Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1153: : Layout transmission

There are Jindan and Yuanying. . Update quickly.

Fairies have fairy babies and Dao bodies.

Gods naturally have primitive gods and **** nuclei.

Ye Xiaohu felt a trace of mysterious power when he killed Baine.

This power is the same as the 'nature' of the Divine Core, but there are some differences.

"Strange, what the **** is that?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned, so he followed the breath he sensed and directly teleported into the core treasure trove of the Satan group.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw a dazzling array of treasures, which had "medicine" materials, magic tools, and countless gold and silver treasures.

But at the very top of these treasures is a 'jade' box protected by the formation.

The breath that Ye Xiaohu sensed was exactly the breath that came out of the 'jade' box.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu walked over, cracked the formation around him, and opened the lid of the 'Jade' box.

At the next moment, a strong breath spread out.


Ye Xiaohu looked at the contents in the 'Jade' box, and couldn't help but stunned: "The fairy and the **** are the same body, this is actually a fairy core."

A god, turned into a fairy.

And also made him a success, and finally shaped a fairy core.

I have to say that the original owner of this fairy core must have been a genius.

It's a pity that his destiny is a bit sad, I don't know what happened and eventually fell, otherwise his fairy core will not appear in this place.

After sighing for a while, Ye Xiaohu stared at the fairy core carefully: "Although it is only an ordinary level of fairy core, but it also possesses no mana. If I can refine him, maybe I can renew it. Back to the realm of immortals. "

Since entering the heaven again, Ye Xiaohu felt a sense of mission and responsibility.

So Ye Xiaohu has been thinking about when to return to heaven.

Ye Xiaohu did not have the conditions before, but now his conditions are very mature.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and immediately entered the floating island space with the "Jade" box.

Just came in, Ye Xiaohu almost didn't plant a head.

"My husband, this place is really 'awesome'. If we 'get' a farm in this place, we will never be worse than the Yejia farm outside."

"Look at that place, if you‘ get ’a fish pond, it ’s okay to fish or fish.”

"There is also this place that can be made into a farmhouse."

"Or don't know, where did Xiaohu get the baby from there, there is such a mysterious space."

In the floating island space, Ye Xiaohu's parents did not violate anything and did not adapt.

Instead, they are in the floating island space, and they have a feeling of being handy.

I saw them walking and planning how to open a new Yejia farm in the floating island space.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu, crying and laughing, summoned Jiuwei Fox and asked, "What is the situation?"

"I do not know either."

Nine-tailed fox naturally knows that it is Ye Xiaohu's parents, so after Ye Xiaohu's parents came in, he has been hiding next to Ye Xiaohu's parents, protecting them all the time.

So Ye Xiaohu came to find it, after all, the current Jiuwei Fox has completely surrendered to him.

Therefore, under Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Jiuwei Fox said helplessly: "I have to say that people in your family have some special places. For example, your parents actually treat this mysterious and unknown space as A tourist destination. On the one hand, I plan to open a second farmhouse, on the one hand, I want to develop a pure natural, pollution-free tourism industry. "

"Cough ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu of the Nine-tailed Fox, Ye Xiaohu coughed lightly: "You're busy with you!"


Nine-tailed fox nodded, turned around and disappeared.

After it left, Ye Xiaohu went straight to his parents and said, "Parent, what are you busy with?"

"Xiaohu, you are here!"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu appear, Mother Ye immediately smiled and said: "This place is really 'awesome'. Both you and my dad plan to retire and retire in this place."

"Yes, this place is suitable for pensions."

Ye Xiaohu's father also nodded slightly: "You see this place, in addition to the lack of people, it is a paradise on earth."

"If you want to care for the elderly in this place, there is no problem at all."

Ye Xiaohu felt around for a while, and then explained again: "But this place has some small problems, so it can't last for a long time, and you have to practice, otherwise this place will be your aging."

"So there is so much to say about this place?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's introduction, Ye Father stunned slightly: "However, if you are there, we must have no problem."

"Yes, we believe in Xiaohu."

Mother Ye also nodded and said: "Later ~ ~ You gave us a method of cultivation. We plan to live and cultivate in this place."

Ye Xiaohu nodded. He also wanted to teach his parents an excellent cultivation method and make them immortal.

Before, Ye Xiaohu refined the elixir for his parents, which delayed the lifespan for many years, but it still has a day to end.

But if the parents practice, then the problem will be much smaller.

But before solving this problem, Ye Xiaohu must solve another problem.

That is the floating island space, and only one person can enter and exit.

So how do parents get in and out once they are no longer there?

This is a problem, so Ye Xiaohu must solve it.

So Ye Xiaohu hanged with his parents for a while, wandering alone in the floating island space.

This shopping has passed for a long time.

In the end, Ye Xiaohu found a suitable place to arrange the formation.

So Ye Xiaohu asked the nine-tailed fox to come over and let him help him find the teleport stone.

Nine-tailed fox is more familiar with floating island space and even Ye Xiaohu.

So at Ye Xiaohu's command, Jiuwei Fox immediately left with joy.

After a while, Kung Fu hurried back with the teleport stone.

So in anticipation of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Ye Xiaohu placed the teleportation stone it brought back in different places, and linked each one together to form a Nine-Star Transit Station.


Seeing the halo transmitted from the teleportation station, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but face the Jiuwei Fox Road: "Don't you always want to survey the space, do you want to go out and stroll more? Now that you have the teleportation station, you can freely enter and exit But I have to tell you in advance that you ca n’t run “chaotically” at that time, otherwise if you let me know, then I will give you a permanent imprisonment in the floating island space. ”

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