Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1172: : The Mystery of the Great Sword

The pick-up village is a remote place. If you want to go from the pick-up village to the vast city where the fairy school is located, you need to go through many places.

Fortunately, there is a guide Lu Jun, so Ye Xiaohu does not need to make any decisions or judgments throughout the journey.

After traversing multiple transmission stations in succession, Ye Xiaohu and the two finally arrived at the area where the vast city is located.

For the next part of the journey, you cannot rely on the transfer station, but need a flying monster to carry it.

After spending some jade and simply renting a flying monster, Ye Xiaohu and his entourage went on.

So Ye Xiaohu finally had time to be quiet for a while, so Ye Xiaohu sat on the flying monster and released his own soul into the floating island space.

"Huh, aren't you in the fairy world?"

Ye Xiaohu just came in and immediately alerted the Jiuwei Fox.

So the nine-tailed fox teleported directly from the depth of the floating island space to the place where Ye Xiaohu was, with a curious expression: "How come you have time to return to the floating island space?"

"I'm in Immortal World, but there is nothing for now, so come back and take a look."

Ye Xiaohu smiled, and then said: "What happened recently?"

"It's nothing, it's been calm."

Nine-Tailed Fox shook his head and said: "And you didn't leave long before, what can happen?"


Ye Xiaohu suddenly awakened, the speed of time in the fairy world is not the same as the earth.

In the past few days, the earth hasn't passed long.

So Ye Xiaohu shook his head with a wry smile, then said to Jiuwei Fox: "Forget it, you continue to explore the floating island space. I am alone, strolling in the floating island space for a while."


Jiuwei Fox has long been accustomed to such a tone as Ye Xiaohu, so Jiuwei Fox nodded and turned away.

After it left, Ye Xiaohu took out the big sword and watched it carefully.

"Strange, what happened on that day, why did that happen?"

While looking at the big sword, Ye Xiaohu recalled what happened in Jieyin Village that day.

Replaying scene after scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but curiously said: "Right, it seemed that Kong Zhiyi had a sword of Li Chongde cut off. When I rushed over, I again cut off Kong Zhiyi's fairy sword. During this process, Kong Zhiyi's fairy sword exuded a breath and merged into the Dao sword. "

"What is that breath?"

Ye Xiaohu released his own soul and explored the inside of the big sword for the first time.

Since Ye Xiaohu got the big sword, he hasn't checked it carefully, because the big sword is just an ordinary heavenly sword.

But Ye Xiaohu believes that this great sword must be different.

Sure enough, under the exploration of Ye Xiaohu, his spirit found that there was a sword fetus within the big sword.

The sword fetus is very small, just like a newborn baby.

But it has been in motion, and the heaven and earth aura around the Devourer is also the immortal qi released by the Devourer Immortal Sword.

Aware of this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stunned: "Could it be said that this big sword is not an ordinary heavenly fairy sword, but an innate magic weapon that can devour the same kind of evolution?"

I have to say that Ye Xiaohu discovered a terrifying secret.

If this secret comes true, then the great sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands has an unlimited future.

Once he really evolved into an innate magic weapon, then Ye Xiaohu's combat effectiveness can be increased by at least several times.

Such a huge change is definitely too beneficial for Ye Xiaohu.

"But this is just a guess, but there is no way to authenticate."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, after all, he could not find a group of fairy swords, and then cut off the experiments one by one.

It is estimated that there is no such capital for any fairy.

Unless he is a fairy forge, specializing in forging fairy, he can not be afraid of the loss of fairy.

But it is a pity that Ye Xiaohu is not a fairysmith.

"It seems that we can only wait until we have the opportunity to experiment."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and after clearing his thoughts, Ye Xiaohu withdrew the big sword and stretched his waist.

Ye Xiaohu originally wanted to go back directly, but he thought of his parents again.

So Ye Xiaohu couldn't help frowning, and released his own soul, summoning Jiuwei Fox to his side.

Under the call of Ye Xiaohu, Jiuwei Fox quickly hurriedly said: "What happened?"

"I'm going back to fairyland."

Ye Xiaohu said his purpose, so he asked: "So I want to experiment, can I take people from the floating island space, and go to the fairy world together. If I can do this, then come and go to the fairy world, the earth Floating island space has become much easier. "


Jiuwei Fox nodded and said, "What do you need me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "As soon as I cover you, you just follow my god's spirit and do it."

"no problem."

Nine-tailed fox accepted Ye Xiaohu's arrangement, so he followed Ye Xiaohu's spirit and followed Ye Xiaohu to the fairy world.

But one person and one fox had just walked halfway, and found that they could no longer move forward.

Ye Xiaohu's body was not hindered in any way.

But the body of the Nine-Tailed Fox is blocked by an invisible thing outside the enchantment.

Facing this scene, Jiuwei Fox couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It still doesn't seem to work. With my current body, I can't break the enchantment and come to the fairy world smoothly."

"Relax, you will come to the fairy world one day soon ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu nodded and promised:" Grasp the expansion of the floating island space, I believe as long as it is evolving once, then it is estimated that the fairy world can be It is perfectly connected with the floating island space, and then you and I will be able to shuttle freely for two sessions. "


Jiuwei Fox nodded, then sorted his body back and said, "Then I will go back first, and we will see you later."

"Goodbye another day."

Ye Xiaohu did not continue to struggle, because he felt a mysterious force, pulling Ye Xiaohu's soul.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu simply said goodbye to Jiuwei Fox, took a deep breath, followed the gap between the borders of the two worlds, and hurried toward the place where the flesh of the fairy world was.

When Ye Xiaohu's soul passed through many obstacles, and finally returned to his own body, and opened his eyes, Ye Xiaohu saw Lu Jun's face, a slack expression appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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