Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1176: : The person who hit you is Ye Xiaohu

Ouyang Ye is very unhappy today.

Very uncomfortable.

Originally he was promoted, it should be a very happy day.

The so-called new officials took over three fires, Ouyang Ye wanted to vent their thoughts of being bullied and despised when they were in the lower ranks.

But he was just angry, and just after the first fire was lost, he found that the person he was burning was not right.

Because the man he burned, it was the young Master Xuan Xuan who had to call Lan Ling'er every time he went to the Xian Restaurant.

By the time Ouyang Ye discovered the relationship between Lan Ling'er and Qingxuan, everything was already too late.

When he taught Lan Ling'er and wanted to wipe the oil, he happened to be seen by the young Master Xuan Xuan who came to the restaurant to relax.

If it is changed to usual, then the young Master Xuanxuan will not care about him. After all, in his identity, he will not care about a garbage that is not a fairy.

But today, Master Xuan Xuan is very unhappy, very unhappy.

Therefore, in the face of Ouyang Ye who teased herself to play with women, the young Master Xuan Xuan was furious.

Originally he wanted to slap, and beat Ouyang Ye on the spot.

In such a crisis situation, Ouyang Ye cannot naturally lead to death.

So at the last critical moment, Ouyang Ye jumped out directly and introduced his girlfriend, boasting of smallpox, and wanted to introduce her to Qingxuan Gongzi to know and enjoy.

As expected, the young Master Xuan Xuan, after hearing Ouyang Ye's words, gradually dissipated the anger that had just been born.

So Young Master Xuan asked Ouyang Ye to take his girlfriend to the hotel, and then went to the box alone to rest.

It is because this is related to one's own life, so after getting the order of Qingxuan son, Ouyang Ye will be so frizzy and uneasy.

So when he was knocked down, he immediately jumped up and pointed at his own humanity: "I do n’t care who you are. In short, the uncle is in a bad mood. Hurry up and apologize to Lao Tzu. Do n’t blame Grandpa, I ’m welcome. "

"Let me apologize to you?"

The man who knocked Ouyang Ye into the air, after hearing Ou Yangye's words, could not help but sneer: "I have the ability, you are telling me again."


Ouyang Ye just got angry, and taught the other party fiercely.

But just as he was preparing to do it, he found that Baidie stood up and said, "Don't do it, that's my father."

"your dad?"

Ouyang Ye was forced, and saw him pointing at Bai Zhishan Road: "Aren't your father missing?"

"It's leaving home, not missing."

Bai Die smiled bitterly: "My dad had a little trouble with my mom, and he left alone. This time I got a message from my mom, so I drove back from the field deliberately to prepare for our wedding."

"Uncle, uncle ..."

Ouyang Ye heard Bai Die's words and looked at Bai Zhishan on the opposite side. She couldn't help but look a little unsightly, but she couldn't help it.

Because he also heard Bai Zhishan's nickname, it was a mixed ball under a fairy, and everything could be done. He Ouyang Ye was not Bai Zhishan's opponent.

Just as he was preparing for lascivious development, he saw Bai Zhishan staring at him, and then said to his daughter: "Little Butterfly, what is this waste, what is he doing at our house?"

"Dad, he is not a waste, he is my boyfriend."

When Baidie heard his father's words, she suddenly had some dissatisfaction: "We are already discussing the matter of getting married."

"Marry, am I allowed?"

Bai Zhishan said angrily on the spot: "Do you two mothers still treat me as the head of the family? You have such a big marriage, I don't discuss it with the old man, do you want to notify me casually and you're done?"

"Discuss, what do you discuss with you?"

Hearing Bai Zhishan ’s words, Bai Die ’s mother walked out of the crowd and said, “The old lady would have been your husband, and Bai Die would n’t have your father. If you were n’t afraid that Fluttershy would get married, you might be afraid of not being on the scene If it ’s too good-looking, we wo n’t comrade you old bastard. ”

"To shut up."

Bai Zhishan's face was a bit ugly. I saw his voice reverberating with spells. "Laozi didn't come back for a while. Do you want to go to the house to uncover tiles?"


Hearing Bai Zhishan's words, Bai Die's mother couldn't help shivering: "You broke through?"

"of course."

Originally, Bai Zhishan was similar to his own mother-in-law, so she was suppressed by her mother-in-law everywhere.

But now it is different. He has broken through the previous realm and has reached the realm of scattered fairy, which is far from his mother-in-law.

Under such circumstances, Bai Zhishan said with a smug face: "Laozi is the head of the family. In the future, the family will be subject to the permission of Laozi, otherwise don't blame Laozi's family law."

"you are vicious……"

Hearing Bai Zhishan's instructions, Bai Die's mother sneered, then turned around and returned to the house. Obviously, she didn't plan to take care of the matter anymore, leaving Bai Die alone.

Under such circumstances, Ouyang Ye stood up in embarrassment and said: "Uncle, everything else is easy to say, but now Baidie and I are working, so please give me a way, let us go to the restaurant to finish the work first. Say more. "


Did not hear the word restaurant, Bai Zhishan looked better.

When he heard the word "restaurant", his face suddenly became very ugly. I saw him pointing his finger at Ouyang Ye said: "What work do you work in a restaurant?"

"Head of the first floor."

"How about my daughter?"

"Wine attendant."

"So what do you let my daughter do now?"

"Accompany wine!"


Ouyang Ye said it was natural, but it fell in Bai Zhishan's ear as if he was hitting his face.

So Bai Zhishan who didn't hold back ~ ~ directly slaps his hand.

Ouyang was puzzled and asked, "Uncle, what are you doing with me?"

"It's light to hit you. It's good if I didn't kill you."

Bai Zhishan said dissatisfiedly: "As a man, is it ridiculous for her future woman to accompany her to drink?"


Ouyang Ye wanted to defend himself, but was directly interrupted by Bai Zhishan: "Okay, you do n’t have to say anything. In short, leave me now. Do n’t try to be with my daughter from now on."

"you are vicious."

Hearing Bai Zhishan ’s words, Ouyang Ye said dissatisfiedly: “But you can break up with us, but today Fluttershy has to accompany me to see Master Xuan Xuan. . "

Bai Zhishan said dissatisfiedly: "Who is Master Qingxuan?"

"Qing Xuan Shang Xian."

Ouyang Ye sneered: "That's a big man, and he's also a genius student at Shenxian Academy. If you can let me Fluttershy go with me, please please Qingxuan Shangxian, your Bai family is in the vast city, no It can be regarded as a famous name by calling wind and rain. On the contrary, if you offend Qingxuan son, then the vast city will never have your white house. "


Hearing Ouyang Ye's words, the identity and background of Young Master Xuan emerged in Bai Zhishan's mind, and his face became very embarrassed.

Just after he considered waiting for the matter to end, he moved directly away from the vast city.

Ye Xiaohu, who stood for a long time, actually took a step forward in the surprised eyes of Bai Zhishan, and reached out and hit the Ouyang Ye's cheek hard: "Remember, the person who hit you is called Ye Xiaohu. , You can go back and tell the master behind you that he has the trouble to come to me. "

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