Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1174: : Part 1 of Ancient Heaven

Qingxuan Shangxian's mansion.

Once again, Qingxuan Shangxian, who had returned from the academy, summoned his servant and asked, "Is the light prince really returned?"

"Looking back to Master, Qingling Zhenjun has returned."

Seeing Qingxuan Shangxian asking, a slave hurried forward and made a brief report.

This made Qingxuan Shangxian very satisfied, and he nodded and said, "Let him come here."


The slave nodded, so he turned away and summoned the Qingling Zhenjun.

Qingxuan Shangxian, who was left alone, slowly tasted the fairy tea while thinking about things.

Just a few minutes later, Qingling Zhenjun walked in from the outside, and Bi Gong said respectfully: "Master, are you looking for me?"


Qingxuan Shangxian nodded and said, "How is your investigation about Kong Zhiyi?"

"Subordinates have investigated this matter clearly according to your orders."

The thing about Kong Zhiyi is a thorn in the heart of the light and true monarch.

If it weren't for Kong Zhiyi, he wouldn't be forced to confess by Qingxuan Shangxian.

But in front of Qingxuan Shangxian, he did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, so Qingling Zhenjun replied: "When I rushed to the village according to the position said by the young master, I asked Kong Zhiyi's whereabouts immediately . As a result, the people in the village told me that Kong Zhiyi led the hunting team out of their village to find the trouble of a small village. As a result, they never returned after they left. "

"The old slave didn't believe me, so I grabbed people in several villages directly, and used the method of exploring the soul memory to explore one by one, and the results showed that from the answers in the memory, it was almost the same as the local village chief said. . "

"So the old slave asked the local village head for some jade you like, and after rearranging a jointer, he continued to explore the area according to the clues given by the village head."

"As a result, I explored a circle and found that the place was actually the place where the ancient heaven was connected. And Kong Zhiyi was looking for a troubled village, also called a connected village. Compared to this, there must be some connection. But when I When I found the balance, I found that there was no one in the village leading to the empty village. "

Qingxuan Shangxian didn't care about picking up the village or something.

He didn't even care about the ground.

After all, since the ancient heaven court era, the place of connection has lost its role.

What really made Xuanxuan Shangxian care was that his doorman, Kong Zhiyi, was missing. This was his most concerned issue, so Qingxuan Shangxian added: "Since the picking village is gone, then Kong Zhiyi What the **** is going on? "

"If the old slave did not guess wrong, then the control is dead."

Qingling Zhenjun glanced at Qingxuan Shangxian, then took out a broken sword from his storage space and handed it to Qingxuan Shangxian: "The old slave found the mansion above the broken sword. The unique breath, compared to this fairy sword should have touched the fairy sword in the mansion, or who? That is to say, Kong Zhiyi should have found Jiezhi Village, and there was a big battle with Jiezhi Village, But in the end it was defeated, and the lead village was probably worried about your master ’s conviction, so he moved ahead and ran away. "

"Run, can they run?"

Qingxuan Shangxian simply sensed it for a while, and was sure that the fairy sword had the breath inside his mansion, because that breath belonged to him.

At that time, he also saw Kong Zhiyi was good, so he sold him a fairy sword in the mansion at a low price.

Under such circumstances, Qingxuan Shangxian saw that the people he cultivated were actually beheaded by a group of countrymen.

The so-called beating is not beating, let alone killing the servants under his door when knowing his identity, so Qingxuan Shangxian's face turned black and he snorted and said: "I don't care what the origin of the village is , But since he killed my people, he ca n’t leave safely. So you go to the backyard to pick up a tengu, and lead a guard team in the house, starting from picking up the village, exploring around, Catch those who dared to fight against me in Qingxuan Shangxian Mansion. "


After being ordered by Qingxuan Shangxian, Qingling Zhenjun nodded immediately, and then discussed with Qingxuan Shangxian for a while, then turned back to prepare.

Qingxuan Shangxian, who was left alone, frowned and looked at the roof: "I don't know what happened. Recently, I always feel a little unhappy, and the whole person is prone to anger."

Once an immortal, then the whole person's emotions, it is difficult to be affected and fluctuate.

Switching to the past, he wouldn't care about Kong Zhiyi's life and death.

But recently I don't know what happened, Qingxuan Shangxian found that his spirit is always a variety of confusion.

"Strange, how can there be a state of uneasiness when there is no budget for the robbery recently?"

In the face of such a situation, Qingxuan Shangxian analyzed it alone, and then muttered: "If it is not Thunder Tribulation, then it is estimated that in the most recent period, I am afraid what big things will happen."

The more I think about it, Qingxuan Shangxian feels like this.

This made him more irritable, so instead of sitting idle in the house, he went out alone.


After pinning the flying monsters in the special care department, Ye Xiaohu pedestrians walked into the vast city.

"The vast city is built on the corner of the ancient heaven, so there are some ancient rhymes. But those ancient rhymes are not accessible to everyone."

After entering the city, as a local, Bai Zhishan thought of it ~ ~ While leading Ye Xiaohu and others to go forward, he introduced Ye Xiaohu and others: "Mr. Ye, look at that direction, There is a tallest tower, and that location is the fairy college you are about to go to. "

"In his northwest direction, do you think there is a turret at that location?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu nodded, Bai Zhishan said again: "That place was the ancient heaven. At that time, the core part of the ancient heaven has been dismantled into many parts. But don't underestimate this. One corner, because the ruins of the ancient heavenly court in this corner have not been moved or damaged ... the building has a complete ancient rhythm of the heavenly court. According to rumors, there are many geniuses of the Immortal Academy. Great advance. "

Ye Xiaohu had a familiar feeling when he saw the corner of the heavenly court, but he was still not sure which part of the heavenly court belonged to.

So he followed Bai Zhishan while listening to Bai Zhishan's introduction.

Suddenly, Bai Zhishan, who led the way, stopped and pointed to a house not far away: "Yes, my house is in front of us, or shall we go to my house for a rest?"

(End of this chapter)

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