Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1154: : Arrangement before leaving

Nine-tailed fox will naturally not go against Ye Xiaohu's wishes, because now Ye Xiaohu is already terribly powerful.

What's more, following Ye Xiaohu's many benefits, he will never refuse Ye Xiaohu's request.

So after it agreed, Ye Xiaohu told him the transmission method of the transmission station.

However, after all, the transfer station has just set up a location and needs a docking place, so you need to go back to Huaxia to prepare.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu returned to his parents and personally helped his parents build the foundation.

After all, parents swallowed a lot of panacea, and Ye family's products.

Therefore, the body of the parents has already reached a level of cultivation.

So with the help of Ye Xiaohu, the parents hardly had any obstacles, and they cultivated a half-step infant success all the way.

Next, Ye Xiaohu taught them the Five Elements Immortal Method, allowing them to start practicing alone.

After just guiding for a few days in this way, my parents finally felt the path and knew how to practice, so Ye Xiaohu let go of the guidance and let them practice alone.

It took another two or three days. When Ye Xiaohu was sure that there were no problems, he left the floating island space with satisfaction.

The world outside the floating island space has only passed shortly.

The base of the Satan group still exudes the smoke of battle.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't care about these anymore. When Ye Xiaohu's body jumped, he left the headquarters of the Satan group and went directly to the place where Aislan was mixed.

"Eslan woke up."

In order to coax Qiu Weier before, Ye Xiaohu pretended not to know and did not come to save Eslan.

But now that the matter is over, it is natural to wake up Eslan.

So Ye Xiaohu directly awakened Eslan by special means: "How is your body, is there any problem?"

"I have no problem."

Eslan shook his head, then said helplessly: "But I felt my head so heavy, as if I had been filled with a few bottles of vodka."

"That's because you were stunned."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, giving people a feeling like spring breeze: "But now things have passed and everything has been resolved."

"Just solved it."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Eslan froze a little, and then asked again: "Damn, I fainted, didn't it delay you from saving your uncle and aunt?"


Ye Xiaohu said with guilt: "In fact, when you fainted, I already had someone's hand. I just kept silent, and after you fainted, followed the person who pretended to be you and found them Destination and successfully rescued my parents. "

At this moment, Eslan was slightly irritated, but she thought again.

If you change to yourself, it is estimated that you will choose like Ye Xiaohu, put yourself aside for the time being, and save your parents first.

After all, parents are relatives, and they are just partners, and there is no danger to their lives.

Aslan laughed bitterly and said to Ye Xiaohu: "I don't blame you, I blame me for being too careless, and I was caught by someone."


Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then said, "What do you plan to do next?"


Eslan froze for a moment, and then understood the meaning of Ye Xiaohu's words, so she shook her head confusedly: "I don't know, go for a day, count one day!"

"Have you thought about cultivation?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at Eslan and said seriously: "Now it is an era of cultivation. Only after cultivation, will you have the ability to protect yourself and not be afraid of others."

"Cultivation, of course I thought about it."

Eslan smiled bitterly: "But Slick told me that my talent is not very good, I can only practice some small exercises of forging."

"That's bullshit."

Ye Xiaohu didn't know why Slick said that.

But Ye Xiaohu knows that Eslan, who often eats Yejia products, has been greatly transformed. Now Eisland does not say how good the talent is, but there is absolutely no problem with cultivation.

So Ye Xiaohu said seriously to Eslan: "In this way, I will teach you a recipe. As for whether you can achieve anything in the future, it depends on your own efforts."

"Did Lilick deceive me?"

Eslan was a little bit confused, but she still looked forward to it: "Thank you Xiaohu."

"Nothing, after all, we are partners, and I don't have the heart to return to the dead bones after you die in the future."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head slightly, and then added: "Remember, the method I teach you is called Jinshui Jue. If you do n’t have my consent, then you ca n’t pass it to outsiders. You can only sing in your own family ~ www. ~ I know. "

Eisland nodded and asked carefully: "Xiaohu, how do I feel that you seem to be explaining the last words?"

"Be careful not to be wrong, and once I leave this time, I don't know what year I can return."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then transferred the content of Jinshui Jue's practice directly into Eslan's mind, and marked Eslan's characteristics of this method and the places where it was lacking.

After this was done, Ye Xiaohu said with satisfaction: "Then, Eslan, the future of the West will be left to you to handle in full. I hope that the next time we meet, you will still be so young and beautiful."

"Will do."

Eslan knew that Ye Xiaohu was leaving, but she still had some reluctance.

But she knew that she couldn't stop Ye Xiaohu, and even the women around Ye Xiaohu couldn't stop Ye Xiaohu's footsteps, so he could only watch Ye Xiaohu's leaving, whispering softly, "You wait As a result, I will definitely practice hard and strive to catch up with you one day. "

Ye Xiaohu, who left Eslan, didn't know what Eslan was thinking.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu's mind was full of things he encountered in the heavenly court, all of which Satan said before he died.

In short, Ye Xiaohu at this moment is more worried about the situation above the heavenly court.

So he desperately wants to go back to heaven and back to the fairy world to figure out those things.

So after saying goodbye to Eslan, Ye Xiaohu spared no expense in mana. After locking Huaxia, he used the teleportation spell on the spot and returned to Songjiang City directly after several teleports.

In the car going back to Yejia Farm, Ye Xiaohu made a phone call to all relatives and friends and asked them to come to Yejia Farm.

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