Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1177: : I am waiting for him here

Ye Xiaohu is not a reckless man, so he has a reason to shoot.

Because the other party is Qingxuan son.

This title is estimated to be used by only one person in Immortal Realm, that is Qingxuan Shangxian behind Kong Zhiyi.

So Ye Xiaohu, who originally watched the movie, didn't hesitate when he heard Master Qingxuan.

On the one hand, he has a good relationship with Bai Zhishan. On the one hand, he has hatred with Master Qingxuan, so even if he teaches Master Qingxuan's running dog again, it's no big deal. Anyway, there is more debt.

"You wait, you all wait for me."

Ouyang Ye roared, then turned around and ran to: "When the young Master Xuan arrives, I see what you do."

Ouyang Ye left.

The Bai family remained silent, and Ye Xiaohu was no longer talking, because he knew that it was Bai family's family affairs next.


However, the first person to speak up was naturally the white butterfly that was the hardest hit.

Happy first, then sad.

It was supposed to be a good day to celebrate, and Nai Cheng thought that his dad had beaten up his boyfriend, and the two sides were in trouble.

And her boyfriend, fiance ... not only wanted to drink with another man, but also wanted to let herself sleep with her, which made Bai Die completely desperate, so she turned to lie in the arms of her mother, sending painful Wailing, obviously she could not accept this fact.

"Good girl, your mother will definitely find a better husband for you."

Baidie's mother held out her hand and patted her daughter who had lived for many years.

Suddenly raised his head and released his cold eyes, staring at Bai Zhishan and Ye Xiaohudao, "I didn't meet in four or five years, I didn't expect you Bai Zhishan, still such a reckless man."

"Even if you really see that there is a problem with Ouyang Ye, then you should refrain from making a decision and moving forward, looking for a suitable solution, rather than breaking into conflict with him on the spot."

Seeing his daughter-in-law, she coldly reprimanded herself, and Bai Zhishan said dissatisfiedly: "Fart, do I look at my daughter with my eyes open, so that the son of Qingxuan can not be rude?

"That was the result of your cranky thoughts. Maybe Qing Xuan really wanted to let Fluttershy accompany the drink?"

Bai Zhishan's wife glared at him, and then said seriously again: "But no matter what, everything is too late now, and things have happened completely, so we must think of a way to solve this problem. Yes, otherwise it will be difficult for our family to settle down in the future. "

"How to deal with it?"

Bai Zhishan frowned: "Do you have any good solutions?"


"any solution?"

"The first way is to directly blame and ask your guilt, and send your friend to the door to let Qingxuan son relieve his anger. If he is relieved, then he may pass our family."

"Fart, Lao Tzu will never betray his friends, not to mention Qing Xuan's son is relieved, and it may not necessarily let you go."

"Since the first one doesn't work, then you can only take care of the relationship and see if you can persuade each other to give up your previous grudges."

"Nevertheless, as far as I know, the son of Qingxuan is behind the tribe of the ancient ancient fairy. Although it belongs to the eliminated tributary, it is after all a descendant of the ancient ancient fairy. No one will be for our family. And offended Young Master Xuan Xuan. "

"The one on the left will not work, the one on the right will not work. Do we have to confess guilt and wait for Mr. Qingxuan to come and trouble us?"

"Yes, they can't wait for them to come to the door."

Seeing his wife's announcement, Bai Zhishan didn't panic, or was afraid, but his eyes lit up.

I saw him walking back and forth a few steps, and then said to his wife and daughter: "I come back this time, in addition to attending the wedding of my daughter, I also want to take you to Mingyue City. The original plan was to delay for a while. , But since there was something about Master Qingxuan, would n’t it be better for our family to leave in a flying monster? "

"How easy is it to leave?"

Which wife wanted Bai Zhishan's wife, still shook her head and said: "The flying monster is good, but the other party is a fairy. The fairy does not say that he can travel thousands of miles a day, but there is no problem catching up with you and me, let alone just like you As said, the power behind Master Qingxuan is so huge, how can you and I be his opponents? "

"I am the top beam in the house. Since I am so troublesome, I will get down, and your mother and daughter will leave quickly."

Bai Zhishan thought for a moment and felt that his wife was right.

If you want the whole family to leave, there is absolutely no possibility.

But if he stays, and everything is taken care of, maybe the anger of Young Master Xuan Xuan will dissipate, and he will not even go to the trouble of the mother and daughter of White Butterfly.

After having this idea, Bai Zhishan immediately calmed down and said: "Yes, just do it, your mother and daughter will go quickly."

Bai Zhishan handed over what he brought back from ~ ~ to Bai Diedao: "In my space implement, there was originally a Shuang Yuan Dan, but I gave it to you as a wedding gift. But now It is estimated that the father will not be able to wait for you to get married, so give this immortal medicine to you first, as my farewell gift! "


Hearing his father's words, Bai Die made a painful voice.

Hugging his wife, Bai Zhishan, at this moment also tearful.

"Hurry up, stop wasting time."

Bai Zhishan pushed his wife and daughter away, and said very manly: "Otherwise, if Master Qingxuan really refuses to breathe his anger, then neither of you mother and daughter can go."

The family died together.

Bai Zhishan was left alone, and their mother and daughter survived.

This is a multiple choice question.

But most people knew how to choose, so Bai Zhishan's family embraced three people together.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun couldn't help but also fell down and looked at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Shangxian, do you see?"

"Needless to say, I know what to do."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then stepped forward, patting Bai Zhishan's shoulder and saying, "Okay, your family doesn't need to continue crying, hurry to pack up the surname Li, and leave together."

"I can't leave."

Bai Zhishan shook his head and said: "If I leave, then it will make Master Qingxuan more angry. At that time, we live in darkness every day, and we dare not breathe. In such days, I don't want my family to experience it."

"Relax, Master Xuan Xuan will not embarrass you."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then pulled a chair alone, and sat in front of Bai Zhishan and others, sitting on the chair and looking at the doorway: "I am waiting for him at this place, responsible for handling and remediating you."

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