Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1175: : Ouyang Ye

"Mother, why hasn't Daddy returned yet?"

Within the house.

In a relatively large living room, a very beautiful and very young woman is standing next to the dressing table to organize her appearance.

I saw her dressing up and asked the woman sitting behind him, "If he never comes back, what will happen to my marriage?"

"Huh, when is it our family's business that old immortal turn?"

I saw the woman throwing away the things in her hand, and then she said with disdain: "Don't say he is not here, even if he is in this place, then don't think about influencing the decisions of our mothers."


The young woman still has some concerns: "He is my father after all. It ’s always bad for me to be absent when I get married, let alone I want him to take a look at his future son-in-law."


The woman glanced at her daughter and could not help sighing: "You can rest assured, I have sent a message to your father, he should already be on his way back."

"That's good."

The young daughter was relieved when the door of the room was suddenly pushed violently.

Immediately afterwards, a pale-looking young man walked in and hurried to the young daughter's side, and grabbed the young daughter's hand: "Bai Die, please come with me."

The young man seemed very anxious, so he had a lot of energy in his hands.

I saw him clutching Bai Die's wrist hard, pulling it frantically towards the outside.

Under such circumstances, Baidie felt a huge force on her wrist and passed it along her wrist to her central nervous system. This made her very painful and said, "Ouyang Ye, please let me go first, my wrist has Some pain. "


Hearing Baidie ’s words, Ouyang Ye could n’t help but say slightly: “I ’m sorry, Baidie, I was also in a hurry just now, so I ’m a little stronger. But I ’m really in a hurry now, I need Baidie to help you, so I ’ll trouble you Will you go with me once? "

"What the **** is going on that makes you so scared?"

Looking at Ouyang Ye's anxious expression, Bai Die took out her handkerchief and helped Ou Yangye wipe the sweat on her cheek: "But even if you need my help, then you have to wait for my makeup to finish, otherwise I will be difficult to go out. of."

"Then draw quickly."

Hearing Bai Die's words, Ouyang Ye couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "But you have to hurry up, otherwise, if the young Master Xuan Xuan feels dissatisfied, then the consequences are very serious."

"Young Master Xuan Xuan?"

When hearing these four words, Bai Die's face changed greatly.

Ouyang's heart is relatively thick, so this scene did not happen.

However, the woman next to her face would naturally not miss this expression, so she came over and frowned: "Little Butterfly, what is that Qingxuan son?"

"Young Master Xuan Xuan, that is the fairy of the fairy college."

Seeing his mother's inquiry, Bai Die couldn't help but look ugly: "When I used to work in a restaurant, Qing Xuan often went to feasts in my restaurant."

"It seems to be a noble son, Ouyang Ye You can recognize such a big person, but your character!"

Hearing Bai Die's words, the woman said without any worries: "But Fluttershy, why do I see your eyebrows clenched, and you seem worried in your expression?"

The so-called Zhi Zi Mo Ru father, the same reason, the mother can also see the things in the hearts of children.

Therefore, under the inquiry of her mother, Baidie hesitated again and again, and finally said: "That young man Xuan Xuan, on the surface, is a very serious person. But every few days, his personality will change wildly. It makes people feel frightened at a glance. And when his personality changes, he will be very excited about the female sex. I have several sisters who have been ruined by him, and even killed by him alive. "


Hearing her daughter's words, the woman couldn't help but change her complexion: "No, such a pervert, you must not go with him in the past, I don't want white hair to give black hair."

"Auntie, you're a bit worried about this."

Hearing the women ’s words, the young man Ouyang Ye could n’t help but sneer: “Not to mention, Mr. Qingxuan is just a guest. Now, if the guest calls on Xiaodie to go, then Xiaodie has to go. And as long as he does n’t leave the restaurant Then, I believe that Master Qingxuan will always give us some face. Besides, Xiaodie also said that only when the personality of Master Xuanxuan changes greatly, the temper and habits of the whole person will become strange. But with the current In terms of circumstances, there is no change in the character of Young Master Xuan Xuan, so Fluttershy was absolutely not dangerous in the past? "


The women still have some concerns: "Xiaoye, you are Fluttershy's fiance, my son-in-law, can you deceive your aunt?"

"Aunt, don't worry, how could I lie to you?"

A strange light flashed in Ouyang Ye's eyes.

But this strange look disappeared in a blink of an eye, so the mother and daughter of the white butterfly in the house did not see this scene at all.

I saw that Ouyang Ye quickly concealed his eyes and said to the women: "And the restaurant has just promoted me, and now I am a cadre anyway, I believe that even if there is some uneasy movements of Qingxuan son, then Also give me Ouyang Ye a little thin noodles. "

"Are you promoted?"

Upon hearing Ouyang Ye's words, Fluttershy excitedly said: "That's really great."

"It's worthy of my daughter's fancy man, it really has two sons."

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Ye's words were immediately praised by the Bai family's mother and daughter.

And Bai Die ’s mother said directly: "Although the young Master Xuan Xuan is a fairy, the big boss behind the fairy restaurant is not an ordinary person. I believe he always gives the fairy restaurant to Xiaoye. The son-in-law has a face, so Fluttershy, make up quickly, and then accompany Xiaoye to the restaurant! "

"Okay ~ ~ I know."

Hearing the conversation between her mother and Ouyang Ye, there were some worried white butterflies in her heart, and she gradually became relieved.

So in Ouyang Ye's anxious eyes, Bai Die quickly put on makeup.

After so much trouble, Baidie finally finished her makeup.

So she took the initiative to say goodbye to her mother, and holding Ouyang Ye's hand, the two left their home together.

But because they were too anxious, they acted faster.

As a result, an unnoticed Kung Fu collided with people.

Baidie is okay, after all, she is a lady, so she was caught in advance.

But Ouyang Ye was bumped into the air. When he landed on the ground, he suddenly looked very embarrassed and said: "Fuck, who are you, dare to stop me Ouyang Ye?

(End of this chapter)

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