Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1182: : Investigate Ye Xiaohu's Identity

"Damn, it's so abominable."

"How could he be so powerful as a foreigner?"

"I clearly showed that the family was out of school, why is it still not his opponent?"

"What profound skill did he perform, and why is it so powerful that he can crack my unique skills in one move?"

Qingxuan couldn't figure it out.

In his memory, no one generation is his opponent.

But today he faced a fairy who was smaller than him, not only defeated, but also defeated in such shame, which made Qing Xuan difficult to be the same.

So after returning to his Beppu, Qingxuan immediately smashed a scum in the house to vent his dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the door creaked and there was a noise.

Immediately followed by a rather female voice: "You said he cracked your stern school?"


Hearing that someone disobeyed his orders, he not only pushed open the door and walked in, but also spoke in such a high-profile manner, asking him if Ye Xiaohu defeated himself with one move.

This made Qing Xuan's face black, and said furiously on the spot: "Go away, get out, I didn't let you in, you come in and do ..."

Originally, Qing Xuan wanted to scold the people behind him. He Chengxiang just turned around, and before he finished speaking, he saw a face that made him fear.

"Qing, Brother Qinglong, how did you get out?"

Qingxuan suddenly saw Qinglong and couldn't help but look black.

Because they are all grown up under the aura of Qinglong genius, they can feel a little pressure when facing Qinglong.

Even when talking, there are some lags.

Under such circumstances, Qinglong walked in and frowned: "Clean your room, I have something to ask you."


Qingxuan glanced at Qinglong, then stared at Qingyu again.

He knew that Qinglong came to find him, so it must be for what happened today, and it must be the case of Qingyu, otherwise Qinglong could not know the ins and outs of this matter.

But now he has no time to tangle this problem, because Qinglong has already killed himself, so Qingxuan smiled and used his mana directly to directly destroy the excess and messy things in the room. And use a breath of fairy air to blow away.

In this way, there was no more clutter in the room.

Under such circumstances, Qinglong only felt a little comfortable: "Qingxuan, I heard Qingyu say you lost to a stranger, but he didn't make it clear how you were defeated, so please trouble with me personally Say it for a while. "


Sure enough, Sapphire sued, and Qing Xuan secretly took this matter in his heart, waiting for future revenge.

But on the surface Qing Xuan, still politely replied: "The situation at that time was that the younger brother performed the Aoki Dragon Slash, according to previous experience, it should be unfavorable, and when I exhibited the Aoki Dragon Slash, I did not receive any interference. But the opponent only took a dead branch and cast a small routine, which broke my Aoki Dragon Slash, and stabbed me with a sword. "

In order to prove what he said, Qing Xuan also took off his clothes, revealing signs of injury inside.

"It seems he is stronger than I expected."

I saw Qinglong put away the initial contempt, and became cautious: "So, Qingyu, you play the role of Qingxuan, and cast the Aoki Dragon Slash, Qingxuan, you let me take a look at the opponent's routine. ,What exactly is going on."

Sapphire is not willing, after all, he is not Qing Xuan's opponent.

And he also saw just now that Qing Xuan's eyes at this moment had an unpleasant taste.

But he couldn't refuse Qinglong, so he could only stick on his scalp.

Under such circumstances, he nodded and walked out, and picked up a branch, cast the Aoki Dragon Slash, and slashed it to Qingxuan.

Of course, this is not a life-and-death battle, so Sapphire uses very little mana and does not hurt at all.

"Brother Qinglong, you looked at it at the time, he was such a trick to crack my Aoki Dragon Slash."

Originally Qingxuan has been looking for opportunities, why teach sapphires.

As a result, Qinglong took the initiative to come up with such a proposal, and couldn't help but be immediately happy.

I saw him sneer, and then released a terrifying sword spirit, according to Ye Xiaohu's action at the time, a sword cracked the sword of Qingyu, and hit him hard.


Strictly beaten by Qing Xuan, Sapphire's face was ugly, and he wanted to trouble Qing Xuan.

But it was stopped by Qinglong, and Qinglong asked Qingxuan Tao again: "Are you sure that the trick you just played did not have any problems?"

"No, absolutely 100% simulation."

After recalling it, Qing Xuan immediately said: "But the specific use of mana is not clear to me."

"its not right!"

"Such a mystery ~ ~ Although it has the effect of cracking the Aoki Dragon Slash, it is not really successful. There must be some problems in it, but we have not found the problem."

After Qinglong mumbled alone for a while, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Qingxuan Dao: "I need some time to digest this mystery and study how it cracks the Aoki Dragon Slash. In the process, I do n’t want to be cut Excuse me, so I temporarily requisitioned your mansion. "


Qing Xuan naturally refused to be requisitioned by Qinglong, so he directly and generously said: "Brother Qinglong, when you want to use it, then you will use everything."


Qinglong nodded and approved Qingxuan ’s words: “But during this time, I also assigned you a task to investigate clearly, what kind of person and where did this outsider who cast the secret method come from? What kind of exercises you will practice, what you are about to do. In this way, after I get out of the customs, I can find him to get revenge. "

"Relax, this matter is on me."

Qing Xuan smiled with pride: "Then the younger brother will not disturb Qinglong, you are closed."

"Well, you go!"

Qinglong directly occupied Qingxuan's place and delivered guests as the master.

But Qing Xuan did not have any dissatisfaction, but instead left with a jade smile.


Early next morning.

Lu Jun just got up, Ye Xiaohu had already prepared the meal.

Lu Jun did not say much. He knew it was time to separate from Ye Xiaohu, so he silently finished his meal and returned to his room to pick up his luggage.

When he packed his bags, Ye Xiaohu walked with a jade jade and handed it to Lu Jundao: "I made all of your fortunes in this jade jade. You should leave after you refine the jade jade!"

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