Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1173: : Descendants of immortals

"what happened?"

Returning from the floating island space, Ye Xiaohu found that Lu Jun was shaking his body, so Ye Xiaohu puzzled and said: "Why do you shake my body?"

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu did not arrange any defensive formations, or spells, otherwise Lu Jun just shook his body, and it was estimated that he would be killed on the spot.

"Shangxian, let's go somewhere."

From the mouth of Li Chongde, Lu Jun already knew Ye Xiaohu's identity, it was a real fairy.

Therefore, Jun Lu respected Ye Xiaohu even more, so in the face of Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, Lu Jun said respectfully: "Look at the city in front, that is the vast city, and the Immortal Academy is located in it."

"That's the vast city?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, just about to use his own power to sense the situation around him.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu's actions were seen, and the person responsible for driving out the monsters interrupted Ye Xiaohu's behavior: "This fairy, I guess you are coming to the vast city for the first time?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny: "How did you see it?"

"I saw that the action you just made was to use the power of the soul to sense the scale and interior of the vast city?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded recklessly. Under such circumstances, the person responsible for driving out the monsters said: "But you may not be aware that there is a large forbidden array within the vast city, which specifically prohibits the detection of the spirits of the gods. And it is forbidden to fly in the city. So if it was not for me to stop you just now, then your gods and souls would have been strangled by the **** forbidden formation. "


Lv Jun does not know that the gods are forbidden and may have some ignorance.

However, Ye Xiaohu lived in the ancient heaven for a long time, and naturally knew how great the big arrays created by the ancient gods were.

Among them, the great power of God's Prohibition is far more terrible than the one who drove out the monster.

Because it can not only hurt people, but also a permanent injury.

Once injured by God's Prohibition, then don't think about any progress in cultivation for a lifetime.

So after hearing the words of the man who drove out the monster, Ye Xiaohu glanced at the vast city with his eyes. He nodded and thanked: "Thank you this big brother. If it was not just your righteous reminder, it is estimated that I have been vast. The city's **** forbidden array was injured. "

"Nothing, after all you brought me, then I need to remind you."

The man who drove out the monsters smiled a little, didn't care at all, but continued to say: "In fact, I also live in the vast city. In the future, if you have any questions, you can get up and ask me."

"for sure."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then said: "As far as I know, God banned the Great Array, but it was the exclusive ancient Array of the ancient immortals in the ancient heavens. Generally, the formation of outsiders is not passed. Is this vast city from the ancient immortals hand?"


The man in charge of driving out the monsters shook his head, and then sighed: "The ancient heaven has passed for a long time. The gods of that year either died in battle with the demon world, or a variety of strange things happened. , And then disappear into people's sight, or self-proclaimed within a mountain range, waiting for the moment of recovery. "


Ye Xiaohu doesn't understand, since the gods of the ancient heaven have already fallen and disappeared, how did the Great Forbidden Array come down?

Do some of the descendants have the same thinking as the ancient ancient immortals?

Just as Ye Xiaohu was thinking, the elder brother responsible for driving out the monsters seemed to have guessed the idea in Ye Xiaohu ’s heart, so he said directly: “This is the formation created by the ancient immortals of the ancient heavens, and the reason why it spreads Come down, it is because he has descendants survived. "

"Does any of his descendants survive?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at the elder brother responsible for driving out the monsters and said: "Aren't you talking about the prodigal Qingyunzi from the ancient ancient fairy family?"


Which Cheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, the elder brother responsible for driving out the monsters could not help but change his complexion, and quickly rushed over to cover Ye Xiaohu's lips.

After waiting for a minute or two like this, and making sure that Ye Xiaohu had no plans to continue, and there was no movement around him, he relaxed and said: "You are my big brother, Nima, and I have seen Bai Zhishan for the first time in my life. A person who dares to call that name directly. "


That one?

Honorable title?

And it's so terrifying, afraid of nagging out the name of the other party?

This made Ye Xiaohu somewhat curious, and saw him staring at Baizhishan Road, who was responsible for driving out the monsters: "Brother, is that strong?"

"Strong, and powerful mess."

Bai Zhishan smiled bitterly: "Now he is the central monarch emperor sitting down as a general, and most people can't afford to be the ultimate fairy."

"so smart?"

Ye Xiaohu's eyes widened and he muttered in surprise: "Why didn't you see him so powerful before?"

Ye Xiaohu worked in the heavenly court, and naturally knew the ancient immortals and his family.

Moreover, he has a good relationship with the Qing Gu Xianren, but he is not very friendly to the Qing Gu Xianren, because that is a second-generation ancestor who is not only talented but also terrible.

But I did not expect that after 10 years of returning, Ye Xiaohu actually learned that the other party was a big advancement and became the result of being one of the best in the fairy world. This made Ye Xiaohu shook his head, feeling that the world had really changed and it had already made him Some are hard to believe.

Faced with Ye Xiaohu's emotion ~ ~ Bai Zhishan said with a longing face: "Boy, I tell you, not only that person's cultivation is a great advance. In fact, since the ancient heaven has changed ten million years ago After that, many originally unremarkable descendants of the gods made rapid advances, almost a big change in 10,000 years, and now they are the masters of the entire fairy world, and even one of the handles. There are only a few descendants of the fairy, for some special reasons So there is no way to cultivate for the great advancement, only sad old age. "

Is there such a thing?

Ye Xiaohu stared at Bai Zhishan carefully. As a result, Bai Zhishan looked confident, without any expression of lying, which made Ye Xiaohu know that he was right.

If according to what Bai Zhishan said, then aren't there still many old acquaintances of Ye Xiaohu in this heaven?

This made Ye Xiaohu have more expectations for the fairyland after the great changes in the world, unlike the frustration and despair at the beginning.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu sorted out his clothes, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu made a big hand, facing Bai Zhishan Road: "Brother Bai, please go ahead, I will enter the city within today . "

(End of this chapter)

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