and locked in a bronze coffin, so you will feel that way. But this is not the time to discuss this But leave this place as soon as possible and return to China. "

Ye Xiaohu's parents said in unison: "Are we locked in a bronze coffin?"

"Yes ~ ~ What about Xiao Hong?"

"Xiaohong returned to Songjiang City with an injury and is currently recovering in the hospital."


When I heard Ye Xiaohu's words, my parents felt a little more at ease.

So they followed Ye Xiaohu and walked out together.

But they just walked to the cave and found that Ye Xiaohu stopped his steps, but instead showed a cautious look.


At this time, there was a round of applause, and Bain listed now in front of Ye Xiaohu, with a smug look: "If it wasn't for my temporary heartbeat, if I arranged a backhand, it is estimated that it was really quiet by you. The sound robbed them both. "

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